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Created June 5, 2012 19:08
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Fedora RPG: IRC transcript #1
Any questions about this interaction, or any requests for clarification can be directed to oddshocks.
14:13:29 < oddshocks> I am about to caption stuff that SJ says
14:13:37 < francis-game> okay
14:13:37 < oddshocks> as per his request
14:13:45 < francis-game> thanks
14:13:48 < oddshocks> No problem!
14:14:08 < oddshocks> Good thing that we have a lot of activity in the Google Doc
14:14:32 < oddshocks> At the moment, we have 5 hours worth of stubs. Links to shit
people have written
14:14:39 < oddshocks> That's the first baby step. Awesome.
14:14:53 < oddshocks> He wants to be clear about what he means by a research report
14:15:15 < oddshocks> A research paper should address his questions. Several pages
per question
14:15:38 < oddshocks> Think of every question as a detailed, documented, cited
essay, all on its own
14:15:54 < oddshocks> We write those, and to write those, everyone needs to READ
what they put in the doc
14:16:03 < oddshocks> There's a day or so left of "looking around"
14:16:41 < oddshocks> has a lot of undergraduate and masters
papers, probably some on some of the questions we have to
14:16:57 < oddshocks> when you look at those papers, you will see that they have
cited other papers that they have read/used
14:17:17 < oddshocks> there should probably be 0.5-1 days more of finding stuff,
then there should be reading, then there should be discussion
14:17:47 < oddshocks> Either everyone reads everything (best option), or person X
takes papers Y-Z, person J takes papers K-L, then present
what you learned to the rest of the group
14:18:52 < oddshocks> [[he's looking something up related to tomorrow]]
14:19:55 < oddshocks> We're going to look over what we have, divide up the topic
areas, and have presentations by people at 3 PM tomorrow
14:20:07 < oddshocks> These presentations are on what you've found so far, and
then we will discuss
14:20:33 < oddshocks> Presentations should be...
14:20:42 < oddshocks> [[ajman is asking how verbose the paper should be]]
14:21:24 < oddshocks> We're looking at 2-3 pages for a topic, and we'll divide
presentation time up... probably about 5 minutes per person
14:22:11 < oddshocks> [[I just asked if the fossbot keeps IRC logs, turns out it
only does if you tell it a meeting is started (just an
unrelated question I asked)
14:22:31 < francis-game> my client logs IRC
14:22:34 < oddshocks> SJ is talking to Red Hat on Friday, so that's our first
checkpoint so to speak
14:22:48 < francis-game> and the user, haly, is my PC, it's logging everything
24/7 basically
14:22:52 < oddshocks> awesome. I just wanted to get the logs to Piper and Tim if
they're not in channel right now
14:23:08 < oddshocks> francis-game: oh, cool, a bouncer. right on. good to hear.
14:23:35 < oddshocks> [[They're talking about the Zombies, Run! game we mentioned
in the doc]]
14:23:44 < oddshocks> [[Explaining the game to Remy]]
14:25:11 < oddshocks> [[Discussion is currently on how we're going to be looking
at a few games and perhaps playing some, such as Runescape
and EVE to explore economies at two different ends of the
14:25:41 < francis-game> i could give a quick rundown on eve if need be, i played
it for a year or so
14:25:42 < oddshocks> Things are starting to come together with the doc, tomorrow
we'll have stronger footing after presentations and we can
see where we are
14:26:37 < oddshocks> they said "perfect", "excellent", you can be our EVE guy.
that's for next week though
14:26:49 < oddshocks> Next week is playing games, getting experience with games
that are doing what we're looking for
14:27:08 < oddshocks> When SJ gets back next week, he will have had a discussion
with Red Hat, then we'll start thinking about gameplay.
14:27:59 < oddshocks> 1. If their intention is to teach open source, that's a
smaller project, or a smaller part of our project, perhaps
part of the tutorial levels, but it gets clunky
14:28:07 < oddshocks> and those two already know open source stuff will be bored
14:28:17 < oddshocks> So we have an issue with the variability of our player base
14:28:42 < oddshocks> So, SJ is hoping to get from Red Hat: Priorities. We need to
know what they care about most
14:28:51 < oddshocks> if they're really set on a "hackable" world, then it's not
an RPG
14:29:08 < oddshocks> you can give players more powers for being better
contributors, but you can't have an RPG that's hackable, or
everything breaks
14:29:30 < oddshocks> [[ajman is saying you'd have to get an instance, everyone
14:30:49 < francis-game> what if we or the developers purposefully introduce
inefficiencies into the game engine
14:31:01 < francis-game> the hacking part would be correcting these inefficiencies
to make their charatcer run better
14:31:30 < francis-game> example you have spell A that does something and has a
complicated loop system to calculate its damage
14:31:41 < francis-game> the hacking component would be the optimization of this
14:31:44 < oddshocks> [[We're talking about what interaction has been had with Red
Hat. Aparently there have been some mis-sending of
information, SJ did not mean to really bring out much about
gameplay and start discussion about that. He wants to focus
on this research and getting prepared to make a prototype]]
14:31:57 < francis-game> ah i see
14:33:24 < oddshocks> SJ says to you: "Francis, you can back me up on this or not,
but there was a time in EVE where leveling up was based
largely on how much time you spent in the game. Mostly about
how long you were in a certain class or something?"
