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Created July 18, 2013 04:49
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Xiomacs color theme
(deftheme xiomacs "Remix of the default emacs color theme.")
(apply 'custom-theme-set-faces
(default ((t (:stipple nil :background "cornsilk" :foreground "gray10" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :width normal ))))
(bg:erc-color-face0 ((t (:background "White"))))
(bg:erc-color-face1 ((t (:background "black"))))
(bg:erc-color-face10 ((t (:background "lightblue1"))))
(bg:erc-color-face11 ((t (:background "cyan"))))
(bg:erc-color-face12 ((t (:background "blue"))))
(bg:erc-color-face13 ((t (:background "deeppink"))))
(bg:erc-color-face14 ((t (:background "gray50"))))
(bg:erc-color-face15 ((t (:background "gray90"))))
(bg:erc-color-face2 ((t (:background "blue4"))))
(bg:erc-color-face3 ((t (:background "green4"))))
(bg:erc-color-face4 ((t (:background "red"))))
(bg:erc-color-face5 ((t (:background "brown"))))
(bg:erc-color-face6 ((t (:background "purple"))))
(bg:erc-color-face7 ((t (:background "orange"))))
(bg:erc-color-face8 ((t (:background "yellow"))))
(bg:erc-color-face9 ((t (:background "green"))))
(bold ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(bold-italic ((t (:italic t :bold t :slant italic :weight bold))))
(border ((t (nil))))
(buffer-menu-buffer ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(button ((t (:bold t :background "#f6f5ef" :weight bold))))
(calendar-today ((t (:underline t))))
(change-log-acknowledgement ((t (:italic t :slant italic :foreground "#aea79f"))))
(change-log-conditionals ((t (:foreground "#8b005a"))))
(change-log-date ((t (:foreground "#dd1144"))))
(change-log-email ((t (:foreground "#8b005a"))))
(change-log-file ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#860e73"))))
(change-log-function ((t (:foreground "#8b005a"))))
(change-log-list ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#f47321"))))
(change-log-name ((t (:foreground "#f68d47"))))
(comint-highlight-input ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(comint-highlight-prompt ((t (:foreground "dark blue"))))
(completions-annotations ((t (:italic t :slant italic))))
(completions-common-part ((t (:family "DejaVu Sans" :foundry "unknown" :width normal :weight normal :slant normal :underline nil :overline nil :strike-through nil :box nil :inverse-video nil :foreground "black" :background "white" :stipple nil :height 78))))
(completions-first-difference ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(cursor ((t (:background "#aea79f" :foreground "#aea79f"))))
(diary ((t (:foreground "red1"))))
(diary-anniversary ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#f47321"))))
(diary-button ((t (nil))))
(diary-time ((t (:foreground "#8b005a"))))
(diff-added ((t (nil))))
(diff-changed ((t (nil))))
(diff-context ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(diff-file-header ((t (:bold t :background "grey70" :weight bold))))
(diff-function ((t (:background "grey80"))))
(diff-header ((t (:background "grey80"))))
(diff-hunk-header ((t (:background "grey80"))))
(diff-index ((t (:bold t :weight bold :background "grey70"))))
(diff-indicator-added ((t (nil))))
(diff-indicator-changed ((t (nil))))
(diff-indicator-removed ((t (nil))))
(diff-nonexistent ((t (:bold t :weight bold :background "grey70"))))
(diff-refine-change ((t (:background "grey85"))))
(diff-removed ((t (nil))))
(dired-directory ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#860e73"))))
(dired-flagged ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#cc0000"))))
(dired-header ((t (:foreground "#83a525"))))
(dired-ignored ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(dired-mark ((t (:foreground "#f68d47"))))
(dired-marked ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#cc0000"))))
(dired-perm-write ((t (:italic t :foreground "#aea79f" :slant italic))))
(dired-symlink ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#f47321"))))
(dired-warning ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#cc0000"))))
(eldoc-highlight-function-argument ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(ellipsis-face ((t (:bold t :background "blue" :foreground "yellow" :weight bold))))
(erc-action-face ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(erc-bold-face ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(erc-command-indicator-face ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(erc-current-nick-face ((t (:foreground "red" :background "yellow" ))))
