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Created June 26, 2024 02:51
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Posterize a PNG and create layers for PCB art
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os.path
import numpy as np
import, skimage.color, skimage.transform
import sklearn.cluster
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
downscale = 1
n_colors = 5
# Recommended: design with background being light green (or dark purple)
# so that it blends in with standard fills.
# Add graphics after everything else since this massively slows zone fills
# When exporting:
# Negative threshold 50
# Export as Pcbnew (.kicad_mod file)
# After export, find and replace "Eco1.User" with "F.Cu"
# Optionally remap image color brightness to PCB brightness.
# This is good e.g. if your darkest color isn't the background color.
# shuffle_mapping = [
# 1,
# 0,
# 2,
# 3,
# 4,
# ]
shuffle_mapping = False
# black: 0: solder mask on bare FR4
# dark purple: 1: solder mask on copper
# tan: 2: bare FR4 (no-mask)
# gold: 3: copper (no-mask)
# white: 4: silkscreen on copper (mask or no???)
# Note, the "mask" layer is actually a keepout, so it's
# opposite of what you'd expect.
layer_by_brightness = {
"mask": [2, 3],
"silk": [4],
"copper": [1, 3, 4]
false_colors = [
(48, 50, 65), # black purple
(87, 54, 97), # purple
(171, 151, 101), # tan
(255, 213, 70), # gold
(252, 252, 252), # white
# # Generic Green PCB
# # dark green: 0: solder mask on bare FR4
# # tan: 1: bare FR4 (no-mask)
# # light green: 2: solder mask on copper
# # silver: 3: copper (no-mask)
# # white: 4: silkscreen on copper (with mask)
# false_colors = [
# (0, 80, 0), # DarkGreen
# (210, 180, 140), # Tan
# (34, 139, 34), # ForestGreen
# (192, 192, 192), # Silver
# (255, 255, 255), # White
# ]
# layer_by_brightness = {
# "mask": [1, 3],
# "silk": [4], # needs inverted???
# "copper": [2, 3, 4] # needs inverted???
# }
# n_colors = 3
# false_colors = [
# (34, 139, 34), # ForestGreen
# (192, 192, 192), # Silver
# (255, 255, 255), # White
# ]
# layer_by_brightness = {
# "mask": [0, 2],
# "silk": [2], # needs inverted
# }
# Do shuffling if necessary
if shuffle_mapping:
layer_by_brightness = {k: [shuffle_mapping[i] for i in v] for k, v in layer_by_brightness.items()}
false_colors = [false_colors[shuffle_mapping[i]] for i in range(len(false_colors))]
# Image preprocessing
img =[-1])
img = skimage.transform.resize(img, (img.shape[0] // downscale, img.shape[1] // downscale), anti_aliasing=True)
if img.shape[2] == 4:
print("Converting RGBA to RGB")
img = skimage.color.rgba2rgb(img)
print("Converting colorspace")
lab_img = skimage.color.rgb2lab(img)
y, x, d = lab_img.shape
output_shape = (y, x)
flat = np.reshape(lab_img, (-1, d))
# Kmeans stuff to palettize the image
print("Finding centroids")
kmeans = sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=n_colors).fit(flat)
print("Running predictions")
predictions = kmeans.predict(flat)
print("Finding distances")
distances = kmeans.transform(flat)
pixel_labels = predictions.copy()
# If the kmeans prediction has a very small distance to the centroid,
# accept the label as-is.
min_distances = np.amin(distances, axis=-1)
for pred, distance, i in zip(predictions, min_distances, range(flat.shape[0])):
if distance < 1.5:
# Close enough to accept the predicted label
# Mark as too far from the prediction
pixel_labels[i] = -1
# For the pixels that were inbetween the centroids,
# choose the closest centroid among the neighbors.
# This guarantees that color regions are contiguous.
unflat_labels = pixel_labels.reshape(output_shape).copy()
for i in range(flat.shape[0]):
if pixel_labels[i] == -1:
y, x = np.unravel_index(i, output_shape)
neighbors = unflat_labels[y-1:y+2, x-1:x+2]
neighbors = neighbors.reshape(-1)
neighbors = neighbors[neighbors != -1]
local_labels = np.unique(neighbors)
mask = np.isin(list(range(n_colors)), local_labels)
mask = (~mask) * 1000 + mask
local_distances = mask * distances[i]
best = local_distances.argmin()
pixel_labels[i] = best
basename = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[-1])[0]
# Map the PCB art layers to centroid labels
cluster_and_label = [(list(c), i) for i, c in enumerate(kmeans.cluster_centers_)]
label_to_brightness_index = {cl[1]:i for i, cl in enumerate(cluster_and_label)}
labeled_image = pixel_labels.reshape(output_shape).copy()
colored_image = [false_colors[label_to_brightness_index[i]] for i in pixel_labels]
colored_image = np.array(colored_image).reshape((*output_shape, 3)).astype("uint8")
colored_fname = f"{basename}_falsecolor.png", colored_image)
# # Show the colors of our palette in order of brightness.
# # Useful for debugging layer order.
# display_palette = np.zeros((100, 100 * n_colors, 3))
# for i in range(n_colors):
# display_palette[:, 100*i:100*i + 100] = cluster_and_label[i][0]
# display_palette_rgb = skimage.color.lab2rgb(display_palette)
# plt.imshow(display_palette_rgb)
pcb_layer_to_labels = {}
for layer in layer_by_brightness.keys():
labels = [cluster_and_label[i][1] for i in layer_by_brightness[layer]]
pcb_layer_to_labels[layer] = labels
for layer_name, layer_labels in pcb_layer_to_labels.items():
outimg = np.isin(pixel_labels, layer_labels)
outimg = outimg.reshape(output_shape)
outimg = outimg.astype("uint8") * 255
fname = f"{basename}_{layer_name}.bmp", outimg)
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