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Last active May 15, 2016 20:06
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# two implementations of a function to bump an R package version, given the package name/directory
# implementation 1 uses read/write.dcf, but changes lines unnecessarily, even though
# we use the keep.white option.
bump0 <- function(pkg){
desc <- file.path(pkg, "DESCRIPTION")
dcf <- read.dcf(desc) # once without keeping whitespace
dcf <- read.dcf(desc, keep.white=colnames(dcf))
vers <- package_version(dcf[,'Version'])
vers[1,3] <- (as.integer(vers[1,3])+1)
dcf[, "Version"] <- as.character(vers)
write.dcf(dcf, desc, keep.white=colnames(dcf))
# implementation 2 should not change anything except the version number,
# unless the DESCRIPTION file has windows line endings, in which case they
# are all changed.
bump <- function(pkg)
desc <- file.path(pkg, "DESCRIPTION")
lines <- readLines(desc)
version_idx <- grep("^Version: ", lines)
version_line <- lines[version_idx]
version_line <- sub("^Version: ", "", version_line)
version_line <- trimws(version_line)
vers <- package_version(version_line)
vers[1,3] <- (as.integer(vers[1,3])+1)
lines[version_idx] <- sprintf("Version: %s", as.character(vers))
cat(lines, file=desc, sep="\n")
# Determine which packages need to be bumped:
# grep -l "VignetteBuilder:.*knitr" */DESCRIPTION | cut -d / -f 1 | sort | uniq > o1
# grep -l "VignetteEngine{ *knitr" */vignettes/* | cut -d / -f 1 | sort | uniq > o2
# cat o1 o2 |sort|uniq > o3 # o3 is the list of packages that need to be bumped
# bumpme <- readLines("o3")
bump.all <- function(pkgsToBump, manifestFile)
mf <- readLines(manifestFile)
mf <- mf[grep("^Package: ", mf)]
mf <- gsub("^Package: ", "", mf)
pkgsToBump <- pkgsToBump[pkgsToBump %in% mf]
x <- lapply(pkgsToBump, bump)
# usage:
# bump.all(pkgsToBump, manifestFile)
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