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Last active June 18, 2024 13:03
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"meta": {
"theme": "kendall"
"basics": {
"name": "Chen Du (杜琛)",
"label": "Cloud Ops Engineer",
"image": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "18963609586",
"website": "",
"summary": "在 DevOps、数据工程和 Python 开发方面经验丰富, 在基础设施即代码、云技术和自动化方面拥有丰富的背景<br><br>\n在软件业拥有超过 10 年的各类职位包括QA, operation, developer 和devops经验, 在故障排除、团队协作和高效解决问题方面拥有良好的记录<br><br>\n\n团队中的SCRUM master, 在PI中带领团队, 按照敏捷原则, 负责管理团队成员之间的信息交换<br><br>\n\n能够在短时间内学习新技能, 善于利用包括人工智能在内的工具来协助日常工作, 跳出思维定势, 拓展发散思维。<br><br>\n\n领导了多次云迁移, 并创建了多个自动化管道, 以帮助提高工作效率, 使团队受益<br><br>\n\n有强烈的动机来帮助团队, 例如辅导新人、通过撰写 SRE playbook 来分享知识<br>\n",
"location": {
"address": "",
"postalCode": "",
"city": "南京",
"countryCode": "cn",
"region": "Jiangsu"
"profiles": [
"network": "Github",
"username": "duchenpaul",
"url": ""
"network": "Wechat",
"username": "18963609586"
"network": "Linkedin",
"username": ""
"work": [
"name": "思杰系统",
"position": "Cloud Ops Engineer - SRE & SCRUM",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2020-12-01",
"summary": "领导了多个高价值系统 (HVS) 迁移, 包括架构设计、IaC 编码、测试、迁移和记录<br>\n &emsp;- 使用 IaC 将 Sonarqube 服务从本地迁移到 Azure 云环境 (VM + 数据库模型)<br>\n &emsp;- 使用 IaC 将 Zabbix 服务从本地迁移到 Azure 云环境 (VM + 数据库模型)<br>\n &emsp;- 使用 IaC 将 Sonarqube 服务从 Azure 云环境 (VM + 数据库模型)迁移到 Azure Kubernetes 服务<br><br>\n创建多个 Zabbix 监控指标, 包括磁盘只读监控、传输速度监控、Java 应用程序的 JMX 监控等, 以帮助在早期发现潜在问题<br><br>\n研究 Azure spot machine, 并编写 IaC (Terraform 模块) 以帮助降低团队 Azure subscription中 VM 的成本 (~35%)<br><br>\n设计 DNS forwarder 服务器以解决解析 Azure 域名和公司网络域名的问题\n",
"highlights": [
"使用 IaC(基础架构即代码)进行部署流程, 确保我们的系统以四大支柱(稳定性、可扩展性、速度和安全性)运行",
"成为 Zabbix、Sonarqube、Sourcegraph 和 Jenkins 的 SME(主题专家)",
"利用 ChatGPT、Github copilot 等 AI 工具帮助提高代码审查和代码编写等工作效率",
"为所有工程师团队提供核心工具支持, 包括 CICD 工具(如 Bitbucket、Artifactory、SonarQube、Jenkins、Kubernetes...)",
"调查并解决与上述主题相关的问题和错误, 与供应商和内部团队沟通以解决问题",
"开发工具(Shell、Python、Docker 和 Jenkins)以帮助监控和 服务权限控制"
"name": "Merkle Inc.",
"position": "ETL Senior Developer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2018-04-01",
"endDate": "2020-12-01",
"summary": "帮助将 ETL 系统从本地迁移到 AWS 云, 我编写了一个 Python 脚本来帮助转换不同数据库(Netezza 到 Amazon Redshift)中的 SQL 脚本, 从而将编码时间从几周缩短到几小时<br>\n在阿里云中从零开始设计一个 ETL 系统, 使用 Python 和 Gitlab CI 帮助将数据源从客户转移到我们的分析团队<br>\n设计一种算法(bitmap)以快速获取产品中具有指定过滤器的客户数量<br>\n",
"highlights": [
"为我们的客户维护 ETL 流程",
"将 ETL 系统从本地服务器迁移到亚马逊云",
"设计一个以 Python 和 MySQL 为基础的ETL系统, 帮助从客户端提取数据到我们的分析团队"
"name": "Digital Alchemy",
"position": "Technical Business Analyst",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2015-08-01",
"endDate": "2018-04-01",
"summary": "管理 ETL 流程、就系统维护和恢复计划提供咨询、通过电子邮件和电话提供英语客户支持并协助活动运营团队\n",
"highlights": [
"ETL 流程管理: 监控提取、转换、加载 (ETL) 流程, 及时处理故障, 确保无缝业务自动化",
"系统维护咨询: 担任系统维护问题顾问, 评估维护工作的影响, 并设计和执行维护后恢复计划",
"客户支持: 通过电子邮件和电话以英语提供有效的客户支持, 及时解决疑问和问题",
"团队协作: 协助活动运营团队, 在必要时提供及时有效的援助"
"name": "江苏鸿信系统集成有限公司",
