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Created June 19, 2011 22:03
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A lazy quick sort
(ns sort
(:use clojure.test))
(defn qsort [xs]
"Sorts the specified sequence using the quick sort algorithm"
(if-let [[pivot & rest] (seq xs)]
(let [smaller? #(< % pivot)]
(lazy-cat (qsort (filter smaller? rest))
(qsort (remove smaller? rest))))))
(testing "qsort"
(testing "with empty sequence"
(is (= (qsort []) (seq []))))
(testing "with unsorted sequence"
(is (= (qsort [3, 2, 1, 4, 2]) [1, 2, 2, 3, 4]))))
public static IEnumerable<T> LazyQsort<T>(IEnumerable<T> seq, Func<T, T, bool> comp)
if (seq.Any() == false)
return new T[0];
var pivot = seq.First();
var xs = seq.Skip(1);
return LazyQsort(xs.Where(x => comp (x, pivot)), comp)
.Union(new[] { pivot })
.Union(LazyQsort(xs.Where(x => !comp (x, pivot)), comp));
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