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Created September 26, 2018 11:28
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A lazy sequence.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
template<typename T>
class lazy_value {
union {
std::function<T()> _f;
mutable T _value;
mutable T& (*_thunk)(const lazy_value&);
static T& eval_thunk(const lazy_value& lv) {
auto&& v = lv._f();
new (&lv._value) T(std::move(v));
lv._thunk = &get_thunk;
return lv._value;
static T& get_thunk(const lazy_value& lv) {
return lv._value;
explicit lazy_value(std::function<T()> f)
: _f(std::move(f))
, _thunk(&eval_thunk)
{ }
~lazy_value() {
if (_thunk == &eval_thunk) {
} else {
lazy_value(lazy_value<T>&& lv) {
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<T>::value, "T must be move constructible");
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<std::function<T()>>::value, "std::function<T()> must be move constructible");
if (lv._thunk == &eval_thunk) {
_f = std::move(lv._f);
_thunk = &eval_thunk;
} else {
_value = std::move(lv._value);
_thunk = &get_thunk;
lazy_value& operator=(lazy_value&& other) {
if (this != &other) {
new (this) lazy_value(std::move(other));
const T& get() const & {
return _thunk(*this);
T& get() & {
return _thunk(*this);
T&& get() && {
return std::move(_thunk(*this));
template <typename Func>
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const lazy_value<Func>& lv) {
return os << lv.get();
template<class T>
class cell;
template<class T>
class lazy_range {
std::shared_ptr<lazy_value<cell<T>>> _lazy_cell = nullptr;
class iterator {
std::shared_ptr<lazy_value<cell<T>>> _current;
struct end_iterator_tag { };
explicit iterator(const std::shared_ptr<lazy_value<cell<T>>>& current)
: _current(current) {
explicit iterator(end_iterator_tag)
: _current(nullptr) {
iterator& operator++() {
_current = _current->get().tail()._lazy_cell;
return *this;
iterator operator++(int) {
iterator i(*this);
return i;
const T& operator*() const { return _current->get().get(); }
const T* operator->() const { return &_current->get().get(); }
bool operator==(const iterator& i) const { return _current == i._current; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& i) const { return !(*this == i); }
lazy_range() = default;
explicit lazy_range(std::function<cell<T>()> f)
: _lazy_cell(std::make_shared<lazy_value<cell<T>>>(std::move(f)))
iterator begin() {
return _lazy_cell ? iterator(_lazy_cell) : end();
iterator end() {
return iterator(typename iterator::end_iterator_tag());
template<class T>
class cell {
T _v;
lazy_range<T> _tail;
cell() = default;
explicit cell(T v)
: _v(std::move(v)) {
cell(T v, lazy_range<T>&& tail)
: _v(std::move(v))
, _tail(std::move(tail)) {
const T& get() const & {
return _v;
T&& get() && {
return std::move(_v);
const lazy_range<T>& tail() const {
return _tail;
template<typename Range>
bool m(Range&& r) {
int sum = 0;
for (auto x : r) {
sum += x;
auto a = r.begin();
auto b = a;
return a != b;
void foo() {
std::vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3};
std::function<lazy_range<int>(int, int)> sum;
sum = [&sum] (int start, int end) -> lazy_range<int> {
if (start > end) {
return lazy_range<int>();
return lazy_range<int>([&sum, start, end] {
return cell<int>(start, sum(start + 1, end));
m(sum(1, 3));
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