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Forked from chriseidhof/collectionview.swift
Created October 2, 2019 02:20
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SwiftUI Flow Layout
// ContentView.swift
// CollectionView
// Created by Chris Eidhof on 20.08.19.
// Copyright © 2019 Chris Eidhof. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
To calculate a flow layout, we need the sizes of the collection's elements. The "easiest" way to do this seems to be using preference keys: these are values that a child view can set and that get propagated up in the view hierarchy.
A preference key consists of two parts: a type for the data (this needs to be equatable) and a type for the key itself.
struct MyPreferenceKeyData: Equatable {
var size: CGSize
var id: AnyHashable
struct MyPreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
typealias Value = [MyPreferenceKeyData]
static var defaultValue: [MyPreferenceKeyData] = []
static func reduce(value: inout [MyPreferenceKeyData], nextValue: () -> [MyPreferenceKeyData]) {
value.append(contentsOf: nextValue())
let empty = AnyView(Color.clear.frame(height: 0).fixedSize())
// Next up, we create a wrapper view which renders it's content view, but also propagates its size up the view hierarchy using the preference key.
struct PropagatesSize<ID: Hashable, V: View>: View {
var id: ID
var content: V
var body: some View {
content.background(GeometryReader { proxy in
empty.preference(key: MyPreferenceKey.self, value: [MyPreferenceKeyData(size: proxy.size, id: AnyHashable(])
// This is a flow layout directly taken from the Swift Talk episode on flow layouts (even though it's written for UIKit, we can reuse it without modification).
struct FlowLayout {
let spacing: UIOffset
let containerSize: CGSize
init(containerSize: CGSize, spacing: UIOffset = UIOffset(horizontal: 10, vertical: 10)) {
self.spacing = spacing
self.containerSize = containerSize
var currentX = 0 as CGFloat
var currentY = 0 as CGFloat
var lineHeight = 0 as CGFloat
mutating func add(element size: CGSize) -> CGRect {
if currentX + size.width > containerSize.width {
currentX = 0
currentY += lineHeight + spacing.vertical
lineHeight = 0
defer {
lineHeight = max(lineHeight, size.height)
currentX += size.width + spacing.horizontal
return CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: currentX, y: currentY), size: size)
var size: CGSize {
return CGSize(width: containerSize.width, height: currentY + lineHeight)
Finally, here's the collection view. It works as following:
It contains a collection of `Data` and a way to construct `Content` from an element of `Data`.
For each value of `Data`, it wraps the element in a `PropagatesSize` container, and then collects all those sizes to construct the layout.
struct CollectionView<Data, Content>: View where Data: RandomAccessCollection, Data.Element: Identifiable, Content: View {
var data: Data
@State private var sizes: [MyPreferenceKeyData] = []
var content: (Data.Element) -> Content
func layout(size: CGSize) -> (items: [AnyHashable:CGSize], size: CGSize) {
var f = FlowLayout(containerSize: size)
var result: [AnyHashable:CGSize] = [:]
for s in sizes {
let rect = f.add(element: s.size)
result[] = CGSize(width: rect.origin.x, height: rect.origin.y)
return (result, f.size)
func withLayout(_ laidout: (items: [AnyHashable:CGSize], size: CGSize)) -> some View {
return ZStack(alignment: .topLeading) {
ForEach( { el in
PropagatesSize(id:, content: self.content(el))
.offset(laidout.items[AnyHashable(] ?? .zero)
Color.clear.frame(width: laidout.size.width, height: laidout.size.height).fixedSize()
.onPreferenceChange(MyPreferenceKey.self, perform: {
self.sizes = $0
var body: some View {
return GeometryReader { proxy in
self.withLayout(self.layout(size: proxy.size))
// Just a temporary hack to make things work
extension Int: Identifiable {
public var id: Int {
return self
struct ContentView: View {
let items: [String] = (1..<10).map { num in
"Element \(num)" + String(repeating: "x", count: Int.random(in: 0..<5))
@State var width: CGFloat = 100
var body: some View {
let pill = RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5).fill(Color.gray)
return GeometryReader { proxy in
VStack {
HStack {
Rectangle().fill( self.width)
Spacer().frame(width: 20)
CollectionView(data: Array(0..<self.items.count), content: { el in
Slider(value: self.$width, in: 0...proxy.size.width)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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