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;;; cl-frame.lisp --- open emacs-style frames with structured graphics.
;; _ __
;; ___| | / _|_ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___
;; / __| |_____| |_| '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \
;; | (__| |_____| _| | | (_| | | | | | | __/
;; \___|_| |_| |_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|
;; Copyright (C) 2006 David O'Toole
;; Author: David O'Toole <>
;; Keywords: multimedia, tools, lisp, frames, unix
;; Version: $Id: cl-frame.lisp,v 1.22 2006/10/28 05:39:56 dto Exp dto $
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; There is no commentary as of yet. This file is very preliminary.
;;; Links:
;; CLX Manual:
;; CLX examples:
;; (find-file "/usr/lib/sbcl/site/clx_0.7.3/demo/")
;; Snd home page:
;; Realtime Snd:
;; (find-file "~/e/snd.e)
;; (find-file "/home/dto/src/snd-ls-")
;; (find-file "/home/dto/src/snd-ls-")
;;; Code:
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require :clx))
(defpackage cl-frame
(:documentation "A structured graphical workspace toolkit for Lisp.")
(:use :xlib :common-lisp)
(:export widget frame worksheet connection port dataflow listener toolbar
textbox template channel
do-test do-test-from-file
(in-package :cl-frame)
;;;; (@* "major modes")
(defvar *major-mode* nil "A keyword symbol identifying the
current major mode.")
;;;; (@* "widgets")
;; _ _ _
;; __ _(_) __| | __ _ ___| |_ ___
;; \ \ /\ / / |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ __/ __|
;; \ V V /| | (_| | (_| | __/ |_\__ \
;; \_/\_/ |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|\__|___/
;; |___/
;; Widgets are the things that frames display and edit. This is the
;; base class for interactive elements in CL-FRAME.
;; Widgets are user interface elements that represent objects in a
;; problem domain. A widget may be transformed into an alternative
;; representation called the "model" of a widget. Actions on widgets
;; can result in changes to the model.
;; A model can be saved to disk, transformed into another model, or
;; into a program that implements the model.
;; A model may contain some information that is not meaningful in the
;; problem domain. For example, in order to save diagrams to disk, we
;; should save the X and Y positions of the widgets. In most cases,
;; these coordinates will not matter to the model. They should be
;; ignored by any further transformations.
;; Widgets may have child widgets, and so on. Widgets have a position
;; within the parent widget and a label to be used when appearing in a
;; composition of widgets.
(defclass widget ()
((parent :accessor parent :initform nil :initarg :parent)
(children :accessor children :initform nil :initarg :children)
(label :accessor label :initform "()" :initarg :label)
(position-x :accessor position-x :initform 0 :initarg :position-x)
(position-y :accessor position-y :initform 0 :initarg :position-y)
(height :accessor height :initform 0 :initarg :height)
(width :accessor width :initform 0 :initarg :width)))
(defgeneric default-map-key (widget key key-sym modifiers))
(defmethod default-map-key ((w widget) key key-sym modifiers)
(defgeneric touch (widget x y)
(:documentation "The widget should respond to being touched at
position X,Y. The meaning of being touched is up to the subclass."))
(defmethod touch ((w widget) x y)
(defgeneric model (widget)
(:documentation "Return an S-expression representing the model of the
widget. The default behavior is to transform the widget into a
property list. The model of the 'parent' slot is not saved, as
this would lead to infinite recursion."))
(defmethod model ((w widget))
(with-slots (children label position-x position-y height width) w
(list :class (class-name (class-of w))
:label label
:position-x position-x
:position-y position-y
:children (mapcar #'model children)
:height height
:width width)))
(defgeneric unmodel (widget)
(:documentation "Do any initialization neccessary during the
unmodeling process."))
(defmethod unmodel ((w widget))
;; make sure children are set up correctly
(dolist (c (children w))
(setf (parent c) w))
(defgeneric cursor-key (widget)
(:documentation "Return a keyword representing the cursor to be displayed on
mouseover. Examples are :cursor, :touch-cursor, :join-cursor
(defmethod cursor-key ((w widget))
(defgeneric join-widgets (source sink &optional x y)
(:documentation "Operate on the SOURCE and SINK widgets. The
actual operation to occur is determined by the classes of SOURCE
and SINK."))
(defmethod join-widgets ((source widget) (sink widget) &optional x y)
(defgeneric adjoin-child (parent child)
(:documentation "Add CHILD to the widget P's children."))
(defmethod adjoin-child ((p widget) (child widget))
(setf (children p) (adjoin child (children p)))
(setf (parent child) p))
(defgeneric remove-child (parent child)
(:documentation "Remove CHILD from the widget P's children."))
(defmethod remove-child ((p widget) (child widget))
(setf (children p) (remove child (children p))))
(defgeneric move (widget x y)
(:documentation "Reposition the widget W within the worksheet."))
(defmethod move ((w widget) x y)
(setf (position-x w) x)
(setf (position-y w) y))
(defun within-extents (x y x0 y0 x1 y1)
(and (>= x x0)
(<= x x1)
(>= y y0)
(<= y y1)))
(defgeneric hit-test (widget x y)
(:documentation "Return W when the position (x,y) is within the
bounding rectangle for the widget W, nil
otherwise. Non-rectangular widgets or widgets with clickable
subcomponents should override this method."))
(defmethod hit-test ((w widget) x y)
(with-slots (position-x position-y height width) w
(if (within-extents x y
position-x position-y
(+ position-x width)
(+ position-y height))
(defun hit-widgets (widgets x y)
(some #'(lambda (w)
(hit-test w x y))
(reverse widgets)))
(defun hit-widgets-or-parent (widgets parent x y)
(or (hit-widgets widgets x y) parent))
;;;; (@* "keymaps")
;; Mapping key combinations to methods
;; _
;; | | _____ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___
;; | |/ / _ \ | | | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \/ __|
;; | < __/ |_| | | | | | | (_| | |_) \__ \
;; |_|\_\___|\__, |_| |_| |_|\__,_| .__/|___/
;; |___/ |_|
;; A keypress is a triple of the form (key keysym modifiers).
