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Created May 8, 2020 16:41
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/constants/constants.test.ts(1827,13):
TS2322: Type '{ title: null; displayTitle: any; subtitle: any; content: { title: string; displayTitle: string; url: any; subtitle: any; image: { title: string; url: string; height: number; width: number; __typename: "Asset"; }; ... 4 more ...; __typename: "Link"; }; image: any; sys: { ...; }; __typename: "PageHeroSimple"; }' is not assignable to type 'ContentfulPageMeta_pageContainerCollection_items_heroCollection_items'.
Type '{ title: null; displayTitle: any; subtitle: any; content: { title: string; displayTitle: string; url: any; subtitle: any; image: { title: string; url: string; height: number; width: number; __typename: "Asset"; }; ... 4 more ...; __typename: "Link"; }; image: any; sys: { ...; }; __typename: "PageHeroSimple"; }' is not assignable to type 'ContentfulPageMeta_pageContainerCollection_items_heroCollection_items_PageHeroSimple'.
Types of property 'content' are incompatible.
Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ title: string; displayTitle: string; url: any; subtitle: any; image: { title: string; url: string; height: number; width: number; __typename: "Asset"; }; publishDate: null; type: string; sys: { id: any; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; __typename: "Link"; }' but required in type 'ContentfulPageMeta_pageContainerCollection_items_heroCollection_items_PageHeroSimple_content'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/atoms/Link/types.ts(3,18):
TS2430: Interface 'LinkProps' incorrectly extends interface 'Link'.
Property 'alignmentOverride' is optional in type 'LinkProps' but required in type 'Link'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/AssetGroup/index.tsx(51,12):
TS2322: Type '{ key: string; className: string; __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: AssetGroup_ctaCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: AssetGroup_ctaCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(13,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(25,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(37,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(49,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(61,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(73,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(100,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(112,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(124,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(136,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(148,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/constants/index.ts(160,7):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: string; sys: { id: string; __typename: "Sys"; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(58,12):
TS2322: Type '{ __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; key: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(69,16):
TS2322: Type '{ __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(87,20):
TS2322: Type '{ __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; className: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(99,20):
TS2322: Type '{ __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; className: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(116,20):
TS2322: Type '{ className: any; key: string; publishDate: null; subtitle: null; __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(147,12):
TS2322: Type '{ className: string; __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; key: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(158,12):
TS2322: Type '{ className: string; __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; key: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(170,12):
TS2322: Type '{ __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; key: string; className: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(179,14):
TS2322: Type '{ __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; key: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(189,14):
TS2322: Type '{ __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; key: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/index.tsx(197,12):
TS2322: Type '{ type: string; __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_image; publishDate: any; alignmentOverride: string; sys: LinkGroup_linksCollection_items_sys; whitelistedStates: string; key: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/molecules/LinkGroup/test.tsx(86,11):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; subtitle: null; image: { __typename: "Asset"; title: string; url: string; width: number; height: number; }; publishDate: null; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; sys: { ...; }; title: string; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'LinkGroup_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Footer/components/Basic/index.tsx(56,18):
TS2322: Type '{ key: string; subtitle: null; publishDate: null; image: null; url: string; className: string; whitelistedStates: string; __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: Footer_linksCollection_items_sys; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Footer/components/LinkColumns/test.tsx(29,23):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; type: string; title: string; sys: { __typename: "Sys"; id: string; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'Footer_navLinksColumn1Collection_items_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Footer/components/LinkColumns/test.tsx(41,23):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; type: string; title: string; sys: { __typename: "Sys"; id: string; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'Footer_navLinksColumn1Collection_items_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Footer/components/LinkColumns/test.tsx(72,23):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; type: string; title: string; sys: { __typename: "Sys"; id: string; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'Footer_navLinksColumn2Collection_items_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Footer/components/LinkColumns/test.tsx(103,23):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: null; image: null; publishDate: null; type: string; title: string; sys: { __typename: "Sys"; id: string; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'Footer_navLinksColumn3Collection_items_linksCollection_items'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(19,3):
TS2305: Module '"../../../../../../../../../Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/types"' has no exported member 'Header_leftLinksCollection'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(20,3):
TS2305: Module '"../../../../../../../../../Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/types"' has no exported member 'Header_tabsCollection'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(21,3):
TS2305: Module '"../../../../../../../../../Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/types"' has no exported member 'Header_rightLinksCollection'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(22,3):
TS2305: Module '"../../../../../../../../../Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/types"' has no exported member 'Header_moreLinksCollection_items_linksCollection'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(23,3):
TS2305: Module '"../../../../../../../../../Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/types"' has no exported member 'Header_linksCollection'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(24,3):
TS2305: Module '"../../../../../../../../../Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/types"' has no exported member 'Header_mobileOnlyLinksCollection'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(51,36):
TS2702: 'HeaderProps' only refers to a type, but is being used as a namespace here.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(174,11):
