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Last active August 5, 2019 20:24
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Reactive Hangman Kata in TypeScript + RxJS —
import * as Immutable from 'immutable'
import * as rxjs from 'rxjs'
import { scan, startWith, map } from 'rxjs/operators'
export function reactiveHangman(
secretWord: string,
letters: rxjs.Observable<string>
): rxjs.Observable<Output> {
const initialState = initialize(secretWord)
return letters.pipe(
scan(update, initialState),
export type Output = {
status: Status
selectedLetters: string[]
lifeLeft: number
secretWordLength: number
knownSecretWord: string
type State = {
lifeLeft: number
secretWordLength: number
selectedLetters: Immutable.OrderedSet<string>
remainingSecretLetters: Immutable.Map<string, number[]>
knownSecretWord: string
type Status = 'in-progress' | 'win' | 'lose'
function initialize(secretWord: string): State {
return {
lifeLeft: 7,
secretWordLength: secretWord.length,
selectedLetters: Immutable.OrderedSet(),
remainingSecretLetters: Immutable.Map<string, number[]>().withMutations(
m => {
for (const [index, char] of [...secretWord].entries()) {
if (!m.has(char)) m.set(char, [])
knownSecretWord: '_'.repeat(secretWord.length)
function getStatus(state: State): Status {
return state.remainingSecretLetters.isEmpty()
? 'win'
: state.lifeLeft <= 0
? 'lose'
: 'in-progress'
function update(state: State, guess: string): State {
if (getStatus(state) !== 'in-progress') return state
if (state.selectedLetters.has(guess)) return state
if (!state.remainingSecretLetters.has(guess)) {
return {
lifeLeft: state.lifeLeft - 1,
selectedLetters: state.selectedLetters.add(guess)
// correct guess
const indices = new Set(state.remainingSecretLetters.get(guess))
return {
remainingSecretLetters: state.remainingSecretLetters.delete(guess),
knownSecretWord: [...state.knownSecretWord]
.map((current, i) => (indices.has(i) ? guess : current))
selectedLetters: state.selectedLetters.add(guess)
function exportState(state: State): Output {
return {
status: getStatus(state),
selectedLetters: state.selectedLetters.toArray(),
lifeLeft: state.lifeLeft,
secretWordLength: state.secretWordLength,
knownSecretWord: state.knownSecretWord
import { reactiveHangman } from './Hangman'
import * as rxjs from 'rxjs'
import { toArray } from 'rxjs/operators'
// @ts-ignore
import markdownTable from 'markdown-table'
test('win', async () => {
await OutputList.of(reactiveHangman('bigbear', rxjs.of(...'boigaeyr')))
| status | selectedLetters | lifeLeft | secretWordLength | knownSecretWord |
| ------------- | --------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------- | --------------- |
| "in-progress" | [] | 7 | 7 | "_______" |
| "in-progress" | ["b"] | 7 | 7 | "b__b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o"] | 6 | 7 | "b__b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","i"] | 6 | 7 | "bi_b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","i","g"] | 6 | 7 | "bigb___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","i","g","a"] | 6 | 7 | "bigb_a_" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","i","g","a","e"] | 6 | 7 | "bigbea_" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","i","g","a","e","y"] | 5 | 7 | "bigbea_" |
| "win" | ["b","o","i","g","a","e","y","r"] | 5 | 7 | "bigbear" |
test('lose', async () => {
await OutputList.of(reactiveHangman('bigbear', rxjs.of(...'boaenutzxv')))
| status | selectedLetters | lifeLeft | secretWordLength | knownSecretWord |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------- | --------------- |
| "in-progress" | [] | 7 | 7 | "_______" |