;; A keymap is a list of functions to be called in order with the
;; keypress as an argument, until one returns a method to be invoked
;; on the object in question. If no method is obtained, the process
;; repeats with the widget's parent.
(defvar *class->keymap* nil "Hash table mapping class names to keymaps.")
(defun define-key (class-name key-spec func)
(destructuring-bind (&key key keysym modifiers) key-spec
(let ((preds nil))
(when key
(push `(eql key ,key) preds))
(when keysym
(push `(eql keysym ,keysym) preds))
(when modifiers
(push `(subsetp ',modifiers modifiers) preds))
(let ((tester (eval `(lambda (key keysym modifiers)
(when (and ,@preds)
(push tester (gethash class-name *class->keymap*))))))
(defun map-key (w key keysym modifiers)
(let* ((keymap (gethash (class-name (class-of w))
(method (some (lambda (f)
(funcall f key keysym modifiers))
(if method
(funcall method w)
(when (not (default-map-key w key keysym modifiers))
(when (parent w)
(map-key (parent w) key keysym modifiers))))))
;;;; (@* "frames")
;; __
;; / _|_ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___
;; | |_| '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __|
;; | _| | | (_| | | | | | | __/\__ \
;; |_| |_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/
;; A frame is an X window for viewing and interacting with widgets.
;; A frame has one associated widget. The widget's label is taken as
;; the title of the frame. The widget's children are displayed in the
;; frame for interaction purposes.
;; Several user actions can occur.
;; The user can drag a widget by holding shift and the left mouse
;; button. This causes the "move" method to be invoked on the widget.
;; The user can join two widgets by right-mouse-dragging one onto the
;; other. This causes the "join-widgets" method to be invoked with the
;; two widgets as the source and sink arguments.
;; The user can click a widget with the left mouse button. This
;; causes the "touch" method to be invoked on the widget, and also
;; causes keyboard focus to move to the widget.
;; The user can type with the keyboard into the focused widget. The
;; method name to be invoked is looked up in the widget's keymap.
(defvar *window->frame* "Hash table mapping X window ID's to frame objects.")
(defvar *display* "The X display object.")
(defun find-frame (window)
(gethash window *window->frame*))
(defclass frame ()
;; the associated widget
(widget :accessor widget :initform nil :initarg :widget)
;; the widget being dragged, if any
(dragging :accessor dragging :initform nil)
;; the widget being joined to another, if any
(joining :accessor joining :initform nil)
;; the widget having keyboard focus, if any
(focusing :accessor focusing :initform nil)
;; CLX-related resources
(screen :accessor screen :initform nil)
(colormap :accessor colormap :initform nil)
(foreground :accessor foreground :initform nil)
(background :accessor background :initform nil)
(context :accessor context :initform nil :initarg :context)
(highlight-context :accessor highlight-context :initform nil)
(accent-context :accessor accent-context :initform nil)
(shadowed-context :accessor shadowed-context :initform nil)
(active-context :accessor active-context :initform nil)
(clear-context :accessor clear-context :initform nil)
(cursor :accessor cursor :initform nil :initarg :cursor)
(join-cursor :accessor join-cursor :initform nil :initarg :join-cursor)
(touch-cursor :accessor touch-cursor :initform nil :initarg :touch-cursor)
(font :accessor font :initform nil :initarg :font)
(window :accessor window :initform nil :initarg :window)
(canvas :accessor canvas :initform nil :initarg :canvas)))
;;;; Loading some pre-defined X cursors
(defconstant arrow-cursor-id 132)
(defconstant circle-cursor-id 24)
(defconstant hand-cursor-id 60)
(defun X-predefined-cursor (frame cursor-id)
"Load and return one of the predefined X cursors."
(let ((font (open-font *display* "cursor")))
(setf (window-cursor (window frame))
(create-glyph-cursor :source-font font
:source-char cursor-id
:mask-font font
:mask-char (1+ cursor-id)
(make-color :red 1.0 :green 1.0 :blue 1.0)
(make-color :red 0.0 :green 0.0 :blue 0.0)))))
;;;; Creating frames
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((f frame) &rest initargs)
"Initialize a new frame on the default display."
(with-slots (screen colormap foreground context canvas
cursor join-cursor touch-cursor
highlight-context accent-context
shadowed-context active-context clear-context
background widget font window) f
(setf screen (display-default-screen *display*))
(setf colormap (screen-default-colormap screen))
(setf foreground (alloc-color colormap (make-color
:red 0.8
:green 0.8
:blue 0.8)))
(setf background (alloc-color colormap (make-color
:red 0.3
:green 0.3
:blue 0.3)))
(setf window (create-window
:parent (screen-root screen)
:x 0
:y 0
:height 400
:width 640
:background background
:border foreground
:border-width 1
:backing-store :when-mapped
:colormap colormap
:bit-gravity :center
:event-mask '(:exposure :button-press :key-press
:button-release :pointer-motion)))
(setf canvas (create-pixmap :width (drawable-width (screen-root screen))
:height (drawable-height (screen-root screen))
:depth (drawable-depth window)
:drawable window))
(setf font (open-font *display* "8x13"))
(setf context (create-gcontext :drawable window
:foreground foreground
:background background
:font font))
(setf accent-context (create-gcontext :foreground
(alloc-color colormap (make-color
:red 1.0
:green 1.0
:blue 1.0))
:line-width 2
:background background
:drawable window
:font font))
(setf highlight-context (create-gcontext :foreground
(alloc-color colormap (make-color
:red (/ 236.0 255.0)
:green (/ 242.0 255.0)
:blue (/ 69.0 255.0)))
:background background
:drawable window
:font font))
(setf shadowed-context (create-gcontext :foreground
(alloc-color colormap (make-color
:red 0.7
:green 0.7
:blue 0.7))
:line-style :dash
:dashes '(2 2)
:background background
:drawable window
:font font))
(setf active-context (create-gcontext :foreground
(alloc-color colormap (make-color
:red 0.3
:green 0.7
:blue 0.8))
:background background
:drawable window
:font font))
(setf clear-context (create-gcontext :foreground background
:background foreground
:drawable window
:font font))
(setf cursor (X-predefined-cursor f arrow-cursor-id))
(setf join-cursor (X-predefined-cursor f circle-cursor-id))
(setf touch-cursor (X-predefined-cursor f hand-cursor-id))
;; set window properties
(set-wm-properties window
:name 'hello-world
:icon-name "hello-world"
:resource-name "hello-world"
:resource-class 'hello-world
:x 0 :y 0 :width 640 :height 400
:input :off :initial-state :normal)
;; map the window
(map-window window)
;; save the frame so that we can look it up later
(setf (gethash window *window->frame*) f)
(defparameter *widget-horizontal-margin* 4)
(defparameter *widget-vertical-margin* 2)
(defparameter *widget-minimum-width* 40)
(defun X-default-render-widget (widget drawable context font)
"Render the WIDGET with default X appearance to DRAWABLE with
gcontext CONTEXT and font FONT."
