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Created October 30, 2023 21:56
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Stitch together PNGs to make tileset
# Install ImageMagick via scoop
# scoop install imagemagick
# Check if ImageMagick is installed
if (-not (Test-Path -Path (Get-Command magick.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))) {
Write-Host "ImageMagick is not installed. Please install it first."
exit 1
# Get a list of PNG files in the current working directory
$inputFiles = Get-ChildItem -Filter *.png
# Check if there are any PNG files
if ($inputFiles.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "No PNG files found in the current directory."
exit 1
# Output file name
$outputFile = "tile_set.png"
# Use ImageMagick's convert to stitch the PNG files together horizontally
$cmd = "magick.exe convert " + ($inputFiles | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }) + " +append $outputFile"
Invoke-Expression $cmd
# Check if the operation was successful
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Images stitched together successfully. Result saved as $outputFile."
} else {
Write-Host "Image stitching failed."
exit 1
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