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Created September 30, 2016 15:42
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layer {
name: "data"
type: "Input"
top: "data"
input_param { shape: { dim: 2 dim: 1 dim: 65 dim: 65 } }
layer {
name: "Gx"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "data"
top: "Gx"
param {
lr_mult: 0
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 1
pad_h: 0
pad_w: 1
kernel_h: 1
kernel_w: 3
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.05
bias_term: false
layer {
name: "Gy"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "data"
top: "Gy"
param {
lr_mult: 0
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 1
pad_h: 1
pad_w: 0
kernel_h: 3
kernel_w: 1
weight_filler {
type: "gaussian"
std: 0.05
bias_term: false
layer {
name: "Gx2"
type: "Power"
bottom: "Gx"
top: "Gx2"
power_param {
power: 2
scale: 1
shift: 0
layer {
name: "Gy2"
type: "Power"
bottom: "Gy"
top: "Gy2"
power_param {
power: 2
scale: 1
shift: 0
layer {
name: "Gx2_plus_Gy2"
top: "Gx2_plus_Gy2"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "Gx2"
bottom: "Gy2"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "Magnitude"
type: "Power"
bottom: "Gx2_plus_Gy2"
top: "Magnitude"
power_param {
power: 0.5
scale: 1
shift: 0
layer {
name: "Alpha"
top: "Alpha"
bottom: "Gx"
bottom: "Gy"
type: "Python"
python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
module: 'python_atan2_layer'
# the layer name -- the class name in the module
layer: 'PythonAtan2Layer'
layer {
name: "Bin0_angleDiff"
type: "Power"
top: "Bin0_angleDiff"
bottom: "Alpha"
power_param {
shift: 0
scale: 1
layer {
name: "Bin1_angleDiff"
type: "Power"
top: "Bin1_angleDiff"
bottom: "Alpha"
power_param {
shift: -0.79
scale: 1
layer {
name: "Bin2_angleDiff"
type: "Power"
top: "Bin2_angleDiff"
bottom: "Alpha"
power_param {
shift: -1.57
scale: 1
layer {
name: "Bin3_angleDiff"
type: "Power"
top: "Bin3_angleDiff"
bottom: "Alpha"
power_param {
shift: -2.36
scale: 1
layer {
name: "Bin4_angleDiff"
type: "Power"
top: "Bin4_angleDiff"
bottom: "Alpha"
power_param {
shift: -3.14
scale: 1
layer {
name: "Bin5_angleDiff"
type: "Power"
top: "Bin5_angleDiff"
bottom: "Alpha"
power_param {
shift: -3.93
scale: 1
layer {
name: "Bin6_angleDiff"
type: "Power"
top: "Bin6_angleDiff"
bottom: "Alpha"
power_param {
shift: -4.71
scale: 1
layer {
name: "Bin7_angleDiff"
type: "Power"
top: "Bin7_angleDiff"
bottom: "Alpha"
power_param {
shift: -5.5
scale: 1
layer {
name: "CosBin0_angleDiff"
top: "CosBin0_angleDiff"
bottom: "Bin0_angleDiff"
type: "Python"
python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
module: 'python_cos_layer'
# the layer name -- the class name in the module
layer: 'CosLayer'
layer {
name: "Magn_Proj_Bin0"
top: "Magn_Proj_Bin0"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "Magnitude"
bottom: "CosBin0_angleDiff"
eltwise_param {
operation: PROD
layer {
type: "ReLU"
top: "Bin0"
bottom: "Magn_Proj_Bin0"
name: "Bin0"
layer {
name: "CosBin1_angleDiff"
top: "CosBin1_angleDiff"
bottom: "Bin1_angleDiff"
type: "Python"
python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
module: 'python_cos_layer'
# the layer name -- the class name in the module
layer: 'CosLayer'
layer {
name: "Magn_Proj_Bin1"
top: "Magn_Proj_Bin1"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "Magnitude"
bottom: "CosBin1_angleDiff"
eltwise_param {
operation: PROD
layer {
type: "ReLU"
top: "Bin1"
bottom: "Magn_Proj_Bin1"
name: "Bin1"
layer {
name: "CosBin2_angleDiff"
top: "CosBin2_angleDiff"
bottom: "Bin2_angleDiff"
type: "Python"
python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
module: 'python_cos_layer'
# the layer name -- the class name in the module
layer: 'CosLayer'
layer {
name: "Magn_Proj_Bin2"
top: "Magn_Proj_Bin2"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "Magnitude"
bottom: "CosBin2_angleDiff"
eltwise_param {
operation: PROD
layer {
type: "ReLU"
top: "Bin2"
bottom: "Magn_Proj_Bin2"
name: "Bin2"
layer {
name: "CosBin3_angleDiff"
top: "CosBin3_angleDiff"
bottom: "Bin3_angleDiff"
type: "Python"
python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
module: 'python_cos_layer'
# the layer name -- the class name in the module
layer: 'CosLayer'
layer {
name: "Magn_Proj_Bin3"
top: "Magn_Proj_Bin3"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "Magnitude"
bottom: "CosBin3_angleDiff"
eltwise_param {
operation: PROD
layer {
type: "ReLU"
top: "Bin3"
bottom: "Magn_Proj_Bin3"
name: "Bin3"
layer {
name: "CosBin4_angleDiff"
top: "CosBin4_angleDiff"
bottom: "Bin4_angleDiff"
type: "Python"
python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
module: 'python_cos_layer'
