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Last active March 8, 2023 12:10
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Auto saving to localStorage with MobX
import mobx from "mobx"
import store from "store"
export default function(_this) {
let firstRun = true
// will run on change
mobx.autorun(() => {
// on load check if there's an existing store on localStorage and extend the store
if (firstRun) {
const existingStore = store.get("store")
if (existingStore) {
mobx.extendObservable(_this, existingStore)
// from then on serialize and save to localStorage
store.set("store", mobx.toJS(_this))
firstRun = false
import mobx, { computed, observable } from "mobx"
import autoSave from "./autoSave"
const initialTodoStore = {
todos: ["buy milk", "buy eggs"]
class TodoStore {
constructor() {
// set initial mock up examples
this.todos = initialTodoStore // or []
// in the future it will over run it and save to store
@observable todos
@observable filter = ""
@computed get filteredTodos() {
const filter = new RegExp(this.filter, "i")
return this.todos.filter(todo => !this.filter || filter.test(todo))
const todoStore = window.todoStore = new TodoStore
export default todoStore
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@dizys nice one. Currently, I use mobx-persist-store as it's a library plus battle-tested with edge-cases. Works with TypeScript as well 🎉

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hartum commented Oct 29, 2021

Hi there
I'm trying to read read/write in store but from differents browser tabs:
URL for tab1: /mydomain
URL for tab2: /mydomain/test

I'm trying to figure out how to set reaction to listen changes in localstorage. The flow will be like this:
tab1 set var visible in store to true, then tab2 listen the change (from localstorage I suppose) and show something into tab2.

Is it possible to do that? Any idea how to do it?

thanks in advance.

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@hartum websockets maybe? idk why you wanna persist such data in localstorage but i guess hmr in react/next works like that only. they use websockets to listen if ui in one browser changed & update it everywhere i guess :)

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hartum commented Nov 2, 2021

Using websockets seems to me a bit drastic solution. The reason is two browser windows/tabs of the same SPA, because the client wants to open several instances of components and be able to use it on several monitors.

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hartum commented Nov 8, 2021

In case anyone is interested what I did to solve my problem was to use the 'mobx-persist-store' library to write my store data to the localStorage.
Then (inside my store) I added a store event listener and update it every time I detect a change.

in mobxStore.ts

import { makePersistable, hydrateStore } from 'mobx-persist-store';

class Store {
  // --- STORE STATE VARS ---
  dashboard = {
    isVisible: true,

  constructor() {
    makePersistable(this, { name: 'mobxStore',
      properties: ['dashboard'],
      storage: window.localStorage }).finally(() => {});

  setDashboard(visible: boolean) {
    this.dashboard.isVisible = visible;

const myStore = new Store();

window.addEventListener('storage', (e) => {
  if (e.key === 'mobxStore') {
    myStore.hydrateStore().catch(() => {});

export default myStore;

in a different window (but same domain http://localhost:3000/test )the component:

import React from 'react';

import { observer } from 'mobx-react';
import store from 'store/mobxStore';

const FakeComponent = () => {
  const visible = store.dashboard.isVisible;
  return (
      {store.dashboard.isVisible ? <span>Dashboard visible</span> : <span>Dashboard Invisible</span>}
      <br />
      <div onClick={() => store.setDashboard(!visible)} >"Switch dashboard visibility"</div>

export default observer(FakeComponent);

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