(erc-default-face ((t (:foreground "black"))))
(erc-direct-msg-face ((t (:foreground "IndianRed"))))
(erc-error-face ((t (:foreground "red"))))
(erc-header-line ((t (:background "grey90" :foreground "grey20"))))
(erc-input-face ((t (:foreground "gray20"))))
(erc-inverse-face ((t (:background "Black" :foreground "White"))))
(erc-my-nick-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "brown" :weight bold))))
(erc-nick-default-face ((t (:foreground "orange" :bold t :weight bold))))
(erc-nick-msg-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "gray40" bold))))
(erc-notice-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "SlateBlue" :weight bold))))
(erc-prompt-face ((t (:bold t :background "lightBlue2" :foreground "Black" :weight bold))))
(erc-underline-face ((t (:underline t))))
(escape-glyph ((t (:foreground "brown"))))
(fg:erc-color-face0 ((t (:foreground "White"))))
(fg:erc-color-face1 ((t (:foreground "black"))))
(fg:erc-color-face10 ((t (:foreground "lightblue1"))))
(fg:erc-color-face11 ((t (:foreground "cyan"))))
(fg:erc-color-face12 ((t (:foreground "blue"))))
(fg:erc-color-face13 ((t (:foreground "deeppink"))))
(fg:erc-color-face14 ((t (:foreground "gray50"))))
(fg:erc-color-face15 ((t (:foreground "gray90"))))
(fg:erc-color-face2 ((t (:foreground "blue4"))))
(fg:erc-color-face3 ((t (:foreground "green4"))))
(fg:erc-color-face4 ((t (:foreground "red"))))
(fg:erc-color-face5 ((t (:foreground "brown"))))
(fg:erc-color-face6 ((t (:foreground "purple"))))
(fg:erc-color-face7 ((t (:foreground "orange"))))
(fg:erc-color-face8 ((t (:foreground "yellow"))))
(fg:erc-color-face9 ((t (:foreground "green"))))
(file-name-shadow ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(fixed-pitch ((t (:family "Monospace"))))
(font-lock-builtin-face ((t (:foreground "pale violet red"))))
(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((t (:italic t :slant italic :foreground "gray60" :background "cornsilk"))))
(font-lock-comment-face ((t (:italic t :foreground "gray50" :background "cornsilk":slant italic))))
(font-lock-constant-face ((t (:foreground "#f68d47"))))
(font-lock-doc-face ((t (:foreground "#dd1144"))))
(font-lock-function-name-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "medium purple" :weight normal))))
(font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "#f47321" :weight normal))))
(font-lock-negation-char-face ((t (nil))))
(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((t (:foreground "#62124b"))))
(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "MistyRose4"))))
(font-lock-type-face ((t (:foreground "#83a525"))))
(font-lock-variable-name-face ((t (:foreground "orchid" :bold t :weight normal))))
(font-lock-warning-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "#cc0000" :weight bold))))
(fringe ((t (:background "wheat"))))
(header-line ((t (:background "#ffffff" :foreground "#62124b"))))
(help-argument-name ((t (:italic t :slant italic))))
(highlight ((t (:background "darkseagreen2"))))
(holiday ((t (:background "pink"))))
(info-header-node ((t (:italic t :bold t :weight bold :slant italic :foreground "brown"))))
(info-header-xref ((t (:foreground "#0086b3" :underline t))))
(info-menu-header ((t (:bold t :family "Sans Serif" :weight bold))))
(info-menu-star ((t (:foreground "red1"))))
(info-node ((t (:italic t :bold t :foreground "brown" :slant italic :weight bold))))
(info-title-1 ((t (:bold t :weight bold :family "Sans Serif" :height 1.728))))
(info-title-2 ((t (:bold t :family "Sans Serif" :weight bold :height 1.44))))
(info-title-3 ((t (:bold t :weight bold :family "Sans Serif" :height 1.2))))
(info-title-4 ((t (:bold t :family "Sans Serif" :weight bold))))
(info-xref ((t (:underline t :foreground "#0086b3"))))
(info-xref-visited ((t (:underline t :foreground "#800080"))))
(isearch ((t (:background "#fedfc7" :foreground "#333333"))))
(isearch-fail ((t (:background "RosyBrown1"))))
(iswitchb-current-match ((t (:bold t :weight bold :background "magenta" :foreground "cyan"))))
(iswitchb-invalid-regexp ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#cc0000"))))
(iswitchb-single-match ((t (:italic t :slant italic :foreground "#aea79f"))))
(iswitchb-virtual-matches ((t (:foreground "#62124b"))))
(italic ((t (:italic t :slant italic))))
(lazy-highlight ((t (:background "#f6f5ef"))))
(link ((t (:foreground "#0086b3" :underline t))))
