I'm just trying to guess Aun Jessada’s upcoming song’s name. He’s giving us a hint. So we are brute-forcing all the song names that matches this criteria.
- thaiwordlist.txt: Extracted from the list of 5000 most common type words from Thai National Corpus.
- solve.js is the script to find solutions.
- result.txt is the 1st time result.
- result2.txt is the result after I improved the algorithm after knowing the answer.
Not included (must download to run the script):
— Download from http://www.arts.chula.ac.th/ling/tnc/searchtnc/ under “TNC Trigram”dataset/201705_2gram.txt
— Download from http://www.arts.chula.ac.th/ling/tnc/searchtnc/ under “TNC Bigram”