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Last active October 9, 2019 13:43
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"neighbor" function from page 94 of the Joy Of Clojure, 2nd edition, but modified. Also with pre/post conditions using specs, and test code.
; ===
; "neighbor" function from Chapter 5 (page 94) of the Joy Of Clojure, 2nd edition.
; ...modified and spec-ed!
; Applicable license is the unlicense:
; except for code taken from "Joy of Clojure, 2nd edition" (i.e. "neighbors-orig"),
; which is distributed under the Eclipse License.
; In a Leiningen project called "neighbor", this will be file src/neighbor/core.clj
; The project needs to declare these dependencies:
; :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]
; [org.clojure/test.check "0.9.0"]
; ===
(ns neighbor.core
"Simple implementation of 'matrix neighborhood'
From 'The Joy of Clojure' 2nd edition
Chapter 5, page 94."
[clojure.spec.alpha :as spec] ; : spec creation
[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as instr] ; : instrumentation of functions
[clojure.test.check :as chk] ; : property-based generative testing
[clojure.test.check.generators :as chkgen] ; : property-based generative testing
[ :as chkprop] ; : property-based generative testing
[clojure.test :as utest] ; : unit testing framework
[clojure.set :as cljset] ; : set operations
[clojure.string :as cljstr])) ; : string operations
; ------------------------
; As is the custom in math, matrix "cell designators" are written: [row col].
; Counting starts from 0. Only square matrixes are considered.
; Example matrix cell designators:
; +----colum--------------->
; |
; | [0 0] [0 1] [0 2]
; row [1 0] [1 1] [1 2]
; | [2 0] [2 1] [2 2]
; V
; ===
; Matrix "cell deltas" for stepping "up", "down", "left", "right"
; ===
; Includes the "inverted map" as used in postcondition checks.
; The original function from "The Joy of Clojure" does not use these.
(def deltas { ::up [-1 0]
::down [ 1 0]
::left [ 0 -1]
::right [ 0 1] })
(def deltas-inv (cljset/map-invert deltas))
; ===
; specs
; ===
; "Must be a sequential collection of exactly 2 integers"
(spec/def ::mustbe-seql-of-2-int
(spec/coll-of integer? :kind sequential? :count 2))
; "Must be a vector of exactly 2 integers"
(spec/def ::mustbe-vec-of-2-int
(spec/coll-of integer? :kind vector? :count 2))
; "Must be a an integer [0..100]"
; The upper limit is added because we want to generate test data
; within that limited range only.
(spec/def ::mustbe-matrix-size-int
(spec/and integer? #(<= 0 % 100)))
; This just prints the argument passed to the spec and returns true
; Mute this by redefining "::justprint" directly below.
(spec/def ::justprint
; "vec" to realize the LazySeq, which is not realized by join
(print (cljstr/join [ "::justprint ▶ " (vec %) "\n"] ))
; (spec/def ::justprint (fn [_] true))
; "Must be a sequential of 0..4 vectors of vectors of exactly 2 integers".
; Note that the "pred" passed to "spec/coll-of" is actually a "spec" here.
; This really works!!
(spec/def ::mustbe-seql-of-vec-of-2-int
:kind sequential?
:min-count 0
:max-count 4)))
; "Must be a collection of [row col] where the difference to the input
; [row col] 'rc' is a known delta"
(spec/def ::mustbe-known-delta
(fn [x]
(let [ [retval rc] x ; dstructure "x" into "return value" and "rc" as possed in :post
subtract-rcs (fn [rc1 rc2] (map - rc1 rc2))
delta-coll (map (partial subtract-rcs rc) retval) ]
; (print "We have this delta-collection now: " delta-coll "\n")
; 1) predicate over collection, short version
(every? #(contains? deltas-inv %) delta-coll)
; 2) predicate over collection, long version with printout
; (every? (fn [drc] (let [drx (get deltas-inv drc)] (print drc "->" drx "\n") drx)) delta-coll)
; 3) calling a spec (not recommended I reckon)
; spec/valid? (spec/coll-of #(contains? deltas-inv %)) delta-coll)
; ===
; "neighbor" function, original from "The Joy of Clojure", page 95.