(with-slots (position-x position-y label height width) widget
;; calculate size of widget based on font
(setf width (max *widget-minimum-width*
(+ (* 2 *widget-horizontal-margin* )
(text-extents font label))))
(setf height (+ (* 2 *widget-vertical-margin*)
(font-ascent font) (font-descent font)))
;; now draw
(draw-rectangle drawable context
position-x position-y
width height)
(draw-glyphs drawable context
(+ 2 position-x)
(+ 2 (font-ascent font) position-y)
(defgeneric render-widget (frame widget)
(:documentation "Render the widget to the frame with default
appearance. Different widget subclasses that need different
appearances should override this method."))
(defmethod render-widget ((f frame) (w widget))
(with-slots (context canvas font) f
(X-default-render-widget w canvas context font)))
(defgeneric render (frame)
(:documentation "Redraw the widgets in the frame to the frame's
associated window."))
(defmethod render ((f frame))
(with-slots (canvas widget context clear-context window) f
(with-state (window)
(with-state (canvas)
;; clear background of canvas
(draw-rectangle canvas clear-context 0 0
(drawable-width window)
(drawable-height window)
;; render widgets
(dolist (child (children (widget f)))
(render-widget f child))
;; copy canvas to window
(copy-area canvas context 0 0
(drawable-width window)
(drawable-height window)
window 0 0)))))
(defgeneric click (frame x y)
(:documentation "Respond to a mouse click from the user at
point X,Y. The default action is to 'touch' the widget at that
(defmethod click ((f frame) x y)
(let* ((widgets (children (widget f)))
(widget (hit-widgets-or-parent widgets (widget f) x y)))
(when widget
(setf (focusing f) widget)
(touch widget x y))))
(defgeneric start-dragging (frame x y)
(:documentation "Begin dragging the selected widget."))
(defmethod start-dragging ((f frame) x y)
(let* ((widgets (children (widget f)))
(widget (hit-widgets widgets x y)))
(setf (dragging f) widget)
(setf (focusing f) widget)))
(defgeneric stop-dragging (frame)
(:documentation "Stop dragging the selected widget."))
(defmethod stop-dragging ((f frame))
(setf (dragging f) nil))
(defgeneric start-joining (frame x y)
(:documentation "Begin joining two widgets."))
(defmethod start-joining ((f frame) x y)
(let ((widgets (children (widget f))))
(setf (joining f) (hit-widgets widgets x y))))
(defgeneric stop-joining (frame x y)
(:documentation "Join the selected widgets."))
(defmethod stop-joining ((f frame) x y)
(let ((source (joining f))
(sink (hit-widgets-or-parent (children (widget f)) (widget f) x y)))
(when (and source sink)
(join-widgets source sink x y))
(setf (joining f) nil)))
(defgeneric set-cursor (frame cursor)
(:documentation "Set the cursor type for the given frame."))
(defmethod set-cursor ((f frame) cursor)
(setf (window-cursor (window f)) cursor))
;;;; (@* "X event loop")
;; __ __ _ _
;; \ \/ / _____ _____ _ __ | |_ | | ___ ___ _ __
;; \ / / _ \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __| | |/ _ \ / _ \| '_ \
;; / \ | __/\ V / __/ | | | |_ | | (_) | (_) | |_) |
;; /_/\_\ \___| \_/ \___|_| |_|\__| |_|\___/ \___/| .__/
;; |_|
(defun run-frames ()
(event-case (*display* :discard-p t :force-output-p t)
(let ((frame (find-frame window)))
(when frame
(render frame)
(window state)
(let ((frame (find-frame window))
(state-keys (make-state-keys state)))
(when frame
(multiple-value-bind (x y)
(pointer-position window)
((member :button-1 state-keys)
(stop-dragging frame)
(render frame))
((member :button-3 state-keys)
(stop-joining frame x y)
(render frame))))))
(multiple-value-bind (x y s c state)
(query-pointer window)
(let ((frame (find-frame window))
(state-keys (make-state-keys state)))
(when frame
(multiple-value-bind (x y)
(pointer-position window)
((subsetp '(:shift :button-1) state-keys)
(click frame x y))
((member :button-1 state-keys)
(start-dragging frame x y))
((member :button-3 state-keys)
(start-joining frame x y)))))))
(window code state)
(let* ((frame (find-frame window))
(state-keys (make-state-keys state))
(widget (or (focusing frame) (widget frame)))
(keysym (keycode->keysym *display*
code (if (member :shift state-keys)
(key (keysym->character *display* keysym)))
(when widget
(map-key widget key keysym state-keys)
(render frame)))
(window button)
(multiple-value-bind (x y)
(pointer-position window)
(let* ((frame (find-frame window))
(widgets (children (widget frame)))
(dragged-widget (dragging frame))
(joined-widget (joining frame)))
((and dragged-widget frame)
(move dragged-widget x y)
(render frame))
((and joined-widget frame)
;; hit-test to see what cursor we should use.