14:33:45 < oddshocks> francis-game: as far as the hacking part goes, it looks like
they don't want to focus too much on that right now
14:33:52 < francis-game> it still is
14:34:02 < francis-game> the game is classless, you get to choose what skills you
want to train
14:34:04 < oddshocks> They said "okay, gotcha"
14:34:27 < francis-game> at character creation you could choose a prebuilt set of
skills but really all it did was to give new pilots a
starting point and to add some flavor to the world
14:34:49 < oddshocks> "Yup." "Okay."
14:35:13 < oddshocks> [[They're talking about montization and profit a little]]
14:35:40 < oddshocks> SJ says he thinks that's what he's got for now. That's what
the next couple of weeks look like.
14:35:58 < oddshocks> ajman is bringing up ways to hook in out-of-game stuff,
ideas we might be able to throw at Red Hat
14:36:09 < oddshocks> give them some ideas about how they can hook in, say
14:36:18 < oddshocks> SJ says that's for after we come back next week.
14:36:30 < francis-game> there would need to be some kind of convenient plugin to
identify users and link them with their fedorarpg account
14:36:41 < oddshocks> SJ wants to avoid throwing gameplay ideas at them for now
14:37:01 < oddshocks> "Yes, absolutely."
14:37:11 < oddshocks> "There are already a number of badging systems out there"
14:37:17 < oddshocks> "that look at things like your Git repo and other things"
14:37:31 < oddshocks> Remy: "Might just be OpenID, and you can use the fedora
account system to get into it"
14:37:40 < oddshocks> SJ: "Our job is picking what we want to use for that
14:37:41 < oddshocks> "
14:37:50 < oddshocks> This is something we'd look at eventually
14:38:09 < oddshocks> SJ suggests everyone keeps a scratch file of ideas that you
have now, so that we can bring them up when the time comes
14:38:24 < oddshocks> Remy has one for the scratch file: "There's a game called
Distro Tycoon. That's all I'm going to say."
14:38:29 < oddshocks> [[SJ asked for more]]
14:39:00 < oddshocks> Remy says, "You get to make decisions about the distro, etc.
Nate knows more about it. Nate has a copy, too.
14:39:21 < oddshocks> [[They have added that to their list of games to look at]]
14:40:15 < oddshocks> SJ: "Anybody have any questions?"
14:40:22 < oddshocks> francis-game: any questions/comments?
14:41:22 < francis-game> no i'm fine
14:41:26 < oddshocks> [[The discussion is pretty much over. Just small talk and
minor points about the research fellowship.]]
14:41:29 < oddshocks> Okay, cool.
14:42:13 < ajman> alright guys let's figure out whose doing what
14:42:27 < ajman> determine by question #
14:42:35 < oddshocks> Okay, well I figure we take whatever we worked on most..
14:42:48 < oddshocks> so for me that'd be UGC. I can cover the UGC section and the
implications of that
14:42:51 < ajman> letter
14:42:55 < oddshocks> right, sorry
14:42:56 < oddshocks> uhgm
14:43:41 < oddshocks> Okay, so I am taking B and C then
14:44:07 < ajman> what about you francis?
14:45:41 < francis-game> im still working on A
14:45:50 < francis-game> guess it's essay writing time
14:46:18 < francis-game> i think we should label the sections by the letters for
easy perusal maybe?
14:47:52 < oddshocks> francis-game: a worthy idea, however I have mixed some
14:48:06 < oddshocks> for instance, B and C are basically the same section
14:48:35 < oddshocks> francis-game: So are you going to take charge of A then?
14:48:56 < francis-game> yeah, i guess
14:48:58 < oddshocks> Cool.
14:51:52 < oddshocks> Sent out invitations to scratch doc. Make sure you get in on
14:52:03 < oddshocks> For the record, Tim is taking F.
14:52:15 < oddshocks> I'm making another doc for the writeups
14:57:45 < oddshocks> Sent out invitations to essay doc.
14:58:19 < oddshocks> Fair warning: I may have sent one email to one of your
addresses and the second invite to another. Generally I
treid to use non-rit accounts when available, but if you're
missing an invite, check your other inbox.
14:58:27 < francis-game> i don't think the scratch doc is shared
14:58:41 < francis-game> at least, I can't edit it
14:59:03 < oddshocks> francis-game: i sent an invite to your other account just now
14:59:10 < oddshocks> francis-game: originally i sent the invite to your RIT
14:59:12 < francis-game> okay
14:59:29 < oddshocks> francis-game: can you edit now?
14:59:38 < francis-game> got it yes
14:59:42 < oddshocks> rockin'.
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