; (neighbors-orig size [y x])
; ===
; This original "neighbor" function from "The Joy of Clojure" seems hard to read.
; Note the function overloading.
; "pre:" and "post:" checks have been added here, they are not in the original.
; For the postcondition, we need to pass the returned value via '%'
; and the original rc argument; create a structure holding those.
; Note that the postcondition has no '#' that might go with the '%'.
; size: The size of the square matrix to consider, an integer >= 0.
; yx : A sequence of "row" and "column" giving the cell in whose neighborhood
; we are interested.
(defn neighbors-orig
([size yx]
{:pre [ (spec/valid? ::mustbe-seql-of-2-int yx)
(spec/valid? ::mustbe-matrix-size-int size) ]
:post [ (spec/valid? ::mustbe-seql-of-vec-of-2-int %)
(spec/valid? ::mustbe-known-delta [% yx])] }
(neighbors-orig [[-1 0] [1 0] [0 -1] [0 1]]
([deltas size yx]
(filter (fn [new-yx]
(every? #(< -1 % size) new-yx))
(map #(vec (map + yx %))
; ===
; "neighbor" function, 1st generation re-implementation.
; (neighbors-orig sqmsz [row col])
; ===
; The same as above but with a more extensive let to better show what's
; going on. This function still uses overloading, but overloading seems
; awkward once you use the "let" block.
; sqmsz: The size of the square matrix to consider, an integer >= 0.
; rc : A sequence of "row" and "column" giving the cell in whose neighborhood
; we are interested.
(defn neighbors-gen1
([sqmsz rc]
{:pre [ (spec/valid? ::mustbe-seql-of-2-int rc)
(spec/valid? ::mustbe-matrix-size-int sqmsz) ]
:post [ (spec/valid? ::mustbe-seql-of-vec-of-2-int %)
(spec/valid? ::mustbe-known-delta [% rc])] }
(neighbors-gen1 [[-1 0] [1 0] [0 -1] [0 1]]
([deltas sqmsz rc]
(let [ in-sq-matrix? (fn [x] (and (<= 0 x) (< x sqmsz)))
in-sq-matrix-rc? (fn [rc] (every? in-sq-matrix? rc))
add-two-rc (fn [rc1 rc2] (vec (map + rc1 rc2)))
get-rc-neighbors (fn [rc] (map (partial add-two-rc rc) deltas)) ]
(filter in-sq-matrix-rc? (get-rc-neighbors rc))))
; ===
; "neighbor" function, 2nd generation re-implementation.
; (neighbors-orig sqmsz [row col])
; ===
; We are using the "deltas" map to explicitly name the directions.
; There is no overloading anymore. It is smoother to just add a "let"
; with the directions (delta-rcs) to the single function instead of
; creating a three-argument inner function that is passed the directions.
(defn neighbors-gen2 [sqmsz rc]
{:pre [ (spec/valid? ::mustbe-seql-of-2-int rc)
(spec/valid? ::mustbe-matrix-size-int sqmsz) ]
:post [ (spec/valid? ::mustbe-seql-of-vec-of-2-int %)
(spec/valid? ::mustbe-known-delta [% rc])] }
(let [ delta-rcs [ (::up deltas) (::down deltas) (::left deltas) (::right deltas) ]
in-sq-matrix? (fn [x] (and (<= 0 x) (< x sqmsz)))
in-sq-matrix-rc? (fn [rc] (every? in-sq-matrix? rc))
add-two-rc (fn [rc1 rc2] (vec (map + rc1 rc2))) ; "vec" realizes the LazySeqs into vectors
get-rc-neighbors (fn [rc] (map (partial add-two-rc rc) delta-rcs)) ]
(filter in-sq-matrix-rc? (get-rc-neighbors rc))))
; ===
; "neighbor" function, 3rd generation re-implementation.
