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Created September 8, 2018 23:31
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Search for Images from Docker Hub
docker search ubuntu
Run an Images from Docker Hub
docker run -d ubuntu (note: the "-d" switch will run it in the background)
List running containers
docker ps
Show all of a containers configuration details
docker ps
docker inspect {container-id} | docker inspect {friendly-name}
Show logs of a container
docker ps
docker logs {container-id} | docker logs {friendly-name}
Give a container a name and a port to access it
docker run -d --name ubuntuTest -p 6379:6379 ubuntu:latest
By default, the port on the host is mapped to, which means all IP addresses. You can specify a particular IP address when you define the port mapping, for example, -p
Dynamic Port Assignment
docker run -d --name ubuntuDynamic -p 6379 ubuntu:latest
docker port ubuntuDynamic 6379
Persisting Data
Containers are designed to be stateless. Binding directories (also known as volumes) is done using the option -v <host-dir>:<container-dir>. When a directory is mounted, the files which exist in that directory on the host can be accessed by the container and any data changed/written to the directory inside the container will be stored on the host. This allows you to upgrade or change containers without losing your data.
docker run -d --name ubuntuMapped -v /opt/docker/data/redis:/data ubuntu
TIP: Docker allows you to use $PWD as a placeholder for the current directory.
Running A Container in the Foreground
Running a container using the "-d" switch puts the container in a detached state to run an application in the background. Enabling a foreground process such as ps or bash requires the interactive switch, for example to access a bash shell the "-it" switch is required.
docker run ubuntu ps
docker run -it ubuntu bash
Build a Docker Image
Create a file called Dockerfile
Create a simple index.html file
Paste the following code:
FROM nginx:alpine
COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html
docker build -t webserver-image:v1 .
(don't miss the "." at the end)
The newly created image can be viewed using the command:
docker images
The built image will have the name: webserver-image with the tag v1
Run the newly built image providing a friendly name and tag. As it's a web server, bind port 80 to the host using the "-p" parameter
docker run -d -p 80:80 webserver-image:v1
Once started the results of port 80 can be accessed via the command:
curl docker
Building Container Images
Base Image
The first line of the Dockerfile should be:
FROM nginx:1.11-alpine
NOTE: always use a particular base image version as opposed to the easy way of selecting "Latest". Doing so could prevent one from taking on an unexpected version.
Configure the base image using RUN and COPY
RUN allows execution of any command as would be at a command line. An example would be install different application packages or running a build command. The results of the RUN are persisted to the image so it's important not o leave any unnecessary or temp files on the disk as these will be included in the image.
COPY <src> <dest> allows copying files from the directory containing the Dockerfile to the container's image. Useful for source code and assets that are needed to be deployed inside the container.
EXPOSE <port> command tells Docker which port should be open and can be bound too. Multiple ports can be defined on a single command, i.e., EXPOSE 80 433 or EXPOSE 7000-8000
FROM nginx:1.11-alpine
COPY ./index.html /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
With the image configured and ports defined, the commands to launch the application need to be defined.
["cmd", "-a", "arga value","-b","argb-value"]
example of a command array as shown above: cmd -a arga value -b argb-value
The command to run NGINX is:
nginx -g daemon off;
An alternative approach to CMD is ENTRYPOINT. While a CMD can be overridden when the container starts, a ENTRYPOINT defines a command which can have arguments passed to it when the container launches.
In this example, NGINX would be the entrypoint with -g daemon off; the default command.
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
After the Dockerfile is complete, docker build command is required to turn the file into an image.
docker build .
docker build -t nginx-image:latest .
Launching New Image
Use the friendly name assigned to the image created to launch it. NGINX is designed to run as a background service so you should include the option -d. To make the web server accessible, bind it to port 80 using p 80:80
docker run -d -p 80:80 <image-id|friendly-tag-name>
The launched web server can be accessed via the hostname docker. After the container is launched run the command:
curl -i http://docker
This will return the index file via NGINX and the image built.
Using the command "docker ps" will show if the container is running.
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