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Last active March 10, 2017 06:47
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A visual basic (VB) base class for Singleton pattern implementation including Lazy initialization
Imports System.Reflection
Namespace Base
Public MustInherit Class SingletonBase(Of T As SingletonBase(Of T))
Private Shared ReadOnly _instance As Lazy(Of T)
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Instance() As T
Return _instance.Value
End Get
End Property
Shared Sub New()
_instance = New Lazy(Of T)(AddressOf InstanceFactory)
End Sub
Private Shared Function InstanceFactory() As T
Dim type = GetType(T)
Dim constructors = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.[Public] Or BindingFlags.NonPublic)
If constructors.Length <> 1 Then
Throw New TypeInitializationException(type.FullName, New TypeAccessException("Type must contain a single (non-public) constructor if derived from SingletonBase<T>."))
End If
Dim ctor = type.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.NonPublic, Nothing, Type.EmptyTypes, Nothing)
If (ctor Is Nothing) OrElse (Not ctor.IsPrivate AndAlso Not ctor.IsFamily) Then
Throw New TypeInitializationException(type.FullName, New TypeAccessException("Type must contain a single (non-public) constructor if derived from SingletonBase<T>."))
End If
Dim instance = TryCast(ctor.Invoke(New Object() {}), T)
If instance Is Nothing Then
Throw New TypeInitializationException(type.FullName, New NullReferenceException())
End If
Return instance
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Imports [Singleton base namespace]
Namespace YourNamespace
Public Class YourClassName : Inherits SingletonBase(Of YourClassName)
Private Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
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