(let ((cursor
(let ((widget (hit-widgets widgets x y)))
(if widget
(case (cursor-key widget)
(:cursor (cursor frame))
(:join-cursor (join-cursor frame))
(:touch-cursor (touch-cursor frame)))
(cursor frame)))))
(setf (window-cursor window) cursor))))
(close-display *display*)))
;;;; (@* "textboxes")
;; _ _ _
;; | |_ _____ _| |_| |__ _____ _____ ___
;; | __/ _ \ \/ / __| '_ \ / _ \ \/ / _ \/ __|
;; | || __/> <| |_| |_) | (_) > < __/\__ \
;; \__\___/_/\_\\__|_.__/ \___/_/\_\___||___/
;; Textboxes allow you to edit their contents interactively.
(defvar *textbox-margin* 4 "Default onscreen margin of a textbox.")
(defclass textbox (widget)
((buffer :accessor buffer :initform nil :initarg :buffer)
(point-row :accessor point-row :initform 0 :initarg :point-row)
(point-column :accessor point-column :initform 0 :initarg :point-column)))
(defmethod model ((box textbox))
(with-slots (buffer point-row point-column) box
(append (call-next-method)
(list :buffer buffer
:point-row point-row
:point-column point-column))))
(defmethod render-widget ((f frame) (box textbox))
(with-slots (window canvas context font highlight-context focusing) f
(with-slots (position-x position-y height width
buffer point-row point-column) box
(with-state (window)
(let* ((font-height (+ 2 (font-ascent font) (font-descent font))))
;; update textbox geometry
(let ((line-lengths (mapcar (lambda (s)
(text-extents font s))
(setf width (max *widget-minimum-width*
(+ (* 2 *textbox-margin*)
(if (null line-lengths)
0 (apply #'max line-lengths))))))
(setf height (+ (* 2 *textbox-margin*)
(* font-height (max 1 (length buffer)))))
;; draw border
(draw-rectangle canvas context
position-x position-y
width height)
;; draw buffer
(let ((x (+ position-x *textbox-margin*))
(y (+ -2 position-y *textbox-margin*)))
(dolist (line buffer)
(incf y font-height)
(draw-glyphs canvas context x y line)))
;; draw cursor
(when (eq focusing box)
(let* ((line (nth point-row buffer))
(cursor-width (text-extents font " "))
(x (+ position-x *textbox-margin*
(text-extents font (subseq line 0 point-column))))
(y (+ 2 position-y *textbox-margin*
(* font-height point-row))))
(draw-rectangle canvas highlight-context
x y cursor-width font-height t))))))))
(defmethod default-map-key ((box textbox) key keysym modifiers)
(when (typep key 'standard-char)
(insert box key))
;; return true to notify keymapper that we've handled the event
(defmethod forward-char ((box textbox))
(with-slots (buffer point-row point-column) box
(setf point-column (min (1+ point-column)
(length (nth point-row buffer))))))
(defmethod backward-char ((box textbox))
(with-slots (buffer point-row point-column) box
(setf point-column (max 0 (1- point-column)))))
(defmethod next-line ((box textbox))
(with-slots (buffer point-row point-column) box
(setf point-row (min (1+ point-row)
(1- (length buffer))))
(setf point-column (min point-column
(length (nth point-row buffer))))))
(defmethod previous-line ((box textbox))
(with-slots (buffer point-row point-column) box
(setf point-row (max 0 (1- point-row)))
(setf point-column (min point-column
(length (nth point-row buffer))))))
(defmethod move-end-of-line ((box textbox))
(with-slots (buffer point-row point-column) box
(setf point-column (length (nth point-row buffer)))))
(defmethod move-beginning-of-line ((box textbox))
(setf (point-column box) 0))
(defmethod newline ((box textbox))
(with-slots (buffer point-row point-column) box
;; insert line break
(let* ((line (nth point-row buffer))
(line-remainder (subseq line point-column))
(buffer-remainder (nthcdr (1+ point-row) buffer)))
;; truncate current line
(setf (nth point-row buffer)
(subseq line 0 point-column))
;; insert new line
(if (= 0 point-row)
(setf (cdr buffer)
(cons line-remainder (cdr buffer)))
(setf (cdr (nthcdr (- point-row 1) buffer))
(cons (nth point-row buffer)
(cons line-remainder buffer-remainder))))
(incf point-row)
(setf point-column 0))))
(defmethod backward-delete-char ((box textbox))
(with-slots (buffer point-row point-column) box
(if (and (= 0 point-column) (/= 0 point-row))
;; we need to remove a line break.
(let ((line (nth (- point-row 1) buffer))
(next-line (nth (+ point-row 1) buffer)))
(setf (nth (- point-row 1) buffer)
(concatenate 'string line (nth point-row buffer)))
(setf (cdr (nthcdr (- point-row 1) buffer))
(nth (+ point-row 1) buffer))
;; move cursor too
(decf point-row)
(setf point-column (length line))))
;; otherwise, delete within current line.
(when (/= 0 point-column)
(let* ((line (nth point-row buffer))
(remainder (subseq line point-column)))
(setf (nth point-row buffer)
(concatenate 'string
(subseq line 0 (- point-column 1))
(decf point-column)))))))
(defmethod insert ((box textbox) key)
(with-slots (buffer point-row point-column) box
(if (null buffer)
(push (string key) buffer)
(incf point-column))
(let* ((line (nth point-row buffer))
(remainder (subseq line point-column)))
(setf (nth point-row buffer)
(concatenate 'string
(subseq line 0 point-column)
(string key)
(incf point-column)))))
;;;; (@* "buttons")
;; _ _ _
;; | |__ _ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __ ___
;; | '_ \| | | | __| __/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
;; | |_) | |_| | |_| || (_) | | | \__ \
;; |_.__/ \__,_|\__|\__\___/|_| |_|___/
;; A button evaluates the lisp expression inside when you click on it.