; (neighbors-orig sqmsz [row col])
; ===
; We are using the "deltas" map to explicitly name the directions.
; There is no overloading anymore. It is smoother to just add a "let"
; with the directions (delta-rcs) to the single function instead of
; creating a three-argument inner function that is passed the directions.
; This is mostly useful if you want to generate input values
; for testing: ":ret" and ":fn" are for property generation only!
; "If you instrument a function spec’d with fdef or fspec, only its :args spec will
; be checked during each invocation."
(defn neighbors-gen3 [sqmsz rc]
(let [ delta-rcs [ (::up deltas) (::down deltas) (::left deltas) (::right deltas) ]
in-sq-matrix? (fn [x] (and (<= 0 x) (< x sqmsz)))
in-sq-matrix-rc? (fn [rc] (every? in-sq-matrix? rc))
add-two-rc (fn [rc1 rc2] (vec (map + rc1 rc2))) ; "vec" realizes the LazySeqs into vectors
get-rc-neighbors (fn [rc] (map (partial add-two-rc rc) delta-rcs)) ]
(filter in-sq-matrix-rc? (get-rc-neighbors rc)) ))
(spec/fdef neighbors-gen3
:args (spec/cat :sqmsz ::mustbe-matrix-size-int
:rc ::mustbe-seql-of-2-int)
:ret ::mustbe-seql-of-vec-of-2-int) ; only used during property-based testing
; :fn ::must-be-known-delta ; only used during property-based testing TODO
; ===
; Put a collection of [row col] into an expected form.
; ===
; This is used to run the test code
(defn canon [rc-coll]
(let [ cmp (fn [rc1 rc2]
(let [ [r1 c1] rc1 ; destructure
[r2 c2] rc2 ] ; destructure
(cond (< r1 r2) -1 ; sort by row
(> r1 r2) +1
(< c1 c2) -1 ; then by column
(> c1 c2) +1
true 0))) ]
(vec (sort cmp rc-coll))))
; ===
; Testing
; ===
(defn test-success [ sqmsz rc expected txt ]
(print (cljstr/join [ "test-success ▶ " "'" txt "'" "\n" ]))
(doseq [ funame '[
(let [ f (ns-resolve 'neighbor.core funame) ]
(utest/is (= (canon (f sqmsz rc)) expected) txt)
(print (cljstr/join [ " " funame " ✓\n" ]))))))
; ===
; main just runs the tests
; ===
(defn -main
"Just run the tests"
[& args]
(test-success 0 [0 0] [] "Zero-size matrix, rowcol outside, #1")
(test-success 0 [1 1] [] "Zero-size matrix, rowcol outside, #2")
(test-success 1 [0 0] [] "One-size matrix, rowcol inside")
(test-success 1 [1 0] [[0 0]] "One-size matrix, rowcol outside")
(test-success 5 [0 0] [[0 1] [1 0]] "Top left")
(test-success 5 [1 0] [[0 0] [1 1] [2 0]] "Left edge")
(test-success 5 [1 1] [[0 1] [1 0] [1 2] [2 1]] "Diagonal #1")
(test-success 5 [2 2] [[1 2] [2 1] [2 3] [3 2]] "Diagonal #2")
(test-success 5 [3 3] [[2 3] [3 2] [3 4] [4 3]] "Diagonal #3")
(test-success 5 [4 4] [[3 4] [4 3]] "Bottom right")
(test-success 5 [5 5] [] "Rowcol outside, #1")
(test-success 5 [5 4] [[4 4]] "Rowcol outside, #2")
(test-success 5 [4 3] [[3 3] [4 2] [4 4]] "Bottom edge")
; Need some work for good reporting on these; they are supposed to fail
;(test-success -1 [0 0] [] "Bad matrix size")
;(test-success 5 [0 0 0] [] "Bad second arg")
; instrument the "neighbors-gen3" function, which means "spec/fdef neighbors-gen3"
; will be applied (but how?)
(instr/instrument `neighbors-gen3)
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Neighbor Matrix

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