(link-visited ((t (:foreground "#800080" :underline t))))
(magit-branch ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(magit-diff-add ((t (:foreground "blue1"))))
(magit-diff-del ((t (:foreground "red"))))
(magit-diff-file-header ((t (nil))))
(magit-diff-hunk-header ((t (:italic t :slant italic))))
(magit-diff-none ((t (nil))))
(magit-header ((t (nil))))
(magit-item-highlight ((t (:background "gray95"))))
(magit-item-mark ((t (:foreground "red"))))
(magit-log-head-label ((t (:background "spring green"))))
(magit-log-tag-label ((t (:background "LightGoldenRod"))))
(magit-section-title ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(match ((t (:background "yellow1"))))
(menu ((t (nil))))
(minibuffer-prompt ((t (:bold t :foreground "#f47321" :weight bold))))
(mode-line ((t (:background "red" :foreground "white" :bold t :weight bold))))
(mode-line-buffer-id ((t ( :foreground "yellow" :bold t :weight bold))))
(mode-line-emphasis ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(mode-line-highlight ((t (:box (:line-width 2 :color "grey40" :style released-button)))))
(mode-line-inactive ((t (:background "gray50" :slant italic :foreground "#333333"))))
(mouse ((t (nil))))
(next-error ((t (:foreground "#333333" :background "#f6f5ef"))))
(nobreak-space ((t (:foreground "brown" :underline t))))
(org-agenda-clocking ((t (:background "yellow1"))))
(org-agenda-column-dateline ((t (:family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :weight normal :slant normal :underline nil :strike-through nil :background "grey90" :height 122))))
(org-agenda-current-time ((t (:foreground "DarkGoldenrod"))))
(org-agenda-date ((t (:foreground "Blue1"))))
(org-agenda-date-today ((t (:italic t :bold t :foreground "Blue1" :slant italic :weight bold))))
(org-agenda-date-weekend ((t (:bold t :foreground "Blue1" :weight bold))))
(org-agenda-diary ((t (:family "DejaVu Sans" :foundry "unknown" :width normal :weight normal :slant normal :underline nil :overline nil :strike-through nil :box nil :inverse-video nil :foreground "black" :background "white" :stipple nil :height 78))))
(org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(org-agenda-done ((t (:foreground "ForestGreen"))))
(org-agenda-restriction-lock ((t (:background "yellow1"))))
(org-agenda-structure ((t (:foreground "Blue1"))))
(org-archived ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(org-block ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(org-block-background ((t (nil))))
(org-block-begin-line ((t (:italic t :foreground "#aea79f" :slant italic))))
(org-block-end-line ((t (:italic t :foreground "#aea79f" :slant italic))))
(org-checkbox ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(org-checkbox-statistics-done ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "ForestGreen"))))
(org-checkbox-statistics-todo ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "Red1"))))
(org-clock-overlay ((t (:background "yellow1"))))
(org-code ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(org-column ((t (:background "grey90" :strike-through nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 122 :family "DejaVu Sans Mono"))))
(org-column-title ((t (:bold t :background "grey90" :underline t :weight bold))))
(org-date ((t (:foreground "Purple" :underline t))))
(org-document-info ((t (:foreground "midnight blue"))))
(org-document-info-keyword ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(org-document-title ((t (:bold t :foreground "midnight blue" :weight bold :height 1.44))))
(org-done ((t (:bold t :foreground "ForestGreen" :weight bold))))
(org-drawer ((t (:foreground "Blue1"))))
(org-ellipsis ((t (:foreground "DarkGoldenrod" :underline t))))
(org-footnote ((t (:foreground "Purple" :underline t))))
(org-formula ((t (:foreground "Firebrick"))))
(org-headline-done ((t (:foreground "RosyBrown"))))
(org-hide ((t (:foreground "white"))))
(org-latex-and-export-specials ((t (:foreground "SaddleBrown"))))
(org-level-1 ((t (:bold t :foreground "#860e73" :weight bold))))
(org-level-2 ((t (:foreground "#8b005a"))))
(org-level-3 ((t (:bold t :foreground "#f47321" :weight bold))))
(org-level-4 ((t (:italic t :foreground "#aea79f" :slant italic))))
(org-level-5 ((t (:foreground "#83a525"))))
(org-level-6 ((t (:foreground "#f68d47"))))
(org-level-7 ((t (:foreground "#62124b"))))
(org-level-8 ((t (:foreground "#dd1144"))))
(org-link ((t (:underline t :foreground "#0086b3"))))
(org-meta-line ((t (:italic t :slant italic :foreground "#aea79f"))))