"position": "测试工程师",
"website": "",
"endDate": "2015-08-01",
"startDate": "2013-06-01",
"summary": "使用 Python 爬虫开发测试自动化, 领导软件和硬件(包括 Web 服务、移动应用程序和 PC 软件)的 QA, 利用 Selenium、PL/SQL 和 HTTPWatch 进行测试和缺陷定位, 并提供最终用户见解\n",
"highlights": [
"负责部门内软件、硬件产品的测试, 包括网页平台端, 移动端, PC端产品的测试工作, 以及终端设备的测试, 也参与过产品招标工作。会使用selenium编写脚本和使用测试工具协助测试, 灵活运用PL/SQL、httpwatch等工具发现和确定问题。从用户的角度对产品的质量进行评估, 提出改进意见"
"education": [
"institution": "南京大学金陵学院",
"area": "通信工程专业",
"studyType": "本科",
"startDate": "2009-06-01",
"endDate": "2013-06-01",
"gpa": "",
"courses": []
"skills": [
"name": "Service administration",
"level": "Senior-Level",
"keywords": [
"Azure cloud",
"Azure Kubernetes Services",
"Jenkube(Jenkins agent in kubernetes and Azure dynamic agents)",
"Dockerhub enterprise",
"Atlassian Tools including Jira, Bitbucket, Service Engineer desk, etc",
"Github EMU",
"name": "Devops",
"level": "Senior-Level",
"keywords": [
"ESXI virtual machine",
"Linux administration",
"GitLab CI",
"Github Actions",
"Jams scheduler"
"name": "Programming and Databases",
"level": "Senior-Level",
"keywords": [
"Microsoft SQL Server",
"Oracle DB",
"name": "Web and others",
"level": "Entry-Level",
"keywords": [
"Data visualization",
"languages": [
"language": "Chinese",
"fluency": "Native speaker"
"language": "English",
"fluency": "Professional proficiency"
"interests": [],
"references": [
"name": "Sanjay Tripathi",
"occupation": "Tech lead in Merkle Inc.",
"reference": "Chenny is very passionate about his work. This is demonstrated by his enthusiasm of any work when I had asked him to perform a task. He is especially excellent at walking thru the code to track down an issue. I appreciate when asked to track down an issue he shares his desktop and walks thru the process and explains it in a manner that I can understand. He is very quick of his task deliverability and very smart for all his technical approach for any code changes. Whatever I say here probably will be less for him. I would love to work with him on any project at any time.\n"
"name": "Suresh Muddam",
"occupation": "Tech lead in Merkle Inc.",
"reference": "He is new to Merkle and this was his first project, was quick to get up to speed and started delivering work.\nHas good analytical skills and tries to think about any failure in a different way.\nGood Python and SQL skills, this is very important as we have few resources with Python expertise.\nWas quick to learn Informatica and completed his tasks within timelines.\n"
"reference": "<a id=\"saveAsPdfBtn\" href=\"#\">Save this page as a PDF</a>\n\n<!-- Your JavaScript snippet -->\n<script>\n document.getElementById('saveAsPdfBtn').addEventListener('click', function(e){\n var pageUrl = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);\n var opts = ['save-link=' + pageUrl, 'pageOrientation=auto'];\n'' + opts.join('&'));\n e.preventDefault();\n });\n</script>\n"
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