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Created March 11, 2018 21:48
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
DESC='Rotating incremental backup'
#set -o errtrace
set -o errexit
#-- VARS --#
# Extra rsync options
OPTS='--exclude "lost+found"'
# Version & usage info
version() { echo "`basename $0` $VERSION - $DESC"; }
usage() {
echo "
`basename $0` source destination [rotation]
source - The source directory to backup.
destination - The destination where to place the backup.
rotation - How many backups to rotate. Defaults to 3.
# Error handling
log() { $* >> $LOG 2>&1; return $?; }
fail() { echo "*** ERROR: $* ***"; exit 1; }
fail_usage() { echo -e "*** ERROR: $* ***\n"; usage; exit 1; }
try() { log $* || fail "Please check $LOG!"; }
#-- CHECKS --#
# Make sure we're running as root
[[ "`id -u`" == '0' ]] || fail "Please run this script as root!"
# Make sure $SRCDIR exists
[[ -n "$1" ]] && SRCDIR="$1" || {
fail_usage "Please specify the source to synchronise!"
[[ -d "$SRCDIR" ]] || fail "Source $SRCDIR does not exist!"
# Make sure $DESDIR exists
[[ -n "$2" ]] && DESDIR="$2" || {
fail_usage "Please specify the destination!"
[[ -d "$DESDIR" ]] || fail "Destination $DESDIR does not exist!"
# How many backups to rotate
[[ -n "$3" ]] && ROTATE="$3" || ROTATE=3
[[ "$ROTATE" -gt 1 ]] || fail "Rotation must be greater than 1!"
# Set the $TMPDIR
[[ -n "$TMPDIR" ]] || TMPDIR='/tmp'
[[ -d "$TMPDIR" ]] || fail "Temporary dir $TMPDIR does not exist!"
# Name of the logfile
LOG="$TMPDIR/`basename $0`.log"
#-- SCRIPT --#
rm -f $LOG
echo "----------------------- Backup -----------------------"
NAME=`echo "$SRCDIR" | sed 's/\///g'`
NEWESTBAK=`ls -1 $DESDIR | grep backup_$NAME | tail -1`
CURRENTBAK="backup_${NAME}_`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`"
# Create hardlinks from $NEWESTBAK to $CURRENTBAK
if [ ! -z $NEWESTBAK ]; then
echo " > Creating hardlinks..."
# Do the actual synchronisation
echo " > Synchronizing newest data..."
try rsync -a --delete $OPTS $SRCDIR/ $DESDIR/$CURRENTBAK/
# Remove old backups
NUMBAK=`ls -1 $DESDIR | grep -c backup_$NAME`
if [ "$NUMBAK" -gt "$ROTATE" ]; then
echo " > Removing old backups..."
for BAK in `ls -1 | grep backup_$NAME | head -$NUMREM`; do
rm -rf $BAK
echo "----------------------- Done -----------------------"
rm -f $LOG && exit 0
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