(defclass button (textbox) ())
(defmethod render-widget ((f frame) (b button))
(with-slots (highlight-context canvas font) f
(X-default-render-widget b canvas highlight-context font)))
(defmethod touch ((b button) x y)
(with-slots (label) b
(eval (read-from-string label))
;; print any errors to standard output for now
(condition (c) (format t "~S" c)))))
;;;; (@* "templates")
;; _ _ _
;; | |_ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ | | __ _| |_ ___ ___
;; | __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _` | __/ _ \/ __|
;; | || __/ | | | | | |_) | | (_| | || __/\__ \
;; \__\___|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\__,_|\__\___||___/
;; |_|
;; A template allows you to create new objects within a worksheet.
(defclass template (widget) ())
(defmethod render-widget ((f frame) (tmp template))
(with-slots (shadowed-context canvas font) f
(X-default-render-widget tmp canvas shadowed-context font)))
(defmethod cursor-key ((tem template))
;;;; (@* "worksheets")
;; _ _ _
;; __ _____ _ __| | _____| |__ ___ ___| |_ ___
;; \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _ \ __/ __|
;; \ V V / (_) | | | <\__ \ | | | __/ __/ |_\__ \
;; \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\_\___/_| |_|\___|\___|\__|___/
;; Worksheets are used to organize widgets into a page.
(defclass worksheet (widget) ())
(defmethod join-widgets ((tmp template) (wrk worksheet) &optional x y)
"Create a new widget of the class indicated by template TMP
in worksheet WRK at location X Y."
(let* ((class-symbol (intern (string-upcase (label tmp))))
(widget (make-instance class-symbol
:label (concatenate 'string
"*new "
(label tmp)
:position-x x
:position-y y
:parent wrk)))
(adjoin-child wrk widget)))
;;;; (@* "toolbars")
;; _ _ _
;; | |_ ___ ___ | | |__ __ _ _ __ ___
;; | __/ _ \ / _ \| | '_ \ / _` | '__/ __|
;; | || (_) | (_) | | |_) | (_| | | \__ \
;; \__\___/ \___/|_|_.__/ \__,_|_| |___/
;; A toolbar full of widgets is displayed across the top of the frame.
(defclass toolbar (widget) ())
(defparameter *toolbar-margin* 5)
(defmethod render-widget ((f frame) (b toolbar))
(with-slots (window canvas accent-context font) f
(let ((toolbar-height (+ 4
(* 2 *toolbar-margin*)
(* 2 *widget-vertical-margin*)
(font-ascent font)
(font-descent font))))
;; update toolbar geometry
(with-state (window)
(with-slots (position-x position-y height width) b
(setf position-x 0)
(setf position-y 0)
(setf height toolbar-height)
(setf width (drawable-width window)))
;; draw toolbar border
(draw-line canvas accent-context
0 toolbar-height
(drawable-width window) toolbar-height))
;; position and render children
(let ((x *toolbar-margin*))
(dolist (child (children b))
(setf (position-x child) x)
(setf (position-y child) *toolbar-margin*)
(render-widget f child)
(incf x (+ *toolbar-margin* (width child))))))))
(defmethod hit-test ((b toolbar) x y)
(hit-widgets (children b) x y))
;;;; (@* "listeners")
;; _ _ _
;; | (_)___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___
;; | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __|
;; | | \__ \ || __/ | | | __/ | \__ \
;; |_|_|___/\__\___|_| |_|\___|_| |___/
;; A listener gives you the read-eval-print loop at the bottom of the frame.
(defparameter *listener-lines* 5 "Number of lines to display in listener.")
(defparameter *listener-margin* 5 "Size of margins in listener.")
(defclass listener (textbox)
((history-position :accessor history-position :initform 0
:initarg :history-position)))
(defmethod model ((box textbox))
(append (call-next-method)
(list :history-position (history-position box))))
(defmethod add-listener ((f frame))
(let ((listener (make-instance 'listener)))
(adjoin-child (widget f) listener)))
(defmethod render-widget ((f frame) (L listener))
(with-slots (window canvas highlight-context accent-context font focusing) f
(with-state (window)
(with-slots (position-x position-y height width
buffer point-row point-column) L
(let* ((font-height (+ 2 (font-ascent font) (font-descent font)))
(font-width (text-extents font "a"))
(listener-height (+ 4
(* 2 *listener-margin*)
(* *listener-lines* font-height))))
;; update listener geometry
(setf position-y (- (drawable-height window)
(setf position-x 0)
(setf width (drawable-width window))
(setf height listener-height)
;; draw border
(draw-line canvas accent-context
position-x position-y
(drawable-width window) position-y)
;; draw text lines
(let ((y (- (drawable-height window)
(dotimes (i *listener-lines*)
(draw-glyphs canvas accent-context
*listener-margin* y
(nth i buffer))
(decf y font-height)))
;; draw cursor
(when (eq focusing L)
(draw-rectangle canvas highlight-context
(+ *listener-margin*
(* point-column font-width))
(- (drawable-height window)
font-width font-height t)))))))
(defmethod evaluate ((L listener))
(with-slots (buffer point-row point-column history-position) L
(setf point-row 0)
(setf history-position 0)
(setf point-column 0)
(push (concatenate 'string " "
(eval (read-from-string (car buffer))))
(condition (c) (format nil "~S" c))))
(push "" buffer)))
(defmethod previous-history ((L listener))
(with-slots (buffer history-position point-column) L
(setf history-position (min (1+ history-position)
(length buffer)))
(setf (car buffer) (copy-seq (nth history-position buffer)))
(setf point-column (length (car buffer)))))
(defmethod next-history ((L listener))
(with-slots (buffer history-position point-row point-column) L
(setf history-position (max 0 (1- history-position)))
(setf (car buffer) (copy-seq (nth history-position buffer)))
(setf point-column (length (car buffer)))))
;; (@* "channels")
;; _ _
;; ___| |__ __ _ _ __ _ __ ___| |___
;; / __| '_ \ / _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ / __|
;; | (__| | | | (_| | | | | | | | __/ \__ \
;; \___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\___|_|___/
;; A channel manages communication with an external program. The
;; default implementation uses sb-ext:run-program and talks to the
;; standard input/output streams of the program being run.
