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Created December 4, 2009 00:11
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; Define a function to send events
(defn event [k v] nil)
; Define the data structure used to model a component
(defstruct component-s :name :handlers :state)
; Create a component by creating an instance of the data structure
(defn make-component [name handlers]
(struct component-s name handlers {}))
; Run a collection of components, start by sending an :init event to each component
(defn run-components [& comps]
(loop [components comps
events (atom [])
key :init
value nil]
(if (= key nil)
; Component processing has completed - no new events have been generated
; Components have not completed processing - events are still left to be processed
(let [updated ; Updated list of components
; Bind the event function to a closure which can update the vector of events
(binding [event (fn [k v]
(swap! events
(vector (list k v))))]
; Map the update function accross each component in parallel
(doall (pmap #(conj %
(if ((:handlers %) key)
{:state (conj
(:state %)
(((:handlers %) key)
(:state %)))}
; Recursively process components
(recur updated ; Updated list of components
(atom (rest @events)) ; Remaining events
(ffirst @events) ; Next event type
(second (first @events))))))) ; Next event message
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