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Last active January 22, 2023 21:01
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Script used to calculate attendance to classes for students over Zoom.
setwd("") #
files <- (Sys.glob("*.csv"))
topics <- lapply(files, read.csv, nrows=2, header=T, encoding="UTF-8")
topics <- lapply(topics, function(x) x["Topic"][1,]) %>% unlist()
ldf <- lapply(files, read.csv, skip=3, header=T, encoding="UTF-8")
the_colnames <- c("name", "email", "join_time", "leave_time", "duration", "guest", "topic")
for (i in 1:length(ldf)){
ldf[[i]]["topic"] <- topics[i]
colnames(ldf[[i]]) <- the_colnames
l2 <- map(ldf,~data.frame(.))
l3 <-map_dfr(l2,~mutate_all(.,as.character))
l4 <- l4 %>% select(name, join_time, leave_time)
l4$join_time <- l4$join_time %>% mdy_hms(tz = "America/El_Salvador")
l4$leave_time <- l4$leave_time %>% mdy_hms(tz = "America/El_Salvador")
l4$hms_join_time = hms::as_hms(l4$join_time)
l4$hms_leave_time = hms::as_hms(l4$leave_time)
l4$wday = wday(l4$join_time, week_start = 1)
l4 <- l4 %>% mutate(name = str_replace_all(name, "[^a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u017F \\n]", ""))
l4$name <- l4$name %>% str_trim()
report <- function(l4, class) {
entered_late = vector()
left_early = vector()
duration = vector()
l5 <- l4 %>% filter(wday == class[1] & hms(hms_leave_time) < hms(class[3]) + minutes(60) & hms(hms_join_time) > hms(class[2]) - minutes(90))
l5$date <- date(l5$join_time)
l5 <- l5 %>% unique() %>% mutate(duration = round(interval(hms_join_time, hms_leave_time, tzone = "America/El_Salvador")/minutes(1), 0))
l5 <- l5 %>%
group_by(name, date) %>%
summarize(total_duration = sum(duration), across()) %>%
select(name, date, wday, hms_join_time, hms_leave_time, total_duration) %>%
l6 <- l5 %>% mutate(on_time = hms(hms_join_time) < hms(class[2]) + minutes(30)) %>%
l6 <- l6 %>% mutate(
above_quantile = total_duration >= l5$total_duration %>% quantile(as.numeric(class[4])))
l7 <- l6 %>%
l7 <- l7 %>%
group_by(name) %>%
# filter(attendances >= 3) %>%
l7 <- left_join(l7,
l7 %>%
group_by(name, date, above_quantile) %>%
summarize(on_time = sum(on_time) > 0) %>%
mutate(real_attendance = on_time * above_quantile)
return (l7)
# class_1 <- c(
# "1", # día de la semana
# "10:25:00", # hora de inicio
# "12:05:00", # hora de fin
# ".25" # percentil aceptado como asistencia
# )
# class_2 <- c(
# "5", # día de la semana
# "10:25:00", # hora de inicio
# "12:05:00", # hora de fin
# ".25" # percentil aceptado como asistencia
# )
class_3 <- c(
"2", # día de la semana
"14:40:00", # hora de inicio
"16:20:00", # hora de fin
".25" # percentil aceptado como asistencia
class_4 <- c(
"3", # día de la semana
"18:20:00", # hora de inicio
"20:00:00", # hora de fin
".25" # percentil aceptado como asistencia
asistencias_1 <- tibble()
asistencias_2 <- tibble()
asistencias_1 <- report(l4, class_3)
asistencias_2 <- report(l4, class_4)
asistencias <- tibble()
asistencias <- bind_rows(asistencias_1, asistencias_2)
asistencias <- drop_na(asistencias_1) %>% filter(real_attendance == 1)
asistencias <- asistencias %>%
filter(on_time == T) %>%
group_by(name) %>%
summarize(attendances = sum(attendances), across()) %>%
distinct(name, date, attendances, total_duration)
# asistencias %>% ggplot(aes(date, name, fill=total_duration)) +
# geom_tile(aes(width=1.5, height=1.9), show.legend = FALSE) +
# scale_fill_gradientn(colours=c("white","green")) +
# theme_minimal() +
# labs(x="Fecha", y="Nombre")
asistencias %>% ggplot(aes(date, name, fill=total_duration)) +
geom_point(color="#482374", show.legend = FALSE) +
theme_minimal() +
labs(x="Fecha", y="Nombre")
asistencias %>% group_by(name) %>% summarize(total = sum(real_attendance)) %>% arrange(desc(total)) %>% View()
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