# the layer name -- the class name in the module
layer: 'CosLayer'
layer {
name: "Magn_Proj_Bin4"
top: "Magn_Proj_Bin4"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "Magnitude"
bottom: "CosBin4_angleDiff"
eltwise_param {
operation: PROD
layer {
type: "ReLU"
top: "Bin4"
bottom: "Magn_Proj_Bin4"
name: "Bin4"
layer {
name: "CosBin5_angleDiff"
top: "CosBin5_angleDiff"
bottom: "Bin5_angleDiff"
type: "Python"
python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
module: 'python_cos_layer'
# the layer name -- the class name in the module
layer: 'CosLayer'
layer {
name: "Magn_Proj_Bin5"
top: "Magn_Proj_Bin5"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "Magnitude"
bottom: "CosBin5_angleDiff"
eltwise_param {
operation: PROD
layer {
type: "ReLU"
top: "Bin5"
bottom: "Magn_Proj_Bin5"
name: "Bin5"
layer {
name: "CosBin6_angleDiff"
top: "CosBin6_angleDiff"
bottom: "Bin6_angleDiff"
type: "Python"
python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
module: 'python_cos_layer'
# the layer name -- the class name in the module
layer: 'CosLayer'
layer {
name: "Magn_Proj_Bin6"
top: "Magn_Proj_Bin6"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "Magnitude"
bottom: "CosBin6_angleDiff"
eltwise_param {
operation: PROD
layer {
type: "ReLU"
top: "Bin6"
bottom: "Magn_Proj_Bin6"
name: "Bin6"
layer {
name: "CosBin7_angleDiff"
top: "CosBin7_angleDiff"
bottom: "Bin7_angleDiff"
type: "Python"
python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
module: 'python_cos_layer'
# the layer name -- the class name in the module
layer: 'CosLayer'
layer {
name: "Magn_Proj_Bin7"
top: "Magn_Proj_Bin7"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "Magnitude"
bottom: "CosBin7_angleDiff"
eltwise_param {
operation: PROD
layer {
type: "ReLU"
top: "Bin7"
bottom: "Magn_Proj_Bin7"
name: "Bin7"
layer {
name: "BinsConcat"
top: "BinsConcat"
type: "Concat"
bottom: "Bin0"
bottom: "Bin1"
bottom: "Bin2"
bottom: "Bin3"
bottom: "Bin4"
bottom: "Bin5"
bottom: "Bin6"
bottom: "Bin7"
#layer {
# name: "SIFT_before_norm"
# type: "Pooling"
# bottom: "BinsConcat"
# top: "SIFT_before_norm"
# pooling_param {
# pool: AVE
# kernel_size: 20
# stride: 17
# }
# }
layer {
name: "SIFT_before_norm1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "BinsConcat"
top: "SIFT_before_norm"
param {
lr_mult: 0
decay_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 8
group: 8
kernel_size: 16
stride: 16
weight_filler {
type: "bilinear"
# std: 0.05
bias_term: false
layer {
type: "Flatten"
bottom: "SIFT_before_norm"
top: "SIFT_before_norm_Flatten"
name: "SIFT_before_norm_Flatten"
# layer {
# name: "Clipped"
# type: "TanH"
# bottom: "SIFT_before_norm_Flatten"
# top: "Clipped"
# }
# layer {
# name: "Clipped"
# top: "Clipped"
# bottom: "SIFT_before_norm_Flatten"
# type: "Python"
# python_param {
# # the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
# module: 'python_clip_layer'
# param_str: '{"clip_at": 0.2 }'
# # the layer name -- the class name in the module
# layer: 'ClipLayer'
# }
layer {
name: "Reduction1"
type: "Reduction"
bottom: "SIFT_before_norm_Flatten"
top: "Reduction1"
reduction_param {
operation: SUMSQ
axis: 1
layer {
name: "Power1"
type: "Power"
bottom: "Reduction1"
top: "Power1"
power_param {
power: -0.5
layer {
name: "Reshape1"
type: "Reshape"
bottom: "Power1"
top: "Reshape1"
reshape_param {
shape {
dim: 1
axis: -1
num_axes: 0
layer {
name: "Tile1"
type: "Tile"
bottom: "Reshape1"
top: "Tile1"
tile_param {
axis: 1
tiles: 128
layer {
name: "l2NormedHist"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "SIFT_before_norm_Flatten"
bottom: "Tile1"
top: "l2NormedHist"
eltwise_param {
operation: PROD
layer {
name: "ClippedAgain"
type: "TanH"
bottom: "l2NormedHist"
top: "ClippedAgain"
#layer {
# name: "ClippedAgain"
# top: "ClippedAgain"
# bottom: "l2NormedHist"
# type: "Python"
# python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
# module: 'python_clip_layer'
# param_str: '{"clip_at": 0.2 }'
# # the layer name -- the class name in the module
# layer: 'ClipLayer'
# }
layer {
name: "Reduction2"
type: "Reduction"
bottom: "ClippedAgain"
top: "Reduction2"
reduction_param {
operation: SUMSQ
axis: 1
layer {
name: "Power2"
type: "Power"
bottom: "Reduction2"
top: "Power2"
power_param {
power: -0.5
layer {
name: "Reshape2"
type: "Reshape"
bottom: "Power2"
top: "Reshape2"
reshape_param {
shape {
dim: 1
axis: -1
num_axes: 0
layer {
name: "Tile2"
type: "Tile"
bottom: "Reshape2"
top: "Tile2"
tile_param {
axis: 1
tiles: 128
layer {
name: "SIFT"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "ClippedAgain"
bottom: "Tile2"
top: "SIFT"
eltwise_param {
operation: PROD
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