TS2740: Type 'Element' is missing the following properties from type 'ReactNode[]': length, pop, push, concat, and 28 more.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(174,71):
TS2741: Property 'gold' is missing in type '{ items: Header_linksCollection_items[]; }' but required in type '{ items: any; gold: boolean; }'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(175,11):
TS2322: Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode[]'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(176,11):
TS2322: Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode[]'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(177,11):
TS2322: Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode[]'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(178,11):
TS2322: Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode[]'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(191,11):
TS2322: Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode[]'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(192,11):
TS2322: Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode[]'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(193,11):
TS2322: Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode[]'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(194,11):
TS2322: Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode[]'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/index.tsx(195,11):
TS2322: Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode[]'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(27,37):
TS2322: Type '{ includeSearchBar: true; __typename: "Header"; title: string; logo: { __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { ...; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { ...; }; }; ... 8 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(32,39):
TS2322: Type '{ includeSearchBar: false; __typename: "Header"; title: string; logo: { __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { ...; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { ...; }; }; ... 8 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(37,39):
TS2322: Type '{ includeSearchBar: null; __typename: "Header"; title: string; logo: { __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { ...; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { ...; }; }; ... 8 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(43,8):
TS2322: Type '{ includeSearchBar: true; __typename: "Header"; title: string; logo: { __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { ...; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { ...; }; }; ... 8 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(54,8):
TS2322: Type '{ includeSearchBar: true; __typename: "Header"; title: string; logo: { __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { ...; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { ...; }; }; ... 8 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(69,8):
TS2322: Type '{ includeSearchBar: true; linksCollection: { items: { __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { __typename: "Asset"; title: string; url: string; width: number; height: number; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { .....' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(89,38):
TS2322: Type '{ includeSearchBar: false; __typename: "Header"; title: string; logo: { __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { ...; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { ...; }; }; ... 8 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(97,8):
TS2322: Type '{ linksCollection: { items: { __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { __typename: "Asset"; title: string; url: string; width: number; height: number; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { ...; }; }[]; __typename: "...' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(112,8):
TS2322: Type '{ linksCollection: { items: null; __typename: "HeaderLinksCollection"; }; includeSearchBar: false; __typename: "Header"; title: string; logo: { __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; displayTitle: string; ... 7 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }; ... 7 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(127,8):
TS2322: Type '{ leftLinksCollection: { __typename: "HeaderLeftLinksCollection"; items: { displayTitle: string; __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { ...; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { ...; }; }[]; }; ... 11 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(145,8):
TS2322: Type '{ rightLinksCollection: { __typename: "HeaderRightLinksCollection"; items: { displayTitle: string; __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { ...; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { ...; }; }[]; }; ... 11 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(165,8):
TS2322: Type '{ mobileOnlyLinksCollection: { __typename: "HeaderMobileOnlyLinksCollection"; items: { displayTitle: string; __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; url: string; type: string; title: any; ... 4 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }[]; }; ... 11 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(186,8):
TS2322: Type '{ moreLinksCollection: { __typename: "HeaderMoreLinksCollection"; items: { __typename: "LinkGroup"; sys: { __typename: "Sys"; id: string; }; displayTitle: null; expanderButtonText: null; displayCount: null; linksCollection: { ...; }; type: null; }[]; }; ... 11 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(219,10):
TS2322: Type '{ includeSearchBar: false; __typename: "Header"; title: string; logo: { __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; displayTitle: string; url: string; type: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { ...; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any; sys: { ...; }; }; ... 8 more ...; sys: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(235,10):
TS2322: Type '{ tabsCollection: { __typename: "HeaderTabsCollection"; items: { displayTitle: string; type: string; url: string; __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { __typename: "Asset"; title: string; url: string; width: number; height: number; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any...' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/test.tsx(278,8):
TS2322: Type '{ tabsCollection: { __typename: "HeaderTabsCollection"; items: { displayTitle: string; type: string; __typename: "Link"; alignmentOverride: any; url: string; title: any; subtitle: any; image: { __typename: "Asset"; title: string; url: string; width: number; height: number; }; publishDate: any; whitelistedStates: any...' is not assignable to type 'HeaderProps'.
Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"default" | "gold"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/Header/types.ts(3,18):
TS2430: Interface 'HeaderProps' incorrectly extends interface 'Header'.
Property 'type' is optional in type 'HeaderProps' but required in type 'Header'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/PageHeroSimple/index.tsx(40,12):
TS2322: Type '{ fullWidth: true; __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: PageHeroSimple_content_image; publishDate: any; type: string; alignmentOverride: string; sys: PageHeroSimple_content_sys; whitelistedStates: string; }' is not assignable to type 'LinkProps'.
Types of property 'alignmentOverride' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"center" | "left" | "right"'.
ERROR in /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/good-rx/content-web-frontend/src/contentTypes/organisms/PageHeroSimple/test.tsx(9,3):
TS2741: Property 'alignmentOverride' is missing in type '{ __typename: "Link"; title: string; displayTitle: string; url: string; subtitle: string; image: null; publishDate: null; type: string; sys: { __typename: "Sys"; id: string; }; whitelistedStates: null; }' but required in type 'PageHeroSimple_content'.
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