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Last active November 8, 2016 14:55
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<iframe src="{% assign sub_total = 0 %}{% for line_item in line_items %} {% assign sub_total = line_item.line_price | plus: sub_total %}{% endfor %}{% assign sub_total = sub_total | append: '.00' %}{% assign discount = 0 &}{% assign discount_percentage = 1 %}{% if order.discounts_amount > 0 %}{% for eachdiscount in order.discounts %}{% if eachdiscount.type != "ShippingDiscount" %}{% assign discount = discount | plus: eachdiscount.total_amount %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% assign disBYsub = discount | divided_by: sub_total %}{% assign discount_percentage = 1 | minus: disBYsub %}{% for line_item in line_items %}{% assign sub_total = line_item.line_price | plus: sub_total %}{% endfor %}{% assign sub_total = sub_total | append: '.00' %}{% for line_item in line_items %}&ITEM_ID{{ forloop.index }}={% if variant.available %}{{ }}{% else %}{{ line_item.sku }}{% endif %}&ITEM_PRICE{{forloop.index}}={% assign afterDiscountPrice = line_item.price | times: discount_percentage %}{{ afterDiscountPrice | money_without_currency | remove: ',' }}&QUANTITY{{ forloop.index }}={{ line_item.quantity }}&CATEGORY{{ forloop.index }}={{ line_item.product.type }}{% endfor %}&ORDER_ID={{ order_number }}&COUPON={% for discount in order.discounts %}{{ discount.code }}{% endfor %}{% if customer.orders_count < 2 %}&NEW_TO_FILE=1{% else %}&NEW_TO_FILE=0{% endif %}" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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