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Last active October 20, 2020 09:37
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var object = {
increment(){ return ++this.value; }
But of course, even though that value is central to what the object is,
it's not really a _primitive_ value in the sense that we can directly coerce it into a number or string:
Number(object); //-> NaN
`${object}`; //-> [object Object]
//but now we define some custom behavior for coercion on complex objects. Let's look at this object I've already created
//Like the first object, it's a real object with both a value key and an increment key that defines a method on it
//Object.keys(object2);//-> ["value", "increment"]
//But now when we coerce it to a primitive value...
//Number(object2); //-> 5
//`${object2}`; //-> "5"
//Here's what's actually going on under the hood:
var object2 = {
increment(){ return ++this.value; },
if (hint === "number") {
return this.value;
if (hint === "string") {
return String(this.value);
return true;
So, defining Symbol.toPrimitive allows you to alter what happens when a complex value is coerced into a string or a number.
You can do the same thing for arrays. Here I have an array of prices, and I can make it such that coercing it into a string
or a number will automatically sum its contents and return them instead of doing something weird:
var cartPrices = [10,20,30];
var sum = Symbol('sum');
var summable = {
[sum]: function(){ return this.reduce((acc,item)=>acc+item,0); },
[Symbol.toPrimitive]: function(hint){
return this[sum]();
return String(this[sum]());
return true;
//extending cartPrices with new behavior
Object.assign(cartPrices, summable);//-> [10, 20, 30]
"total: $"+String(cartPrices), //-> "total: $60"
`total: $${cartPrices}`, //-> "total: $60"
Number(cartPrices) //-> 60
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