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Created December 16, 2023 03:06
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This is for the tutorial that teaches about the MSG object
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract TransactionInfo {
address public owner;
uint256 public contractBalance;
constructor() {
// Set the owner to the account that deploys the contract
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can call this function");
function sendEther() external payable {
// Receive Ether and update contract balance
contractBalance += msg.value;
function getSender() external view returns (address) {
// Get the sender's address
return msg.sender;
function getValueSent() external view returns (uint256) {
// Get the amount of Ether sent with the transaction
return msg.value;
function getData() external view returns (bytes memory) {
// Get the data payload of the transaction
function getGasRemaining() external view returns (uint256) {
// Get the remaining gas for the current execution
return gasleft();
function getFunctionSignature() external pure returns (bytes4) {
// Get the function signature of the function being called
return msg.sig;
function withdraw() external onlyOwner {
// Only the owner can withdraw the contract balance
uint256 amount = contractBalance;
contractBalance = 0;
// Here's a brief explanation of the functions:
// - `sendEther`: Allows anyone to send Ether to the contract, updating the contract balance.
// - `getSender`: Returns the address of the sender of the transaction.
// - `getValueSent`: Returns the amount of Ether sent with the transaction.
// - `getData`: Returns the data payload of the transaction.
// - `getGasRemaining`: Returns the remaining gas for the current execution.
// - `getFunctionSignature`: Returns the function signature of the function being called.
// - `withdraw`: Only the owner can withdraw the contract balance.
// Please note that this is a simple example for educational purposes, and in a production scenario, additional security measures and considerations should be taken into account.
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