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Created March 18, 2019 03:07
# Import AzureRunAsConnection credentials as variable and connect to Azure using them
$servicePrincipalConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'AzureRunAsConnection'
Add-AzureRmAccount -ServicePrincipal -TenantId $servicePrincipalConnection.TenantId -ApplicationId $servicePrincipalConnection.ApplicationId -CertificateThumbprint $servicePrincipalConnection.CertificateThumbprint
#Subscription ID for resource evaluation - update this with your own subscription ID.
$SubscriptionID = "ffffffff-6666-4444-bbbb-999999999999"
# Used for the key value of all applied tags
$MasterTagName = "compliance"
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID
#Tagging Function
function Set-AzureRMTag {
[object] $AzureRMResource,
$AllTags = $AzureRMResource.Tags
if ($TagAction -eq "Add") {
if ($AllTags.Keys -contains $TagKey) {
if ($AzureResource.Tags.$MasterTagName -match $TagValue) {
Write-Output "Appropriate tag already exists, no action taken"
if ($AzureResource.Tags.$MasterTagName -notmatch $TagValue) {
Write-Output "Populating Tag Value"
$ExistingTags = $AllTags.$Tagkey
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ExistingTags)) {
$NewTags = $ExistingTags + ", " + $TagValue
$AllTags.$TagKey = $NewTags
Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $AzureRMResource.ResourceId -Tag $AllTags -Verbose -Force
else {
$AllTags.$TagKey = $TagValue
Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $AzureRMResource.ResourceId -Tag $AllTags -Verbose -Force
if ($AllTags.Keys -notcontains $TagKey) {
Write-Output "Creating New Tag $TagKey : $TagValue"
if ($AllKeys -eq $null)
$AllTags = @{$TagKey=$TagValue}
if ($AllKeys -ne $null)
$AllTags.Add($TagKey, $TagValue)
Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $AzureRMResource.ResourceId -Tag $AllTags -Verbose -Force
if (($TagAction -eq "Remove") -and ($AllTags.$TagKey -match $TagValue)) {
Write-Output "Removing Value $TagValue from $TagKey"
$ExistingTags = $AllTags.$Tagkey
$NewTags = $ExistingTags.Replace($TagValue, "")
$NewTags = $NewTags.Replace(" ,", "")
$NewTags = $NewTags.Trim(",", " ")
$AllTags.$TagKey = $NewTags
Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $AzureRMResource.ResourceId -Tag $AllTags -Verbose -Force
# Process VM001 Rule
$AzureVMArray = Get-AzureRmVM
ForEach ($AzureVM in $AzureVMArray)
$ComplianceTag = "VM001"
$AzureResource = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $AzureVM.Id
if ($AzureResource.Properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces.Count -gt 1) {
Set-AzureRMTag -AzureRMResource $AzureResource -TagAction "Add" -TagKey $MasterTagName -TagValue $ComplianceTag
if (($AzureResource.Properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces.Count -le 1) -and ($AzureResource.Tags.$MasterTagName -match $ComplianceTag)) {
Set-AzureRMTag -AzureRMResource $AzureResource -TagAction "Remove" -TagKey $MasterTagName -TagValue $ComplianceTag
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