(org-mode-line-clock ((t (:foreground "#333333" :background "#f6f5ef"))))
(org-mode-line-clock-overrun ((t (:foreground "#333333" :background "red"))))
(org-property-value ((t (nil))))
(org-quote ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(org-scheduled ((t (:foreground "DarkGreen"))))
(org-scheduled-previously ((t (:foreground "Firebrick"))))
(org-scheduled-today ((t (:foreground "DarkGreen"))))
(org-sexp-date ((t (:foreground "Purple"))))
(org-special-keyword ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#f47321"))))
(org-table ((t (:foreground "Blue1"))))
(org-tag ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(org-target ((t (:underline t))))
(org-time-grid ((t (:foreground "DarkGoldenrod"))))
(org-todo ((t (:bold t :foreground "Red1" :weight bold))))
(org-upcoming-deadline ((t (:foreground "Firebrick"))))
(org-verbatim ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(org-verse ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(org-warning ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#cc0000"))))
(outline-1 ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#860e73"))))
(outline-2 ((t (:foreground "#8b005a"))))
(outline-3 ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#f47321"))))
(outline-4 ((t (:italic t :slant italic :foreground "#aea79f"))))
(outline-5 ((t (:foreground "#83a525"))))
(outline-6 ((t (:foreground "#f68d47"))))
(outline-7 ((t (:foreground "#62124b"))))
(outline-8 ((t (:foreground "#dd1144"))))
(query-replace ((t (:foreground "#333333" :background "#fedfc7"))))
(region ((t (:background "hotpink" :foreground "cyan"))))
(scroll-bar ((t (nil))))
(secondary-selection ((t (:background "yellow1"))))
(sgml-namespace ((t (:foreground "#62124b"))))
(shadow ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(show-paren-match ((t (:background "turquoise"))))
(show-paren-mismatch ((t (:background "purple" :foreground "white"))))
(sldb-catch-tag-face ((t (nil))))
(sldb-condition-face ((t (nil))))
(sldb-detailed-frame-line-face ((t (nil))))
(sldb-frame-label-face ((t (nil))))
(sldb-frame-line-face ((t (nil))))
(sldb-local-name-face ((t (nil))))
(sldb-local-value-face ((t (nil))))
(sldb-non-restartable-frame-line-face ((t (nil))))
(sldb-reference-face ((t (:underline t))))
(sldb-restart-face ((t (nil))))
(sldb-restart-number-face ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(sldb-restart-type-face ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#f47321"))))
(sldb-restartable-frame-line-face ((t (:foreground "lime green"))))
(sldb-section-face ((t (nil))))
(sldb-topline-face ((t (nil))))
(slime-error-face ((t (:underline "red"))))
(slime-highlight-face ((t (:background "darkseagreen2" :underline nil))))
(slime-inspector-action-face ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#cc0000"))))
(slime-inspector-label-face ((t (:foreground "#f68d47"))))
(slime-inspector-topline-face ((t (nil))))
(slime-inspector-type-face ((t (:foreground "#83a525"))))
(slime-inspector-value-face ((t (:foreground "#62124b"))))
(slime-note-face ((t (:underline "brown4"))))
(slime-reader-conditional-face ((t (:italic t :slant italic :foreground "magenta"))))
(slime-repl-input-face ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(slime-repl-inputed-output-face ((t (:foreground "Red"))))
(slime-repl-output-face ((t (:foreground "#dd1144"))))
(slime-repl-output-mouseover-face ((t (:foreground "Red" :box (:line-width 1 :color "black" :style released-button)))))
(slime-repl-prompt-face ((t (:bold t :weight bold :foreground "#f47321"))))
(slime-repl-result-face ((t (nil))))
(slime-style-warning-face ((t (:underline "brown"))))
(slime-warning-face ((t (:underline "orange"))))
(tool-bar ((t (:background "grey75" :foreground "black" :box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)))))
(tooltip ((t (:family "Sans Serif" :background "lightyellow" :foreground "black"))))
(trailing-whitespace ((t (:background "red1"))))
(underline ((t (:underline t))))
(variable-pitch ((t (:family "Sans Serif"))))
(vertical-border ((t (nil))))
(widget-button ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
(widget-button-pressed ((t (:foreground "red1"))))
(widget-documentation ((t (:foreground "dark green"))))
(widget-field ((t (:background "gray85"))))
(widget-inactive ((t (:foreground "grey50"))))
(widget-single-line-field ((t (:background "gray85"))))))
(provide-theme 'xiomacs)
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