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Created September 4, 2019 05:47
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An automation system that generates `Html` reports from excel files. The system uses python, jupyter, papermill, subprocess and Rclone.
import subprocess
import sys
import papermill as papermill
REMOTE_FOLDER = "your cloud folder name"
LOCAL_FOLDER = "your local folder name"
TEMPLATE_NOTEBOOK = "template_notebook.ipynb"
def get_new_files(remote_folder, local_folder):
A function that returns files that were uploaded to the cloud folder and do not exist in our local folder.
# list the files in our cloud folder
list_cloud =
["rclone", "lsf", f"remote:{remote_folder}"],
# transform the command output into a list
cloud_directories = list_cloud.split("\n")[0:-1]
print(f"In the cloud we have: \n{cloud_directories}")
# list the files in our local folder
list_cloud =
["ls", local_folder], capture_output=True, text=True
# transform the command output into a list
local_directories = list_cloud.stdout.split("\n")[0:-1]
print(f"In the local copy we have: \n{local_directories}")
# create a list with the differences between the two lists above
new_files = list(set(cloud_directories) - set(local_directories))
return new_files
def sync_directories(remote_folder, local_folder):
A function that syncs a remote folder with a local folder
with rclone.
sync =
["rclone", "sync", f"remote:{remote_folder}", local_folder]
print("Syncing local directory with cloud....")
return sync.returncode
def run_notebook(excel_report, template_notebook):
A function that runs a notebook against an excel report
via papermill.
no_extension_name = excel_report.split(".")[0]
return no_extension_name
def generate_html_report(notebook_file):
A function that converts a notebook into an html
generate =
["jupyter", "nbconvert", notebook_file, "--to=html"]
print("HTML Report was generated")
return True
def push_to_cloud(remote_folder, filename):
A function that pushes to a remote cloud folder
a specific file.
push =
["rclone", "copy", filename, f"remote:{remote_folder}"]
print("Report Published!!!")
def main():
print("Starting updater..")
# detect if there are new files in the remote folder
new_files = get_new_files(
remote_folder=REMOTE_FOLDER, local_folder=LOCAL_FOLDER
# if there are none, exit
if not new_files:
print("Everything is synced. No new files.")
# else, continue
print("There are files missing.")
# sync directories to get new excel report
sync_directories(remote_folder=REMOTE_FOLDER, local_folder=LOCAL_FOLDER)
# generate new notebook and extract the name
clean_name = run_notebook(new_files[0])
# the new notebook generate will have the following name
notebook_name = f"{clean_name}.ipynb"
# generate the html report from the notebook
# the notebook name will be the following
html_report_name = f"{clean_name}.html"
# push the new notebook to the cloud
push_to_cloud(html_report=html_report_name, remote_folder=ONEDRIVE_FOLDER)
# make sure everything is synced again
sync_directories(remote_folder=REMOTE_FOLDER, local_folder=LOCAL_FOLDER)
print("Updater finished.")
return True
if __name__ == "main":
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