| "in-progress" | ["b"] | 7 | 7 | "b__b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o"] | 6 | 7 | "b__b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","a"] | 6 | 7 | "b__b_a_" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","a","e"] | 6 | 7 | "b__bea_" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","a","e","n"] | 5 | 7 | "b__bea_" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","a","e","n","u"] | 4 | 7 | "b__bea_" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","a","e","n","u","t"] | 3 | 7 | "b__bea_" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","a","e","n","u","t","z"] | 2 | 7 | "b__bea_" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","o","a","e","n","u","t","z","x"] | 1 | 7 | "b__bea_" |
| "lose" | ["b","o","a","e","n","u","t","z","x","v"] | 0 | 7 | "b__bea_" |
test('it ignores duplicated letters', async () => {
expect(await OutputList.of(reactiveHangman('bigbear', rxjs.of(...'bbbqqq'))))
| status | selectedLetters | lifeLeft | secretWordLength | knownSecretWord |
| ------------- | --------------- | -------- | ---------------- | --------------- |
| "in-progress" | [] | 7 | 7 | "_______" |
| "in-progress" | ["b"] | 7 | 7 | "b__b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b"] | 7 | 7 | "b__b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b"] | 7 | 7 | "b__b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","q"] | 6 | 7 | "b__b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","q"] | 6 | 7 | "b__b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","q"] | 6 | 7 | "b__b___" |
test('it stops processing when won', async () => {
await OutputList.of(reactiveHangman('bigbear', rxjs.of(...'bigearzxcv')))
| status | selectedLetters | lifeLeft | secretWordLength | knownSecretWord |
| ------------- | ------------------------- | -------- | ---------------- | --------------- |
| "in-progress" | [] | 7 | 7 | "_______" |
| "in-progress" | ["b"] | 7 | 7 | "b__b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","i"] | 7 | 7 | "bi_b___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","i","g"] | 7 | 7 | "bigb___" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","i","g","e"] | 7 | 7 | "bigbe__" |
| "in-progress" | ["b","i","g","e","a"] | 7 | 7 | "bigbea_" |
| "win" | ["b","i","g","e","a","r"] | 7 | 7 | "bigbear" |
| "win" | ["b","i","g","e","a","r"] | 7 | 7 | "bigbear" |
| "win" | ["b","i","g","e","a","r"] | 7 | 7 | "bigbear" |
| "win" | ["b","i","g","e","a","r"] | 7 | 7 | "bigbear" |
| "win" | ["b","i","g","e","a","r"] | 7 | 7 | "bigbear" |
test('it stops processing when lose', async () => {
await OutputList.of(reactiveHangman('bigbear', rxjs.of(...'qazwsxedcrfv')))
| status | selectedLetters | lifeLeft | secretWordLength | knownSecretWord |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------- | --------------- |
| "in-progress" | [] | 7 | 7 | "_______" |
| "in-progress" | ["q"] | 6 | 7 | "_______" |
| "in-progress" | ["q","a"] | 6 | 7 | "_____a_" |
| "in-progress" | ["q","a","z"] | 5 | 7 | "_____a_" |
| "in-progress" | ["q","a","z","w"] | 4 | 7 | "_____a_" |
| "in-progress" | ["q","a","z","w","s"] | 3 | 7 | "_____a_" |
| "in-progress" | ["q","a","z","w","s","x"] | 2 | 7 | "_____a_" |
| "in-progress" | ["q","a","z","w","s","x","e"] | 2 | 7 | "____ea_" |
| "in-progress" | ["q","a","z","w","s","x","e","d"] | 1 | 7 | "____ea_" |
| "lose" | ["q","a","z","w","s","x","e","d","c"] | 0 | 7 | "____ea_" |
| "lose" | ["q","a","z","w","s","x","e","d","c"] | 0 | 7 | "____ea_" |
| "lose" | ["q","a","z","w","s","x","e","d","c"] | 0 | 7 | "____ea_" |
| "lose" | ["q","a","z","w","s","x","e","d","c"] | 0 | 7 | "____ea_" |
class OutputList {
constructor(public items: any[]) {}
static async of(observable: rxjs.Observable<any>) {
return new this(await observable.pipe(toArray()).toPromise())
test(val) {
return val instanceof OutputList
print(val, serialize, indent) {
const list = (val as OutputList).items
const keys = Object.keys(list[0])
return markdownTable([
keys, any) => => JSON.stringify(o[k])))
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