(defclass channel ()
((process :accessor process :initarg :process :initform nil)))
(defgeneric run (channel program args)
(:documentation "Run program PROGRAM with ARGS and connect it
to the channel."))
(defgeneric stop (channel)
(:documentation "Kill the program attached to the channel."))
(defgeneric send-string (channel string)
(:documentation "Send a string through the channel to the external program."))
(defgeneric send-sexp (channel sexp)
(:documentation "Send an S-expression through the channel to
the external program."))
(defgeneric receive-string (channel)
(:documentation "Read any output from the channel."))
(defmethod run ((ch channel) program args)
(setf (process ch) (sb-ext:run-program program args
:input :stream
:output :stream
:search t
:pty nil
:wait nil)))
(defmethod stop ((ch channel))
(sb-ext:process-kill (process ch) 9))
(defmethod send-string ((ch channel) string)
(let ((stream (sb-ext:process-input (process ch))))
(format stream "~A ~%" string)
(force-output stream)))
(defmethod send-sexp ((ch channel) sexp)
(let ((stream (sb-ext:process-input (process ch)))
(*print-case* :downcase))
(format stream "~S~%" sexp)
(force-output stream)))
;; (@* "soundframe")
;; _ __
;; ___ ___ _ _ _ __ __| |/ _|_ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___
;; / __|/ _ \| | | | '_ \ / _` | |_| '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \
;; \__ \ (_) | |_| | | | | (_| | _| | | (_| | | | | | | __/
;; |___/\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|
;;;; Connecting CL-FRAME and Snd
(defvar *snd* nil "Channel to the SND editor.")
(defvar *snd-rt-init-file* "/home/dto/rt-init.scm")
(defun snd-mode ()
"Activate snd-mode. Start the Snd process and load the realtime engine."
(setf *major-mode* :snd-mode)
(setf *snd* (make-instance 'channel))
(run *snd* "snd" nil)
(send-sexp *snd* `(load ,*snd-rt-init-file*)))
;;;; Connections link together two ports
(defclass connection (widget)
((source :accessor source :initform nil :initarg :source)
(sink :accessor sink :initform nil :initarg :sink)
(handle :accessor handle :initform nil :initarg :handle)))
(defmethod model ((c connection))
(with-slots (source sink) c
(append (call-next-method)
(list :source (model source)
:sink (model sink)))))
(defmethod unmodel ((c connection))
(with-slots (source sink handle) c
;; the ports will not have their connections at this point.
;; fill them in here.
(adjoin-connection source c)
(adjoin-connection sink c)
;; now create a new handle object
(setf handle (make-instance 'connection-handle :parent c))))
(defmethod disconnect ((c connection))
(with-slots (source sink) c
(let ((parent (parent (parent source))))
(remove-connection source c)
(remove-connection sink c)
(remove-child parent c))))
(defmethod endpoints ((c connection))
(with-slots (source sink) c
(let ((x0 (port-extents-x (parent source)
(port-number source)
(num-outlets (parent source))))
(y0 (port-extents-y (parent source) :outlet-p))
(x1 (port-extents-x (parent sink)
(port-number sink)
(num-inlets (parent sink))))
(y1 (+ *port-height* (port-extents-y (parent sink)))))
(values x0 y0 x1 y1))))
(defparameter *handle-radius* 5 "Default on-screen radius of a connection handle.")
(defmethod handle-extents ((c connection))
(multiple-value-bind (x0 y0 x1 y1) (endpoints c)
(let* ((mid-x (truncate (/ (+ x0 x1) 2)))
(mid-y (truncate (/ (+ y0 y1) 2)))
(hx0 (- mid-x *handle-radius*))
(hx1 (+ mid-x *handle-radius*))
(hy0 (- mid-y *handle-radius*))
(hy1 (+ mid-y *handle-radius*)))
(values hx0 hy0 hx1 hy1))))
(defmethod render-widget ((f frame) (c connection))
(with-slots (context canvas) f
(multiple-value-bind (x0 y0 x1 y1) (endpoints c)
(draw-line canvas context x0 y0 x1 y1))
(multiple-value-bind (x0 y0 x1 y1) (handle-extents c)
(draw-arc canvas context x0 y0 (- x1 x0) (- y1 y0)
0.0 (* 2.0 3.14159)))))
(defmethod hit-test ((c connection) x y)
(multiple-value-bind (x0 y0 x1 y1) (handle-extents c)
(if (within-extents x y x0 y0 x1 y1)
(handle c)
;;;; Connection handles make it easy to select a connection
(defclass connection-handle (widget) ())
(defmethod touch ((h connection-handle) x y)
(disconnect (parent h)))
;;;; Ports are the components of a dataflow where connections attach
(defclass port (widget)
((port-number :accessor port-number :initform 0 :initarg :port-number)
(connections :accessor connections :initform nil :initarg :connections)
(port-type :accessor port-type :initform :inlet :initarg :port-type)))
(defmethod model ((p port))
"Model a port. Don't model the connections; this leads to
infinite recursion."
(with-slots (port-number connections parent) p
(append (call-next-method)
(list :port-number port-number
:parent (model parent)))))
(defmethod unmodel ((p port))
;; dataflows will not have their ports at this point.
;; fill them in here.
(with-slots (port-number parent port-type) p
(replace-port parent p port-type)))
(defmethod adjoin-connection ((p port) connection)
(setf (connections p) (adjoin connection (connections p))))
(defmethod remove-connection ((p port) connection)
(setf (connections p) (remove connection (connections p))))
(defmethod join-widgets ((source port) (sink port) &optional x y)
(when (not (eq source sink))
(connect-ports source sink)))
(defmethod connect-ports ((source port) (sink port))
(let* ((parent (parent (parent source)))
(connection (make-instance 'connection
:source source
:sink sink
:parent parent))
(handle (make-instance 'connection-handle)))
(setf (handle connection) handle)
(setf (parent handle) connection)
(adjoin-connection source connection)
(adjoin-connection sink connection)
;; save new connection in parent widget
(adjoin-child parent connection)))
(defmethod cursor-key ((p port))
;;;; Dataflow widgets are sources and sinks of data with attached ports.
