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Created September 23, 2011 18:16
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dudley@kima gems/vfs :> git rev-parse HEAD 2x-dev//
dudley@kima gems/vfs :> export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home 2x-dev//
dudley@kima gems/vfs :> mvn -v 2x-dev//
Apache Maven 3.0.3 (r1075438; 2011-02-28 11:31:09-0600)
Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.0.3/libexec
Java version: 1.6.0_26, vendor: Apple Inc.
Java home: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: MacRoman
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.7.1", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
dudley@kima gems/vfs :> mvn -s ../../support/settings.xml test 2x-dev//
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for rubygems:torquebox-vfs:java-gem:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[WARNING] 'build.plugins.plugin.(groupId:artifactId)' must be unique but found duplicate declaration of plugin de.saumya.mojo:jruby-maven-plugin @ line 100, column 15
[WARNING] It is highly recommended to fix these problems because they threaten the stability of your build.
[WARNING] For this reason, future Maven versions might no longer support building such malformed projects.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building TorqueBox VFS 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.0-beta-1:enforce (enforce-java-version) @ torquebox-vfs ---
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.0-beta-1:enforce (enforce-maven-version) @ torquebox-vfs ---
[INFO] --- gem-maven-plugin:0.28.4:initialize (default-initialize) @ torquebox-vfs ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4:resources (default-resources) @ torquebox-vfs ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /Users/dudley/code/torquebox/gems/vfs/src/main/resources
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /Users/dudley/code/torquebox/gems/vfs/src/main/java
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile (default-compile) @ torquebox-vfs ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- jruby-maven-plugin:0.28.4:jruby (prepare-test-data) @ torquebox-vfs ---
[INFO] (in /Users/dudley/code/torquebox/gems/vfs)
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:copy-dependencies (install-vfs-jars-for-rubyspec) @ torquebox-vfs ---
[INFO] log4j-1.2.16.jar already exists in destination.
[INFO] jboss-vfs-3.0.1.GA.jar already exists in destination.
[INFO] jboss-logging-3.0.0.GA.jar already exists in destination.
[INFO] jboss-logmanager-1.2.0.GA.jar already exists in destination.
[INFO] jboss-logmanager-log4j-1.0.0.GA.jar already exists in destination.
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4:testResources (test-resources) @ torquebox-vfs ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /Users/dudley/code/torquebox/gems/vfs/src/test/resources
[INFO] Copying 685 resources
[INFO] --- rspec-maven-plugin:0.28.4:test (run-specs) @ torquebox-vfs ---
[INFO] Running RSpec tests from /Users/dudley/code/torquebox/gems/vfs/spec
[INFO] ** spec/dir_spec.rb
[INFO] Dir extensions for VFS
[INFO] with vfs urls
[INFO] should allow globbing within archives with explicit vfs - 0.061s
[INFO] should allow globbing within nested archives with explicit vfs - 0.011s
[INFO] should create new Dirs - 0.007s
[INFO] with absolute paths
[INFO] should ignore dotdirs by default - 0.033s FAILED
[INFO] should handle trailing double splats - 0.018s FAILED
[INFO] should handle Rails 2 glob-related arglebargle - 0.025s
[INFO] should ignore dotfiles by default - 0.014s
[INFO] should match dotfiles if explicitly asked - 0.017s
[INFO] should not find non-existent files - 0.018s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on normal files - 0.016s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on a single normal file - 0.008s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for archives - 0.013s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters within archives - 0.012s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for nested archives - 0.008s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for within archives - 0.009s
[INFO] should provide access to entries - 0.019s
[INFO] should provide iteration over its entries - 0.024s
[INFO] should allow appropriate globbing of normal files - 0.017s
[INFO] should determine if VFS is needed for archives - 0.012s
[INFO] should determine if VFS is needed for nested archives - 0.01s
[INFO] should determine if VFS is needed with relative paths - 0.011s
[INFO] should allow character-class matching - 0.025s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing on normal files - 0.019s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing within archives - 0.022s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing with trailing comma - 0.098s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing with internal globs - 0.019s
[INFO] should allow for double-star globbing within archives - 0.01s
[INFO] should allow globbing of an array of patterns - 0.044s
[INFO] should match only directories if trailing slash - 0.029s
