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Created January 6, 2011 02:27
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
'Snap.Extension.Clever.Impl' is an implementation of the 'MonadClever'
interface defined in 'Snap.Extension.Clever'.
As always, to use, add 'CleverState' to your application's state, along with
an instance of 'HasCleverState' for your application's state, making sure to
use 'cleverInitializer' in your application's 'Initializer', and then you're
ready to go.
This implementation does not require that your application's monad implement
interfaces from any other Snap Extension.
module Snap.Extension.Clever.Impl
{- (
-- * Clever State Definitions
, HasCleverState(..)
, cleverInitializer
-- * The MonadClever Interface
, MonadClever(..)
)-} where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as U
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List
import Data.List.HT
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe.HT
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Snap.Extension
import Snap.Extension.Clever
import Snap.Types hiding (dir, path)
import System.Directory
import System.Directory.Tree
import Text.CSS.CleverCSS
-- | Your application's state must include a 'CleverState' in order for your
-- application to be a 'MonadClever'.
data CleverState = CleverState
{ _path :: FilePath
, _mapping :: MVar (Map ByteString ByteString)
-- | For you appliaction's monad to be a 'MonadClever', your application's
-- state needs to be an instance of 'HasCleverState'. Minimal complete
-- definition: 'getCleverState', 'setCleverState'.
class HasCleverState s where
getCleverState :: s -> CleverState
setCleverState :: CleverState -> s -> s
modifyCleverState :: (CleverState -> CleverState) -> s -> s
modifyCleverState f s = setCleverState (f $ getCleverState s) s
-- | The 'Initializer' for 'CleverState'. It takes one argument, a path to a
-- template directory containing @.clever@ files.
cleverInitializer :: FilePath -> Initializer CleverState
cleverInitializer path = do
cleverState <- liftIO $ do
templates <- loadTemplates path
either error (fmap (CleverState path) . newMVar) templates
mkInitializer cleverState
instance InitializerState CleverState where
extensionId = const "Clever/Impl"
mkCleanup = const $ return ()
mkReload (CleverState path mapping) = do
templates <- loadTemplates path
either error (modifyMVar_ mapping . const . return) templates-}
-- | Given the path to a @.clever@ file, this returns either a 'ByteString'
-- of the @.clever@ file rendered as CSS, or an error message.
loadTemplate :: FilePath -> IO (Either String ByteString)
loadTemplate f = do
cleverCSS <- readFile f
fmap (fmap U.fromString) $ cleverCSSConvert f cleverCSS []
-- | Given the path to a directory containing @.clever@ files, this returns a
-- map from the names of those @.clever@ files with the @.clever@ replaced
-- with @.css@ to the contents of those files after being processed by the
-- 'cleverCSSConvert' function.
--loadTemplates :: FilePath -> IO (Either String (Map ByteString ByteString))
loadTemplates path = do
readDirectoryWith reader path
-- return $ M.fromList $ fmap (first unlines . partitionEithers) $ catMaybes $ F.toList $ free dir
reader file = T.sequence $ toMaybe (".clever" `isSuffixOf` file) $ do
template <- loadTemplate file
return (toDotCss $ drop (length path + 1) file, template)
toDotCss f = (++ ".css") . dropLast (length ".clever")
dropLast n = reverse . drop n . reverse
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