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Created September 23, 2014 09:40
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;; Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Michael S. Klishin, Alex Petrov, and The ClojureWerkz
;; Team
;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;; the terms of this license.
;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(:require [ :as neorest]
[ :as nodes]
[ :as rel]
[ :as paths]
[ :as cy]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[clojure.set :refer [subset?]]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[ :refer [instantiate-node-from instantiate-rel-from instantiate-path-from]]))
(defn- same-node?
[a b]
(and (= (:id a) (:id b))
(= (:data a) (:data b))))
(let [conn (neorest/connect "YOUR_GRAPHENE_URL"
(deftest ^{:cypher true} test-cypher-query-example1
(let [john (nodes/create conn {:name "John"})
sarah (nodes/create conn {:name "Sarah"})
joe (nodes/create conn {:name "Joe"})
maria (nodes/create conn {:name "Maria"})
steve (nodes/create conn {:name "Steve"})
rel1 (rel/create conn john sarah :friend)
rel2 (rel/create conn john joe :friend)
rel3 (rel/create conn sarah maria :friend)
rel4 (rel/create conn joe steve :friend)
{:keys [data columns]} (cy/query conn "START john=node({sid}) MATCH john-[:friend]->()-[:friend]->fof RETURN john, fof" {:sid (:id john)})
row1 (map instantiate-node-from (first data))
row2 (map instantiate-node-from (second data))]
(is (= 2 (count data)))
(is (= ["john" "fof"] columns))
(is (same-node? john (first row1)))
(is (same-node? maria (last row1)))
(is (same-node? john (first row2)))
(is (same-node? steve (last row2)))))
(deftest ^{:cypher true} test-cypher-query-example2
(let [john (nodes/create conn {:name "John"})
sarah (nodes/create conn {:name "Sarah"})
rel1 (rel/create conn john sarah :friend)
[row1] (cy/tquery conn "START x = node({sid}) MATCH path = (x--friend) RETURN path," {:sid (:id john)})
path (instantiate-path-from (get row1 "path"))]
(is (paths/included-in? conn john path))
(is (paths/included-in? conn sarah path))
(is (= "Sarah" (get row1 "")))))
(deftest ^{:cypher true} test-cypher-query-example3
(let [john (nodes/create conn { :name "John" :age 27 })
sarah (nodes/create conn { :name "Sarah" :age 28 })
rel1 (rel/create conn john sarah :friend)
ids (map :id [john sarah])
response (cy/tquery conn "START x = node({ids}) RETURN, x.age" { :ids ids })]
(is (= [{"" "John" "x.age" 27}
{"" "Sarah" "x.age" 28}] response))))
(deftest ^{:cypher true} test-cypher-query-example4
(let [john (nodes/create conn { :name "John" })
sarah (nodes/create conn { :name "Sarah" })
ids (map :id [john sarah])
{:keys [data columns]} (cy/query conn "START x = node({ids}) RETURN x" {:ids ids})]
(is (= ids (vec (map (comp :id instantiate-node-from first) data))))))
(deftest ^{:cypher true} test-cypher-query-example5
(let [john (nodes/create conn { :name "John" })
sarah (nodes/create conn { :name "Sarah" })
ids (vec (map :id [sarah john]))]
(is (= ids (vec (map :id (nodes/get-many conn ids)))))))
(deftest ^{:cypher true} test-cypher-query-example6
(let [john (nodes/create conn { :name "John" })
sarah (nodes/create conn { :name "Sarah" })
tim (nodes/create conn { :name "Tim" })
rel1 (rel/create conn john sarah :friend)
rel2 (rel/create conn sarah tim :friend)
ids (vec (map :id [rel1 rel2]))]
(is (= ids (vec (map :id (rel/get-many conn ids)))))))
(deftest ^{:cypher true} test-cypher-tquery
(let [john (nodes/create conn { :name "John" :age 27 })
sarah (nodes/create conn { :name "Sarah" :age 28 })
rel1 (rel/create conn john sarah :friend)
ids (map :id [john sarah])]
(is (= [{"" "John" "x.age" 27}
{"" "Sarah" "x.age" 28}]
(vec (cy/tquery conn "START x = node({ids}) RETURN, x.age" { :ids ids }))))))
(deftest ^{:cypher true} test-tableize
(let [columns ["" "x.age"]
rows [["John" 27] ["Sarah" 28]]]
(is (= [{"" "John" "x.age" 27}
{"" "Sarah" "x.age" 28}] (vec (cy/tableize columns rows))))
(is (empty? (cy/tableize nil))))))
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