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bnrubin / config.json
Last active April 10, 2019 23:26
K-Type Config - Fingerprints + Red Outer Flash
"header": {
"Variant": "standard",
"Generator": "NONE",
"Base": "Base",
"Date": "2017-10-13",
"KLL": "0.5c",
"Author": "jbondeson (Jeremy Bondeson) 2017",
"Version": "0.2",
"Name": "KType",
btroncone /
Last active June 26, 2024 08:27
A Comprehensive Introduction to @ngrx/store - Companion to Series

Comprehensive Introduction to @ngrx/store

By: @BTroncone

Also check out my lesson @ngrx/store in 10 minutes on!

Update: Non-middleware examples have been updated to ngrx/store v2. More coming soon!

Table of Contents

boennemann /
Last active March 30, 2021 23:00
Pushing new releases of a legacy version with semantic-release

If you have a package where a lot of people are still using a legacy version of it you might want to keep pushing (security-)fixes to that "branch".

Let's say the "latest" version of your package is "5.4.0", but there is as significant amount of people still using "4.7.4" – the last version you released before doing "5.0.0".

You found a critical bug in "5.4.0" and push it as out as "5.4.1", but it applies to "4.7.4" as well and so you want to do "4.7.5".

Assuming you have semantic-release already set up, you can follow these steps to get that "4.7.5" legacy support release out.

  1. Go to the relevant commit: git checkout v4.7.4
  2. Create a new branch from it: git checkout -b 4.x (You can choose any branch name, just make sure to use the same in step 3)
PurpleBooth /
Last active July 25, 2024 13:33
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


joerx / index.js
Last active May 17, 2023 12:58
Mocking S3 in Node.js using Sinon
var Aws = require('aws-sdk');
var sinon = require('sinon');
// Only works for 'createBucket', 'update' and a few others since most API methods are generated dynamically
// upon instantiation. Very counterintuitive, thanks Amazon!
var createBucket = sinon.stub(Aws.S3.prototype, 'createBucket');
createBucket.yields(null, 'Me create bucket');
// For other methods, we can 'assign' the stubs to the proto, already defined function won't be overridden
var listBuckets = Aws.S3.prototype.listBuckets = sinon.stub();
mshwery / app.js
Last active May 6, 2024 05:27
Gulp + Browserify + requiring .html templates + Knockout web components
var ko = require('knockout');
ko.components.register('simple-name', require('./components/simple-name/simple-name.js'));
ko.applyBindings({ userName: ko.observable() });
dtateii / Package up an FTP Deployment
Last active April 21, 2016 20:45
Recursively copy changed files between two Git tags (or commits) to another location.
git diff --name-only v0.3 v0.4 | xargs -I{} rsync -Rv "{}" ~/Desktop/destination-dir/
squallstar / Gruntfile.js
Last active January 10, 2016 11:10
Retina images with Grunt
//Grunt Spritesmith plugin
sprite: {
build: {
src: ['src/img/sprite/*.png'],
destImg: 'build/img/s-' + timestamp + '.png',
destCSS: 'src/scss/common/sprite.scss',
imgPath: '../img/s-' + timestamp + '.png',
algorithm: 'binary-tree',
engine: 'gm',
'engineOpts': {
dypsilon /
Last active July 7, 2024 19:32
A badass list of frontend development resources I collected over time.
williamdodson / placeholder.scss
Last active December 18, 2015 12:48
A Sass mixin to easily style placeholder text
// placeholder styling (use: @include placeholder(#e5e5e5);)
@mixin placeholder($color){
&::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: $color;
&:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox < 18 */
color: $color;
opacity: 1;
&::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox >= 19 */