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Created November 4, 2022 11:06
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const customInspectSymbol = Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')
export type Input<T> = T | Output<T>
export interface Output<T> {
resolveWithContext(ctx: Context): Promise<T>
class OutputImpl<T> implements Output<T> {
private promise?: Promise<T>
private readonly resolver: (ctx: Context) => Promise<T>,
private readonly getDescription: () => string,
) {}
resolveWithContext(ctx: Context): Promise<T> {
this.promise ??= this.resolver(ctx)
return this.promise
toString() {
return `[Output ${this.getDescription()}]`
toJSON() {
return { $output: this.toString() }
[customInspectSymbol](depth: any, options: any, inspect: (a: any) => string) {
return this.toString()
export function defineResourceType<N extends string>(name: N) {
return {
onCreate: <I, R>(handler: ResourceCreateHandler<I, R>) => {
return {
build: <X extends OutputExtractors<R>>(options: {
description?: string | ((input: I) => string)
outputs: X
}): ResourceType<N, I, R, X> => {
const impl = new ResourceTypeImpl<N, I, R, X>(
options.description || '',
return Object.assign((input: I) => impl.create(input), {
export interface ResourceType<
N extends string,
X extends OutputExtractors<R>,
> {
type: N
(input: I): Resource<N, R> & Outputs<X>
class ResourceTypeImpl<N extends string, I, R, X extends OutputExtractors<R>> {
public name: N,
private handler: ResourceCreateHandler<I, R>,
private extractors: X,
private descriptionGenerator: string | ((input: I) => string),
) {}
create(input: I) {
const createResult: OutputImpl<R> = new OutputImpl(
(ctx) => this.handler(ctx, input),
() => resource.toString(),
const resource: ResourceImpl<N, I, R> = new ResourceImpl(,
() =>
typeof this.descriptionGenerator === 'string'
? this.descriptionGenerator
: this.descriptionGenerator(input),
const outputs = {} as any
for (const [key, extractor] of Object.entries(this.extractors)) {
outputs[key] = new OutputImpl<any>(
(ctx) => => extractor(x)),
() => `(${createResult.toString()}).${key}`,
return Object.assign(resource, outputs as Outputs<X>)
export interface Resource<N extends string, R> {
type: N
createResult: OutputImpl<R>
export type ResourceTypeOf<T extends ResourceType<any, any, any, any>> =
T extends ResourceType<infer N, any, infer R, infer X>
? Resource<N, R> & Outputs<X>
: never
class ResourceImpl<N extends string, I, R> implements Resource<N, R> {
public type: N,
private _getDescription: () => string,
private _input: I,
public createResult: OutputImpl<R>,
) {}
toString() {
const description = this._getDescription()
if (!description) return this.type
return '[Resource ' + this.type + ': ' + description + ']'
toJSON() {
return { $resource: this.toString() }
[customInspectSymbol](depth: any, options: any, inspect: (a: any) => string) {
return `[Resource ${this.type}: ${inspect(this._input)}]`
type ResourceCreateHandler<I, R> = (ctx: Context, input: I) => Promise<R>
type OutputExtractors<R> = Record<string, (value: R) => any>
type Outputs<X extends OutputExtractors<any>> = {
[K in keyof X]: Output<Awaited<ReturnType<X[K]>>>
interface Context {
read<T>(input: Input<T>): Promise<T>
export class StageSetter implements Context {
async read<T>(input: Input<T>): Promise<T> {
if (
typeof input !== 'object' ||
!input ||
!('resolveWithContext' in input)
) {
return Promise.resolve(input)
return input.resolveWithContext(this)
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