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Created June 15, 2011 06:04
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simple grammar
grammar pascalminus;
output = AST;
language = Java;
// If generating an AST (output=AST; option) or specifying a tree walker then
// also add the following line
prog : (prog_entity)*
: func_decl
: DEF ID param_list? '{' block '}' ';'
: '(' ID (',' ID)* ')'
block : stat*
stat : expr
| assignment
| ifstmt
| return_stmt
| for_stmt
for_stmt: FOR ID IN '('? range_start '..' range_end ')'? '{' block '}' ';'
| WHILE '(' boolx ')' '{' block '}' ';'
: (INT|ID)
range_end: (INT|ID)
: RETURN expr ';'
ifstmt : IF '(' boolx ')' '{' block '}' (ELSE '{' block '}')? ';'
: ID ASSIGN expr ';'
boolx : eqexpr (('&&' | '||') eqexpr)*
eqexpr : boolatom (('==' | '>' | '<' | '<=' | '>=') boolatom)*
boolatom: INT
| ID
| '(' boolx ')'
expr : multexpr (('+' | '-') multexpr)*
multexpr: atom (('*' | '/') atom)*
atom : INT
| '(' expr ')'
| ID //| ID ('(' expr_list? ')')? // Function call
: expr (',' expr)*
BEGIN : 'begin'
DEF : 'def'
END : 'end'
RETURN : 'return'
IF : 'if'
ELSE : 'else'
FOR : 'for'
IN : 'in'
TYPE : 'type'
FOREACH : 'foreach'
WHILE : 'while'
BREAK : 'break'
CASE : 'case'
DEFAULT : 'default'
INTEGER : 'integer'
STRING : 'string'
ARRAYOF : 'arrayof'
ASSIGN : ':='
ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_')*
INT : '0'..'9'+
WS : ( ' '
| '\t'
| ( '\r\n' // DOS
| '\r' // MAC
| '\n' // Unix
) {$channel=HIDDEN;}
def func(x) {
x := 2;
if(x == 0) {
y := 10;
while(y < 10) {
y := y + 1;
for i in 1..100 {
x := x * i;
return z - 10;
def func{
def func1(x, y) {
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