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Created July 30, 2018 01:50
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#include <LinkedList.h>
const uint8_t PinLeft = 2;
const uint8_t PinMiddle = 3;
const uint8_t PinRight = 4;
const uint8_t PinLED = 13;
enum MouseButtons {LEFT, MIDDLE, RIGHT} ;
bool leftPressed = false;
bool middlePressed = false;
bool rightPressed = false;
void sendMouseState() {
Mouse.set_buttons(leftPressed, middlePressed, rightPressed);
void mouseButtonPress(MouseButtons theButton);
void mouseButtonPress(MouseButtons theButton) {
if (theButton == MouseButtons::LEFT) {
leftPressed = true;
} else if(theButton == MouseButtons::MIDDLE) {
middlePressed = true;
} else if (theButton == MouseButtons::RIGHT) {
rightPressed = true;
void mouseButtonRelease(MouseButtons button);
void mouseButtonRelease(MouseButtons button) {
if (button == MouseButtons::LEFT) {
leftPressed = false;
} else if(button == MouseButtons::MIDDLE) {
middlePressed = false;
} else if (button == MouseButtons::RIGHT) {
rightPressed = false;
volatile unsigned int nextPressLeft = 0;
volatile unsigned int nextPressCenter = 0;
volatile unsigned int nextPressRight = 0;
const int timeBetween = 150; //milliseconds
enum ActionType {KB, MOU}; //keyboard or mouse
class Action {
uint16_t keyCode;
ActionType actionType;
Action (uint16_t keyCode, ActionType actionType) : keyCode(keyCode), actionType(actionType) {}
class ModeAction {
LinkedList<Action> keys;
void addAction(Action action) {
class ActionManager {
uint8_t modeL = 1;
uint8_t modeM = 1;
uint8_t modeR = 1;
LinkedList<ModeAction> lActions;
LinkedList<ModeAction> mActions;
LinkedList<ModeAction> rActions;
bool lActing = false, mActing = false, rActing = false;
ActionManager() {
//lActions = new LinkedList<ModeAction>();
//mActions = new LinkedList<ModeAction>();
//rActions = new LinkedList<ModeAction>();
//actions for left switch
//mode 1
ModeAction tempMA;
tempMA.addAction(Action(MouseButtons::LEFT, ActionType::MOU));
//mode 2
ModeAction tempMA;
tempMA.addAction(Action(KEY_F11, ActionType::KB));
//mode 3
ModeAction tempMA;
tempMA.addAction(Action(KEY_LEFT_CTRL, ActionType::KB));
tempMA.addAction(Action(KEY_LEFT_ALT, ActionType::KB));
//mode 4
ModeAction tempMA;
tempMA.addAction(Action(KEY_W, ActionType::KB));
//actions for middle switch
//mode 1
ModeAction tempMA;
tempMA.addAction(Action(MouseButtons::MIDDLE, ActionType::MOU));
//actions for right switch
//mode 1
ModeAction tempMA;
tempMA.addAction(Action(MouseButtons::RIGHT, ActionType::MOU));
void cycleModeL() {
if(modeL >= lActions.size()) {
modeL = 1;
void cycleModeM() {
if(modeM >= mActions.size()) {
modeM = 1;
void cycleModeR() {
if(modeR >= rActions.size()) {
modeR = 1;
//void doDownActions(ModeAction modeActions, uint8_t mode) {
//for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
//if (modeActions[mode][i].keys[i].actionType == ActionType.KB) {
//} else if (modeActions[mode].keys[i].actionType == ActionType.MOU) {
//void doUpActions(ModeAction modeActions, uint8_t mode) {
//for (int i = 0; i < modeActions[mode].keys.length(); i++) {
//if (modeActions[mode][i].keys[i].actionType == ActionType.KB) {
//} else if (modeActions[mode].keys[i].actionType == ActionType.MOU) {
//void leftDown() {
//if (lActing == false) {
//lActing = true;
//doDownActions(lActions, modeL);
//void middleDown() {
//if (mActing == false) {
//mActing = true;
//doDownActions(mActions, modeM);
//void rightDown() {
//if (rActing == false) {
//rActing = true;
//doDownActions(rActions, modeR);
//void leftUp() {
//if (lActing == true) {
//lActing = false;
//doUpActions(lActions, modeL);
//void middleUp() {
//if (mActing == true) {
//mActing = false;
//doUpActions(mActions, modeM);
//void rightUp() {
//if (rActing == true) {
//rActing = false;
//doUpActions(rActions, modeR);
ActionManager actionManager = ActionManager();
void setup() {
pinMode(PinLED, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(PinRight, INPUT_PULLUP); // sets the digital pin as output
//attachInterrupt(PinRight, isrChangeR, CHANGE); // interrrupt is data ready
//pinMode(PinMiddle, INPUT_PULLUP); // sets the digital pin as output
//attachInterrupt(PinMiddle, isrChangeM, CHANGE); // interrrupt is data ready
//pinMode(PinLeft, INPUT_PULLUP); // sets the digital pin as output
//attachInterrupt(PinLeft, isrChangeL, CHANGE); // interrrupt is data ready
void loop() {
//if (Serial.available()) {
////change mode
//mode = Serial.parseInt();
////release all buttons
//Mouse.set_buttons(0, 0, 0);
////turn off LED
//digitalWrite(PinLED, LOW);
////flush the serial input buffer
//while (Serial.available()) {
//void isrChangeL() {
//if (digitalRead(PinLeft) == LOW && nextPressLeft < millis()) {
//digitalWrite(PinLED, HIGH); //set the LED on
//if (mode == 0) {
//Mouse.set_buttons(1, 0, 0);
//} else if (mode == 1) {
//} else if (mode == 2) {
//} else if (mode == 3) {
//nextPressLeft = millis() + timeBetween;
//} else {
//// Serial.println("Released");
//digitalWrite(PinLED, LOW); // set the LED off
//if (mode == 0) {
//Mouse.set_buttons(0, 0, 0);
//} else if (mode == 1) {
//} else if (mode == 2) {
//} else if (mode == 3) {
//nextPressLeft = millis() + timeBetween * 0.6;
//void isrChangeM() {
////if (digitalRead(PinMiddle) == LOW && nextPressCenter < millis())
//if (digitalRead(PinMiddle) == LOW && nextPressCenter < millis()) {
//digitalWrite(PinLED, HIGH); //set the LED on
////Mouse.set_buttons(0, 1, 0);
//nextPressCenter = millis() + timeBetween;
//} else {
//// Serial.println("Released");
//digitalWrite(PinLED, LOW); // set the LED off
////Mouse.set_buttons(0, 0, 0);
//nextPressCenter = millis() + timeBetween * 0.6;
//void isrChangeR() {
//if (digitalRead(PinRight) == LOW && nextPressRight < millis()) {
//digitalWrite(PinLED, HIGH); // set the LED on
//Mouse.set_buttons(0, 0, 1);
//nextPressRight = millis() + timeBetween;
//} else {
//// Serial.println("Released");
//digitalWrite(PinLED, LOW); // set the LED off
//Mouse.set_buttons(0, 0, 0);
//nextPressRight = millis() + timeBetween * 0.6;
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