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Last active September 22, 2021 01:56
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User-configurable Fizz Buzz
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import click
from typing import *
Fizz Buzz Pow Pop Bang
Like your classic FizzBuzz but with more interactivity and control
of which numbers get replaced
def make_strings(
freq_dict: Dict[int, str], start: int, stop: int
) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
The method that does all the fizzbuzz hard work.
:param freq_dict: see get_dict() for how this is generated
:param start: starting number
:param stop: stop number (included in outupt)
:return a generator of strings with either the number or its phrase replacement
for i in range(start, stop + 1):
x: str = "".join(freq_dict[n] for n in freq_dict.keys() if not i % n)
yield x if x else str(i)
def get_dict() -> Dict[int, str]:
Generates the dictionary of numbers and phrases to feed to make_strings()
:return a dict in the form of {x: "something"} (which will output something every x)
defaults: List[Tuple(int, str)] = [
(5, "fizz"),
(3, "buzz"),
(7, "pow"),
(11, "pop"),
(17, "bang"),
i: int = 0
d: Dict[int, str] = {}
cont: bool = True
def prompt(idx: int, num: int, phrase: str) -> bool:
User-defined replacement definitions
:return whether to prompt for another replacement or not
n: int = click.prompt(
"(0 to finish phrasebook creation)\n" + f"Chime in every n numbers",
type=click.IntRange(0, None),
if not n:
return False
p: str = click.prompt(
"(negative number to treat these as normal numbers "
+ "and finish phrasebook creation)\n"
+ f"Say what every {n} numbers ",
if p[0] == "-":
return False
d[n] = p
return True
while cont:
ea: Tuple[int, str] = defaults[i] if i < len(defaults) else (0, f"-{i}")
cont = prompt(i, *ea)
i += 1
return d
help="Starting number",
help="Stop number",
help="A normal fizzbuzz",
def main(min: int, max: int, demo: bool):
d: Dict[int, str] = {5: "fizz", 3: "buzz"} if demo else get_dict()
print("\n".join(make_strings(d, min, max)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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duck57 commented Sep 22, 2021

Tonight's update: moved to using a generator and also improved the prompts.

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