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Created October 15, 2012 15:48
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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""markov generator to make u feel bad
Usage: [<length>] [--sms=<number>]
--help -h show this menu
-s NUMBER, --sms=<number> end an sms to a number
import random
import string
from collections import defaultdict
import sms
from docopt import docopt
from xerox import copy as _copy
except ImportError:
from lib.docopt import docopt
from import copy as _copy
def markov(table, triplets, length):
state = None
if state == None: #Should only run on the very first chain
w1, w2 = triplets[0][0]
state = (w1, w2)
output = [w1, w2] #begin looping
for i in range(length - 2):
if 'with' in state: #Catch case where there's no avail.suffix
nextword = random.choice(table.keys())
w1, w2 = nextword
nextword = ' '.join(nextword)
if table[(w1,w2)]:
w3_choices = table[(w1,w2)]
current_word = random.choice(w3_choices)
state = (current_word)
w1, w2 = w2, current_word
output = ' '.join([''.join(word) for word in output])
return output
def make_table(words, triplets, chains):
for triplet in triplets:
prefix = triplet[0]
suffix = triplet[1]
return chains
def construct(words):
Get the set of prefixes from input,
Write to the dict, initialized with an empty list as the value
trips = []
prefs = []
chains = defaultdict()
for i in range(len(words) - 1):
prefixpair = words[i], words[i+1]
suffix = words[i+2]
except IndexError:
suffix = 'with'
trips.append(((prefixpair), suffix))
prefs = prefs
for k in prefs:
chains[k] = []
return chains, trips
def get_text(fname='fyad.txt'):
with open(fname) as f:
words = ' '.join([word.strip('\n') for word in f])
words = words.split()
return words
def main(length):
words = get_text()
table, triplets = construct(words)
table = make_table(words, triplets, table)
output_chain = markov(table, triplets, length)
#return table, triplets, output_chain
return output_chain
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__)
#print args
length = 25
if args.get('<length>'):
length = int(args.get('<length>'))
except ValueError:
print 'length option must be a value, using default({})'.format(length)
output = main(length)
#output = ' '.join([''.join(word) for word in output])
if output[-1:] in set(string.punctuation):
output = output.strip() + '.'
output = output.strip() + '.'
print output
print 'generated output length: {} chars | {} words'.format(len(output), len(output.split()))
if args.get('--copy'):
if args['--sms']:
if len(args['--sms']) == 10:
phone = args['--sms']
if len(output) <= 160:
message = output
sms.sms(phone, message)
print 'sent sms to {}. body: {}'.format(phone, message)
#only send first 160 chars
message = output[:159]
sms.sms(phone, message)
print 'Message sent to {}. body: {}'.format(phone, message)
print 'incorrect phone number. 10 digits ONLY.'
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