[INFO] should allow for multiple single-star globbing - 0.037s
[INFO] should allow globbing of multiple patterns via [] - 0.081s
[INFO] should allow globbing of a single pattern via [] - 0.058s
[INFO] should create new Dirs - 0.013s
[INFO] with relative paths
[INFO] should ignore dotdirs by default - 0.026s FAILED
[INFO] should handle trailing double splats - 0.013s FAILED
[INFO] should handle Rails 2 glob-related arglebargle - 0.021s
[INFO] should ignore dotfiles by default - 0.051s
[INFO] should match dotfiles if explicitly asked - 0.02s
[INFO] should not find non-existent files - 0.007s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on normal files - 0.01s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on a single normal file - 0.015s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for archives - 0.01s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters within archives - 0.016s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for nested archives - 0.014s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for within archives - 0.016s
[INFO] should provide access to entries - 0.039s
[INFO] should provide iteration over its entries - 0.028s
[INFO] should allow appropriate globbing of normal files - 0.027s
[INFO] should determine if VFS is needed for archives - 0.007s
[INFO] should determine if VFS is needed for nested archives - 0.084s
[INFO] should determine if VFS is needed with relative paths - 0.01s
[INFO] should allow character-class matching - 0.018s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing on normal files - 0.02s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing within archives - 0.049s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing with trailing comma - 0.05s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing with internal globs - 0.039s
[INFO] should allow for double-star globbing within archives - 0.021s
[INFO] should allow globbing of an array of patterns - 0.018s
[INFO] should match only directories if trailing slash - 0.023s
[INFO] should allow for multiple single-star globbing - 0.02s
[INFO] should allow globbing of multiple patterns via [] - 0.023s
[INFO] should allow globbing of a single pattern via [] - 0.014s
[INFO] should create new Dirs - 0.007s
[INFO] with vfs paths
[INFO] should ignore dotdirs by default - 0.02s FAILED
[INFO] should handle trailing double splats - 0.011s FAILED
[INFO] should handle Rails 2 glob-related arglebargle - 0.018s
[INFO] should ignore dotfiles by default - 0.033s
[INFO] should match dotfiles if explicitly asked - 0.02s
[INFO] should not find non-existent files - 0.007s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on normal files - 0.011s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on a single normal file - 0.013s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for archives - 0.01s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters within archives - 0.01s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for nested archives - 0.013s
[INFO] should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for within archives - 0.009s
[INFO] should provide access to entries - 0.025s
[INFO] should provide iteration over its entries - 0.027s
[INFO] should allow appropriate globbing of normal files - 0.021s
[INFO] should determine if VFS is needed for archives - 0.006s
[INFO] should determine if VFS is needed for nested archives - 0.012s
[INFO] should determine if VFS is needed with relative paths - 0.016s
[INFO] should allow character-class matching - 0.025s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing on normal files - 0.019s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing within archives - 0.025s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing with trailing comma - 0.023s
[INFO] should allow alternation globbing with internal globs - 0.03s
[INFO] should allow for double-star globbing within archives - 0.018s
[INFO] should allow globbing of an array of patterns - 0.017s
[INFO] should match only directories if trailing slash - 0.025s
[INFO] should allow for multiple single-star globbing - 0.019s
[INFO] should allow globbing of multiple patterns via [] - 0.02s
[INFO] should allow globbing of a single pattern via [] - 0.021s
[INFO] should create new Dirs - 0.007s
[INFO] mkdir
[INFO] should mkdir inside vfs archive when directory mounted on filesystem - 0.024s
[INFO] chdir
[INFO] should require a block be passed - 0.008s
[INFO] should work for vfs paths - 0.008s
[INFO] should work for home dirs - 0.008s
[INFO] ** spec/file_spec.rb
[INFO] File extensions for VFS
[INFO] should report writable-ness for VFS urls - 0.082s
[INFO] should not loop infinitely - 0.058s
[INFO] should not report a file is there when it's not - 0.1s
[INFO] should handle vfs urls as readable - 0.095s
[INFO] should report readable-ness for files inside vfs archives - 0.051s
[INFO] should report readable-ness for non-existent files inside vfs archives - 0.043s
[INFO] should handle #'s in filenames properly - 0.048s
[INFO] should handle spaces in filenames properly - 0.045s
[INFO] should handle percent-encoded filenames - 0.1s
[INFO] should handle backslashes in filenames even though there's no good reason to use them regardless of platform - 0.088s
