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Created April 14, 2021 19:36
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import fc from 'fast-check';
// Characteristics independent of the inputs
test('for any floating point number d, Math.floor(d) is an integer', () => {
fc.assert(, (d) => Number.isInteger(Math.floor(d))));
test('for any floating point number d, Math.abs(d) ≥ 0', () => {
fc.assert(, (d) => Math.abs(d) >= 0));
// Characteristics derived from the inputs
test('for any a and b integers, the average of a and b is between a and b', () => {
fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {
const r = average(a, b);
if (a <= b) return a <= r && r <= b;
else return b <= r && r <= a;
test("for any n positive integer, its square root multiplied by itself 'is' n", () => {
fc.assert(, (n) => {
const s = Math.sqrt(n);
const nNew = s * s;
return n - n * Number.EPSILON <= nNew && nNew <= n + n * Number.EPSILON;
test('for any n, the product of all numbers in the prime factor decomposition of n equals n', () => {
fc.assert(, (n) => {
let acc = 1;
for (const d of decompPrime(n)) {
acc *= d;
return acc === n;
test('for any n, the decomposition in prime factors of its own prime factors are themselves', () => {
fc.assert(, (n) => {
for (const d of decompPrime(n)) {
test('for any a and b, such as n = a * b, the decomposition in prime factors be the merge of primes of a and primes of b', () => {
fc.assert({ min: 2, max: 10000 }), fc.integer({ min: 2, max: 10000 }), (a, b) => {
const decompA = decompPrime(a);
const decompB = decompPrime(b);
const decompN = decompPrime(a * b);
expect(sort(decompN)).toEqual(sort([...decompA, ...decompB]));
test('for any tab array of integers, the sorted tab is sorted', () => {
fc.assert(, (tab) => {
const sorted = sort(tab);
for (let idx = 1; idx < sorted.length; ++idx) {
expect(sorted[idx - 1]).toBeLessThanOrEqual(sorted[idx]);
test('for any tab arrays of integers, the sorted tab contains the same elements as tab', () => {
fc.assert(, (tab) => {
const sorted = sort(tab);
for (const item of new Set(sorted)) {
expect(sorted.filter((v) => v == item).length).toBe(tab.filter((v) => v == item).length);
for (const item of new Set(tab)) {
expect(sorted.filter((v) => v == item).length).toBe(tab.filter((v) => v == item).length);
// Restricted set of inputs with useful characteristics
test('for any array data without duplicates, the result of removing duplicates from data is data itself', () => {
fc.assert(, (tab) => {
test('for any a, b and c strings, the concatenation of a, b and c always contains b', () => {
fc.assert(, fc.string(), fc.string(), (a, b, c) => contains(b, a + b + c)));
// Characteristics on combination of functions
test('for any JSON object, parsing its string representation results in a clone of itself', () => {
fc.assert(, (obj) => {
// Comparison with a simpler implementation
// Helpers
const average = (a: number, b: number) => (a + b) / 2;
const decompPrime = (n: number): number[] => {
const decomp: number[] = [];
let current = n;
let currentLimit = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(current));
for (let dividerCandidate = 2; dividerCandidate <= currentLimit; ++dividerCandidate) {
if (current % dividerCandidate === 0) {
current = current / dividerCandidate;
currentLimit = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(current));
--dividerCandidate; // otherwise we will fail to have n = m^3
return [...decomp, current];
const sort = (tab: number[]): number[] => {
return [].sort((a, b) => a - b);
const noDuplicates = (tab: number[]): number[] => {
return [ Set(tab)];
const contains = (pattern: string, text: string): boolean => {
return text.includes(pattern);
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