(defclass dataflow (textbox)
((num-inlets :accessor num-inlets :initform 0 :initarg :num-inlets)
(inlets :accessor inlets :initform nil)
(num-outlets :accessor num-outlets :initform 0 :initarg :num-outlets)
(outlets :accessor outlets :initform nil)))
(defmethod model ((d dataflow))
"Produce a model of a dataflow object. Note that we do not
model the ports explicitly---this would lead to infinite recursion."
(with-slots (num-inlets num-outlets inlets outlets) d
(append (call-next-method)
(list :num-inlets num-inlets
:num-outlets num-outlets))))
(defmethod unmodel ((d dataflow))
"Create blank ports on the dataflow."
(with-slots (num-inlets num-outlets inlets outlets) d
(setf (inlets d) (make-sequence 'vector num-inlets))
(setf (outlets d) (make-sequence 'vector num-outlets))
(dotimes (i num-inlets)
(setf (aref (inlets d) i) (make-instance 'port
:port-number i
:parent d
:port-type :inlet)))
(dotimes (i num-outlets)
(setf (aref (outlets d) i) (make-instance 'port
:port-number i
:parent d
:port-type :outlet)))))
(defmethod replace-port ((d dataflow) (p port) port-type)
(case port-type
(setf (aref (inlets d) (port-number p)) p))
(setf (aref (outlets d) (port-number p)) p))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((d dataflow) &rest initargs)
(unmodel d))
(defmethod port-extents-x ((self dataflow) nth-port num-ports)
"Return the x-coordinates of the left and right edges of the port NTH-PORT
in SELF."
(with-slots (position-x width) self
(let ((left (+ position-x (* nth-port (/ width num-ports)))))
(values left (+ left *port-width*)))))
(defmethod port-extents-y ((self dataflow) &optional outlet-p)
"Return the y-coordinates of the top and bottom edges of the
inlets for widget SELF. If outlet-p is non-nil, return the outlet
coordinates instead."
(with-slots (position-y height) self
(let ((top (if outlet-p
(+ position-y height)
(- position-y *port-height*))))
(values top (+ top *port-height*)))))
(defparameter *port-width* 8 "Default onscreen width of a data port.")
(defparameter *port-height* 8 "Default hit-test height of a data port.")
(defmethod render-widget ((f frame) (w dataflow))
(with-slots (context accent-context canvas) f
(with-slots (position-x position-y height width
num-inlets num-outlets) w
;; draw default appearance
;; decorate it with ports
(dotimes (n num-inlets)
(multiple-value-bind (x0 x1) (port-extents-x w n num-inlets)
(multiple-value-bind (ignore y) (port-extents-y w)
(draw-line canvas accent-context x0 y x1 y))))
(dotimes (n num-outlets)
(multiple-value-bind (x0 x1) (port-extents-x w n num-outlets)
(multiple-value-bind (y ignore) (port-extents-y w :outlet-p)
(draw-line canvas accent-context x0 y x1 y)))))))
(defmethod hit-test ((d dataflow) x y)
"Return the widget (either D or one of its ports) when
hit-testing succeeds, nil otherwise."
(with-slots (inlets outlets num-inlets num-outlets) d
(labels ((hit-port (p n outlet-p)
(multiple-value-bind (x0 x1)
(port-extents-x (parent p) (port-number p) n)
(multiple-value-bind (y0 y1)
(port-extents-y (parent p) outlet-p)
(if (and (>= x x0) (<= x x1)
(>= y y0) (<= y y1))
(hit-inlet (p n)
(hit-port p n nil))
(hit-outlet (p n)
(hit-port p n t)))
(or (some #'(lambda (p)
(hit-inlet p num-inlets))
(some #'(lambda (p)
(hit-outlet p num-outlets))
;; none of the inlets or outlets were hit.
(defmethod cursor-key ((d dataflow))
;;;; (@* "models")
;; _ _
;; _ __ ___ ___ __| | ___| |___
;; | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ / __|
;; | | | | | | (_) | (_| | __/ \__ \
;; |_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___|_|___/
;; Functions for transforming and serializing models.
(defun fold-model (model)
"Turn a model with many duplicate (but equal) sublists into a
model with a table of objects and references between
them. Returns a hash table mapping sexps to integers, and the
transformed model."
(let ((sexps->integers (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(id 0)
(m (copy-tree model)))
(labels ((fold-sexp (L)
(let* ((sexp (car L))
(sexp-id nil))
;; don't match keywords or already-substituted references
(when (and (listp sexp)
(not (null sexp))
(not (equal 'folded-reference (car sexp))))
(fold-sexp sexp)
(if (setf sexp-id (gethash sexp sexps->integers))
(nsubst `(folded-reference ,sexp-id) sexp L :test 'equal)
;; it's not in the hashtable. put it in
(incf id)
(setf (gethash sexp sexps->integers) id))))
(when (not (null L))
(fold-sexp (cdr L))))))
(fold-sexp m)
;; give the object table a "root object"
(setf (gethash m sexps->integers) 0)
;; now fold sexps that are in the hash table already
(let ((new-sexps (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
;; first make a copy; we can't modify a hash table while iterating over it
(maphash (lambda (k v)
(setf (gethash k new-sexps) v))
;; now fold the keys of the copy while modifying the original
(maphash (lambda (k v)
(fold-sexp k))
;; return the mapping and the folded model
(values sexps->integers m))))
(defun serialize-model (model)
"Serialize a model into a set of sexps suitable for writing to a text file."