[INFO] should be able to chmod real files with vfs urls - 0.041s
[INFO] should be able to read file after chmod from a stat - 0.111s
[INFO] should chmod inside vfs archive when directory mounted on filesystem - 0.045s
[INFO] should be able to create new files with vfs urls - 0.041s
[INFO] should allow rm_rf and mkdir_p of vfs path - 0.074s
[INFO] expand_path
[INFO] should handle relative non-vfs path - 0.032s
[INFO] should handle relative to vfs path - 0.043s
[INFO] should expand paths relative to VFS urls as VFS - 0.04s
[INFO] should expand paths relative to VFS pathnames as VFS - 0.05s
[INFO] should expand absolute Pathname objects correctly - 0.055s
[INFO] should return first path when given two vfs paths - 0.037s
[INFO] Tempfiles
[INFO] should be created in default dir - 0.039s
[INFO] should be created in a non-vfs directory - 0.049s
[INFO] should be created in a vfs directory - 0.035s
[INFO] open
[INFO] should return File when called on File with VFS url - 0.034s
[INFO] should return File when called on File without VFS url - 0.034s
[INFO] should find files by pathnames - 0.072s
[INFO] should respect binary mode for vfs files that don't yet exist - 0.081s FAILED
[INFO] should respect binary mode for vfs files that already exist - 0.039s FAILED
[INFO] new
[INFO] should return File when called on File with VFS url - 0.036s
[INFO] should return File when called on File without VFS url - 0.033s
[INFO] should create objects that respond to lstat for files in an archive - 0.035s
[INFO] should provide size for normal files - 0.035s
[INFO] should throw NOENT for size of non-existant files - 0.042s
[INFO] should provide size? for normal files - 0.039s
[INFO] should not throw NOENT for size? of non-existant files - 0.041s
[INFO] should provide mtime for normal files - 0.039s
[INFO] should report writeable-ness for normal files - 0.033s
[INFO] should allow writing with truncation via open() - 0.037s
[INFO] should allow writing with appending via open() - 0.039s
[INFO] should allow writing new files via - 0.037s
[INFO] should allow stat for normal files - 0.039s
[INFO] should not return a stat for missing files - 0.045s
[INFO] should provide mtime for files in an archive - 0.049s
[INFO] should allow stat for files in an archive - 0.029s
[INFO] should provide mtime for files in a nested archive - 0.034s
[INFO] should test existance of normal files - 0.031s
[INFO] should test existance of files in an archive - 0.032s
[INFO] should test directoryness for normal files - 0.036s
[INFO] should test directoryness for files within an archive - 0.074s
[INFO] should test directoryness for non-existant files - 0.048s
[INFO] should test fileness for normal files - 0.053s
[INFO] should test fileness for files within an archive - 0.048s
[INFO] should provide size for normal files - 0.035s
[INFO] should throw NOENT for size of non-existant files - 0.034s
[INFO] should provide size? for normal files - 0.029s
[INFO] should not throw NOENT for size? of non-existant files - 0.037s
[INFO] should provide mtime for normal files - 0.031s
[INFO] should report writeable-ness for normal files - 0.03s
[INFO] should allow writing with truncation via open() - 0.043s
[INFO] should allow writing with appending via open() - 0.044s
[INFO] should allow writing new files via - 0.034s
[INFO] should allow stat for normal files - 0.032s
[INFO] should not return a stat for missing files - 0.035s
[INFO] should provide mtime for files in an archive - 0.043s
[INFO] should allow stat for files in an archive - 0.038s
[INFO] should provide mtime for files in a nested archive - 0.11s
[INFO] should test existance of normal files - 0.033s
[INFO] should test existance of files in an archive - 0.051s
[INFO] should test directoryness for normal files - 0.028s
[INFO] should test directoryness for files within an archive - 0.04s
[INFO] should test directoryness for non-existant files - 0.031s
[INFO] should test fileness for normal files - 0.035s
[INFO] should test fileness for files within an archive - 0.062s
[INFO] should provide size for normal files - 0.071s
[INFO] should throw NOENT for size of non-existant files - 0.034s
[INFO] should provide size? for normal files - 0.028s
[INFO] should not throw NOENT for size? of non-existant files - 0.034s
[INFO] should provide mtime for normal files - 0.032s
[INFO] should report writeable-ness for normal files - 0.035s
[INFO] should allow writing with truncation via open() - 0.032s
[INFO] should allow writing with appending via open() - 0.041s
[INFO] should allow writing new files via - 0.031s
[INFO] should allow stat for normal files - 0.03s
[INFO] should not return a stat for missing files - 0.03s
[INFO] should provide mtime for files in an archive - 0.039s
[INFO] should allow stat for files in an archive - 0.034s
[INFO] should provide mtime for files in a nested archive - 0.035s
[INFO] should test existance of normal files - 0.038s
[INFO] should test existance of files in an archive - 0.035s
[INFO] should test directoryness for normal files - 0.035s
[INFO] should test directoryness for files within an archive - 0.039s
[INFO] should test directoryness for non-existant files - 0.029s
