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Last active March 7, 2019 19:59
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List of terms for TC-53 Lexicon

TC-53 Terms

[ ] Application (Apps for things) [ ] IOCP (The I/O Class Pattern) [ ] Pre-Bound
[ ] Built-in [ ] ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 [ ] Protocol
[ ] Data Accuracy [ ] I/O Class Pattern [ ] Provider
[ ] Data Provenance [ ] JSR 287 [ ] Remote Code Execution
[ ] Data Timeliness [ ] Low-level API (Words to avoid) [ ] Sleepability
[ ] Data Trustworthiness [ ] Maximally minimal [ ] Specialized Object Interface
[ ] Division of concerns [ ] Meta-operations [ ] Third-Party Libraries
[ ] Fire-and-forget [ ] Normative [ ] Tri-State Medium
[ ] High-level API (Words to avoid) [ ] onReadable [ ] W3C Sensor API
[ ] Higher order I/O classes [ ] onWriteFailed [ ] Wake-ability
[ ] Implementor [ ] onWriteFinished [ ] Web Things
[ ] Implicit ordering [ ] Paving a cow path

Embedded/Hardware Terms

[ ] 1-wire [ ] Firmata [ ] Pull down resistor
[ ] Actuator [ ] GPIO [ ] Pull up resisitor
[ ] Address [ ] GPIO Extender [ ] Raw Socket
[ ] Analog [ ] I2C [ ] Register
[ ] Arduino [ ] i2c Master (sub Controller?) [ ] RAM
[ ] Bank access [ ] i2c Slave (sub Worker?) [ ] ROM
[ ] Baud Rate [ ] Impedance [ ] Sensor
[ ] Binary [ ] Implantable [ ] Serial
[ ] Bluetooth [ ] Input [ ] Servo
[ ] Buffer [ ] Interrupt [ ] Single Board Computer (SBC)
[ ] Bus [ ] JTAG [ ] Sleep
[ ] Button [ ] Long Poll [ ] Sleep Modes
[ ] CANbus [ ] Microcontroller [ ] Slow Poll
[ ] Clock [ ] MCU [ ] SPI
[ ] Clock Signal [ ] Output [ ] Stepper
[ ] Co-processor [ ] Pin bank [ ] TCP
[ ] Current [ ] Pin bus [ ] TCP Socket
[ ] Digital [ ] Processor [ ] UART
[ ] Driver [ ] Pull-up resistor [ ] UDP
[ ] Embedded Devices [ ] PWM [ ] UDP Socket
[ ] Expander [ ] Polling [ ] Wearable

ECMAScript Terms

[ ] Arguments [ ] Extends [ ] Promise
[ ] Asynchronous [ ] Extensibility [ ] Pure (SES) No mutable State
[ ] Binding [ ] Framework [ ] Purifiable: Pure if hardened
[ ] Blocking [ ] Function [ ] Reflection
[ ] Buffer [ ] Harden (SES) Tamper-proof API surface [ ] SES
[ ] Buffering data proxy [ ] Host [ ] Shared memory
[ ] Byte [ ] Immutability [ ] Singleton
[ ] Callback [ ] Import [ ] Single-threaded
[ ] Class [ ] Instance [ ] Subclass
[ ] Closure [ ] Instantiate [ ] Synchronous
[ ] Compartments [ ] Jessica [ ] Tasks (W3C Tasks)
[ ] Composable [ ] Jessie [ ] Test-262
[ ] Constructor [ ] Jobs [ ] Tiny-SES
[ ] Cryptographic Functions [ ] JSON [ ] Thread
[ ] Deep Freeze (XS) [ ] Method [ ] Trusted Code
[ ] Dependency Injection [ ] Mixin [ ] TypeScript
[ ] ECMAScript [ ] Module [ ] Unit Tests
[ ] Encapsulation [ ] Mutability [ ] Untrusted code
[ ] Enumeration [ ] Native bind [ ] Web Worker
[ ] ES-Strict [ ] Non-blocking I/O [ ] Worker
[ ] Events [ ] Parameter
[ ] EventTarget [ ] Polymorphic

Other Terms

[ ] Annex B [ ] Extensible Web Manifesto [ ] Platform
[ ] API [ ] Fixed function hardware [ ] Precompile
[ ] Boot [ ] Glyph [ ] Primitives
[ ] Buffered Value [ ] Glyph ID [ ] Primoridals
[ ] C [ ] HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) [ ] Procedural Hardware Interface
[ ] Chain mail [ ] Interoperable implementations [ ] Product Manufacturer
[ ] Cloud [ ] IoT [ ] Python
[ ] Compile Time [ ] Ligature [ ] Run Time
[ ] Configuration [ ] Manifest (manifest.json) [ ] Silicon Provider
[ ] Deoptimization [ ] Membrane Library [ ] Symbolic Execution
[ ] Device Profiles [ ] Over the Air (OTA) Updates [ ] UTF-8
[ ] Diagnostic Hooks [ ] Partial Execution [ ] Web Platform
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