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Forked from Robert-LTH/Invoke-SCCMRunScript.ps1
Created September 16, 2019 08:07
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Simple script to use the new sccm feature called "Run Script". The builtin Invoke-CMScript does not accept parameters.
function Invoke-SCCMRunScript {
[Array]$InputParameters = @(),
[string]$TargetCollectionID = "",
[Array]$TargetResourceIDs = @()
# if something goes wrong, we want to stop!
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# We can not run on all members of a collection AND selected resources
if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TargetCollectionID)) -and $TargetResourceIDs -gt 0) {
throw "Use either TargetCollectionID or TargetResourceIDs, not both!"
if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TargetCollectionID)) -and $TargetResourceIDs -lt 1) {
throw "We need some resources (devices) to run the script!"
# Get the script
$Script = [wmi](Get-WmiObject -class SMS_Scripts -Namespace $Namespace -ComputerName $SiteServer -Filter "ScriptName = '$ScriptName'").__PATH
if (-not $Script) {
throw "Could not find script with name '$ScriptName'"
# Parse the parameter definition
$Parameters = [xml]([string]::new([Convert]::FromBase64String($Script.ParamsDefinition)))
$Parameters.ScriptParameters.ChildNodes | % {
# In the case of a missing required parameter, bail!
if ($_.IsRequired -and $InputParameters.Count -lt 1) {
throw "Script 'ScriptName' has required parameters but no parameters was passed."
if ($_.Name -notin $InputParameters.Name) {
throw "Parameter '$($_.Name)' has not been passed in InputParamters!"
# GUID used for parametergroup
$ParameterGroupGUID = $(New-Guid)
if ($InputParameters.Count -le 0) {
# If no ScriptParameters: <ScriptParameters></ScriptParameters> and an empty hash
$ParametersXML = "<ScriptParameters></ScriptParameters>"
$ParametersHash = ""
else {
foreach ($Parameter in $InputParameters) {
$InnerParametersXML = "$InnerParametersXML<ScriptParameter ParameterGroupGuid=`"$ParameterGroupGUID`" ParameterGroupName=`"PG_$ParameterGroupGUID`" ParameterName=`"$($Parameter.Name)`" ParameterType=`"$($Parameter.Type)`" ParameterValue=`"$($Parameter.Value)`"/>"
$ParametersXML = "<ScriptParameters>$InnerParametersXML</ScriptParameters>"
$SHA256 = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Cng]::new()
$Bytes = ($SHA256.ComputeHash(([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode).GetBytes($ParametersXML)))
$ParametersHash = ($Bytes | ForEach-Object ToString X2) -join ''
$RunScriptXMLDefinition = "<ScriptContent ScriptGuid='{0}'><ScriptVersion>{1}</ScriptVersion><ScriptType>{2}</ScriptType><ScriptHash ScriptHashAlg='SHA256'>{3}</ScriptHash>{4}<ParameterGroupHash ParameterHashAlg='SHA256'>{5}</ParameterGroupHash></ScriptContent>"
$RunScriptXML = $RunScriptXMLDefinition -f $Script.ScriptGuid,$Script.ScriptVersion,$Script.ScriptType,$Script.ScriptHash,$ParametersXML,$ParametersHash
# Get information about the class instead of fetching an instance
# WMI holds the secret of what parameters that needs to be passed and the actual order in which they have to be passed
$MC = [WmiClass]"\\$SiteServer\$($Namespace):SMS_ClientOperation"
# Get the parameters of the WmiMethod
$MethodName = 'InitiateClientOperationEx'
$InParams = $MC.psbase.GetMethodParameters($MethodName)
# Information about the script is passed as the parameter 'Param' as a BASE64 encoded string
$InParams.Param = ([Convert]::ToBase64String(([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8).GetBytes($RunScriptXML)))
# Hardcoded to 0 in certain DLLs
$InParams.RandomizationWindow = "0"
# If we are using a collection, set it. TargetCollectionID can be empty string: ""
$InParams.TargetCollectionID = $TargetCollectionID
# If we have a list of resources to run the script on, set it. TargetResourceIDs can be an empty array: @()
# Criteria for a "valid" resource is IsClient=$true and IsBlocked=$false and IsObsolete=$false and ClientType=1
$InParams.TargetResourceIDs = $TargetResourceIDs
# Run Script is type 135
$InParams.Type = "135"
# Everything should be ready for processing, invoke the method!
$R = $MC.InvokeMethod($MethodName, $InParams, $null)
# The result contains the client operation id of the execution
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