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Created August 8, 2014 22:29
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  • Save dtolb/233a6c5dd3f0835ec65d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dtolb/233a6c5dd3f0835ec65d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
path = require("path");
module.exports = function (grunt) {
function runTests (browser, done) {
var bin = path.join(__dirname, "bin");
var environment = Object.create(process.env);
var options = {
cmd : "mocha",
args : [ "--reporter", "spec", "--timeout", "30000", "specs/*.js" ],
opts : { stdio : "inherit" }
function checkResult (error) {
if (error) {"Some tests failed.");
else {
grunt.log.ok("All tests passed.");
// Configure environment for child process.
environment.BROWSER = browser;
environment.PATH = environment.PATH.split(path.delimiter).concat(bin).join(path.delimiter);
options.opts.env = environment;
grunt.util.spawn(options, checkResult);
jshint : {
options : {
bitwise : true,
camelcase : true,
curly : true,
eqeqeq : true,
es3 : false,
forin : false,
immed : true,
indent : 4,
latedef : true,
newcap : true,
noarg : true,
noempty : true,
nonew : true,
plusplus : true,
quotmark : "double",
undef : true,
unused : true,
strict : false,
trailing : true,
maxparams : 3,
maxdepth : 3,
maxstatements : false,
maxlen : 120,
expr : true,
globals : {
after : false,
before : false,
afterEach : false,
beforeEach : false,
describe : false,
it : false
node : true,
ignores : [ "node_modules/**/*.js" ]
src : "**/*.js"
grunt.registerTask("chrome", "Run the UI tests in Chrome.", [ "chrome-driver", "chrome-test" ]);
grunt.registerTask("chrome-driver", "Download the appropriate Chrome driver.", function () {
var done = this.async();
var options = {
cmd : "lib/",
args : [],
opts : { stdio : "inherit" }
function checkResult (error) {
if (error) {"Failed to setup the Chrome driver.");
else {
grunt.log.ok("Successfully setup the Chrome driver.");
grunt.util.spawn(options, checkResult);
grunt.registerTask("chrome-test", "Execute the test cases in Chrome.", function () {
var done = this.async();
runTests("chrome", done);
grunt.registerTask("default", [ "lint", "test" ]);
grunt.registerTask("firefox", "Run the UI tests in Firefox.", function () {
var done = this.async();
runTests("firefox", done);
grunt.registerTask("lint", "Check for common code problems.", [ "jshint" ]);
grunt.registerTask("test", "Run the test suite on all browsers.", [ "chrome", "firefox" ]);
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