(multiple-value-bind (sexp-hash folded-model) (fold-model model)
(let ((sexps nil))
(maphash (lambda (k v)
(push (cons v k) sexps))
(sort sexps (lambda (x y)
(> (car x) (car y))))
(nreverse sexps))))
(defun write-model (model filename)
"Write a model to disk."
(with-open-file (file filename :direction :output
:if-exists :overwrite
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format t "~S" model)
(format file "~S" model)))
(defvar *model*)
(defmethod save-worksheet ((wrk worksheet) filename)
(let ((model (serialize-model (model wrk))))
(setf *model* model)
(write-model model filename)))
(defun read-model (filename)
"Read a model from disk."
(with-open-file (file filename :direction :input)
(read file)))
(defun load-worksheet (filename)
"Construct a worksheet from a file."
(let* ((model (read-model filename))
(integers->sexps (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
(integers->objects (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
(worksheet-model nil))
;; grab the worksheet object, which is always first
(setf worksheet-model (car model))
;; read in all the sexps
(dolist (m model)
(setf (gethash (car m) integers->sexps) (cdr m)))
;; now expand the sexps into objects by recursively unfolding all references
(labels ((remove-class-keywords (plist)
;; we do this because it makes it easier to
;; pass the plist to make-instance during
;; the unmodeling process.
(let ((plist1 plist)
(plist2 nil))
(do ((p (pop plist1) (pop plist1)))
((null plist1))
(if (equal :class p)
(pop plist1) ; skip value after keyword
(push p plist2)))
;; handle the last element
(push (car (last plist)) plist2)
(reverse plist2))))
(unmodel-object (plist)
(let* ((plist2 (remove-class-keywords plist))
(object-class (getf plist :class))
(object (apply #'make-instance object-class plist2)))
(unmodel object)
(expand (sexp)
(if (not (listp sexp))
;; what type of list?
;; a folded reference?
((equal 'folded-reference (car sexp))
(let* ((reference-number (car (cdr sexp)))
(object (gethash reference-number integers->objects)))
;; if already in object cache, return it.
;; otherwise, put it in
(if object
;; time to make the donuts!
(let ((reference-sexp
(gethash reference-number integers->sexps)))
(setf (gethash reference-number integers->objects)
(expand reference-sexp))))))
;; a modeled object?
((listp sexp)
;; expand all subforms
(setf sexp (mapcar #'expand sexp))
;; create object when ready
(if (equal :class (car sexp))
(unmodel-object sexp)
;; otherwise just return sexp
(expand (gethash 0 integers->sexps))
integers->objects integers->sexps))))
;;;; (@* "initialization")
;; _ _ _
;; (_)_ __ (_) |_
;; | | '_ \| | __|
;; | | | | | | |_
;; |_|_| |_|_|\__|
;; Initializing the CL-FRAME library
(defun initialize-cl-frame ()
"Get the cl-frame library ready to go."
(setf *window->frame* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(setf *display* (open-default-display))
(setf *class->keymap* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
;; define initial keymaps
(define-key 'textbox '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\f) #'forward-char)
(define-key 'textbox '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\b) #'backward-char)
(define-key 'textbox '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\n) #'next-line)
(define-key 'textbox '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\p) #'previous-line)
(define-key 'textbox '(:keysym 65363) #'forward-char)
(define-key 'textbox '(:keysym 65361) #'backward-char)
(define-key 'textbox '(:keysym 65364) #'next-line)
(define-key 'textbox '(:keysym 65362) #'previous-line)
(define-key 'textbox '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\e) #'move-end-of-line)
(define-key 'textbox '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\a) #'move-beginning-of-line)
(define-key 'textbox '(:key #\Return) #'newline)
(define-key 'textbox '(:key #\Backspace) #'backward-delete-char)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\f) #'forward-char)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\b) #'backward-char)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\n) #'next-line)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\p) #'previous-line)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:keysym 65363) #'forward-char)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:keysym 65361) #'backward-char)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:keysym 65364) #'next-line)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:keysym 65362) #'previous-line)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\e) #'move-end-of-line)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\a) #'move-beginning-of-line)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:key #\Return) #'newline)
(define-key 'dataflow '(:key #\Backspace) #'backward-delete-char)
(define-key 'listener '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\f) #'forward-char)
(define-key 'listener '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\b) #'backward-char)
(define-key 'listener '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\n) #'next-history)
(define-key 'listener '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\p) #'previous-history)
(define-key 'listener '(:keysym 65363) #'forward-char)
(define-key 'listener '(:keysym 65361) #'backward-char)
(define-key 'listener '(:keysym 65364) #'next-history)
(define-key 'listener '(:keysym 65362) #'previous-history)
(define-key 'listener '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\e) #'move-end-of-line)
(define-key 'listener '(:modifiers (:control) :key #\a) #'move-beginning-of-line)
(define-key 'listener '(:key #\Return) #'evaluate)
(define-key 'listener '(:key #\Backspace) #'backward-delete-char))
;;; Tests:
(defvar *frame*)
(defvar *model*)
(defvar *model2*)
(defvar *model3*)
(defun do-test ()
(setf *frame* (make-instance 'frame))
;; fill frame with widgets
(let ((widget (make-instance 'worksheet))
(toolbar (make-instance 'toolbar)))
(setf (widget *frame*) widget)
(dotimes (i 10)
(let ((box (make-instance 'dataflow :parent widget
:label (nth (random 4)
'("a" "b" "c" "d"))
:num-inlets (1+ (random 2))
:num-outlets (1+ (random 2)))))
(setf (position-x box) (random 200))
(setf (position-y box) (random 200))
(push box (children widget))))
(dotimes (i 4)
(let ((box (make-instance 'template
:parent widget
:label (nth (random 2)
'("dataflow" "textbox")))))
(adjoin-child toolbar box)))
(adjoin-child widget toolbar))
(add-listener *frame*)
;; now get going
(defun do-test-from-file (filename)
(setf *frame* (make-instance 'frame))
(setf (widget *frame*) (load-worksheet filename))
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