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Created February 15, 2014 02:26
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Save duairc/9013675 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Given the name of a font family, generate webfonts + a CSS file on a Linux system
clean () {
perl -pe 's/(\([si]\)\s*)+//' | tr '"' ' ' | awk '{$1=""; print $0}' | xargs echo
subset () {
python /usr/share/googlefontdirectory-tools/tools/subset/ --subset=latin+latin-ext+greek+greek-ext+cyrillic+cyrillic-ext --nmr --null --roundtrip --script "$1" "$2"
to_ttf () {
echo "Open(\"$1\")\nGenerate(\"$2\")" | fontforge -lang=ff -script
do_font () {
output=$(fc-query "$1")
family=$(echo "$output" | grep 'family:' | tr '(' '\n' | head -1 | clean)
fullname=$(echo "$output" | grep 'fullname:' | clean)
slant=$(echo "$output" | grep 'slant:' | clean)
weight=$(echo "$output" | grep 'weight:' | clean)
file=$(echo "$output" | grep 'file:' | clean | perl -pe 's{^.*/}{};s/\..*$//')
fontstyle=$([ "$slant" -gt 0 ] && echo 'italic' || echo 'normal')
fontweight=$(if [ "$weight" -gt 100 ]; then
echo 'bold'
elif [ "$weight" -lt 50 ]; then
echo 'lighter'
echo 'normal'
to_ttf "$1" "fonts/$file.full.ttf"
subset "fonts/$file.full.ttf" "fonts/$file.ttf"
rm "fonts/$file.full.ttf"
webify "fonts/$file.ttf"
base64=$(cat "fonts/$file.woff" | base64 | tr -d '\n')
echo "@font-face {
font-family: \"$family\";
src: url(\"../fonts/$file.eot\");
local(\"$fullname\")," >> css/fonts.css
if [ "$fullname" != "$file" ]; then
echo " local(\"$file\")," >> css/fonts.css
#echo " url(data:application/font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,$base64) format(\"woff\")," >> css/fonts.css
echo " url(\"../fonts/$file.eot?#iefix\") format(\"embedded-opentype\"),
url(\"../fonts/$file.woff\") format(\"woff\"),
url(\"../fonts/$file.ttf\") format(\"truetype\");
font-weight: $fontweight;
font-style: $fontstyle;
" >> css/fonts.css
mkdir -p fonts
mkdir -p css
for family in "$@"; do
fc-list "$family" | cut -d: -f1 | xargs readlink -f | sort -u | grep -v Condensed | while read font; do
echo "$font"
do_font "$font"
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dpawson commented Dec 8, 2015

Missing 'webify' routine? Any url please? Line 33

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