[INFO] should test fileness for normal files - 0.028s
[INFO] should test fileness for files within an archive - 0.037s
[INFO] path joinage
[INFO] should work for relative paths - 0.03s
[INFO] should work for absolute paths - 0.031s
[INFO] should work for vfs paths - 0.032s
[INFO] should handle a subset of vfs params - 0.029s
[INFO] dirname
[INFO] should properly handle non-vfs paths - 0.043s
[INFO] should return vfs paths when given a vfs path - 0.037s
[INFO] chown
[INFO] should handle vfs paths - 0.055s
[INFO] utime
[INFO] should handle vfs paths - 0.041s
[INFO] subclasses
[INFO] should open an instance of the subclass - 0.033s
[INFO] ** spec/file_test_spec.rb
[INFO] should delegate to - 0.005s
[INFO] should delegate to File.exist? - 0.002s
[INFO] should delegate to File.exists? - 0.003s
[INFO] should delegate to File.file? - 0.004s
[INFO] should delegate to File.readable? - 0.006s
[INFO] should delegate to File.writable? - 0.003s
[INFO] should delegate to File.size - 0.012s
[INFO] ** spec/io_spec.rb
[INFO] IO extensions for VFS
[INFO] with vfs absolute paths
[INFO] read
[INFO] should allow reading of regular files - 0.012s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within an archive - 0.007s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within a nested archive - 0.007s
[INFO] should honor the length argument - 0.007s
[INFO] should honor the offset argument - 0.007s
[INFO] readline
[INFO] should allow reading a regular file - 0.009s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within an archive - 0.007s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within a nested archive - 0.006s
[INFO] with normal absolute paths
[INFO] should allow reading of regular files - 0.006s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within an archive - 0.008s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within a nested archive - 0.007s
[INFO] should honor the length argument - 0.005s
[INFO] should honor the offset argument - 0.005s
[INFO] should allow reading a regular file - 0.007s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within an archive - 0.007s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within a nested archive - 0.008s
[INFO] with vfs relative paths
[INFO] should allow reading of regular files - 0.008s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within an archive - 0.005s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within a nested archive - 0.008s
[INFO] should honor the length argument - 0.006s
[INFO] should honor the offset argument - 0.007s
[INFO] should allow reading a regular file - 0.009s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within an archive - 0.009s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within a nested archive - 0.008s
[INFO] with normal relative paths
[INFO] should allow reading of regular files - 0.027s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within an archive - 0.008s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within a nested archive - 0.008s
[INFO] should honor the length argument - 0.009s
[INFO] should honor the offset argument - 0.008s
[INFO] should allow reading a regular file - 0.005s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within an archive - 0.007s
[INFO] should allow reading of files within a nested archive - 0.009s
[INFO] ** spec/jdbc_spec.rb
[INFO] JDBC Extensions for VFS
[INFO] DriverManager
[INFO] getConnection
[INFO] should call get_connection_with_properties if passed two arguments - 0.009s
[INFO] should call get_connection_with_username_password if passed three arguments - 0.007s
[INFO] get_connection_with_properties
[INFO] should delegate to original method - 0.004s
[INFO] should fall back to connect directly - 0.019s
[INFO] get_connection_with_username_password
[INFO] should delegate to original method - 0.005s
[INFO] should fall back to connect directly - 0.011s
[INFO] ** spec/pathname_spec.rb
[INFO] Pathname extensions for VFS
[INFO] realpath
[INFO] should expand VFS paths - 0.004s
[INFO] should find real path for non-VFS paths - 0.004s
[INFO] should not find vfs paths to be relative - 0.002s
[INFO] should find real relative paths to be relative - 0.002s
[INFO] should find real absolute paths to not be relative - 0.002s
[INFO] ** spec/vfs_dir_spec.rb
[INFO] TorqueBox::VFS::Dir
[INFO] entries
[INFO] should find vfs entries outside of archives - 0.007s
[INFO] should find vfs entries inside of archives - 0.015s
[INFO] ** spec/vfs_spec.rb
[INFO] VFS path resolution
[INFO] resolve_within_archive
[INFO] should return pathnames with vfs: prefix unmodified - 0.001s
[INFO] resolve_path_url
[INFO] should prefix relative paths with the current dir - 0.002s
[INFO] should not prefix absolute paths with the current dir - 0.001s
[INFO] should treat paths with windows drive letters as absolute - 0.001s
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Failures
[INFO] spec/dir_spec.rb
[INFO] 46:Dir extensions for VFS with absolute paths should ignore dotdirs by default
[INFO] 52:Dir extensions for VFS with absolute paths should handle trailing double splats
[INFO] 46:Dir extensions for VFS with relative paths should ignore dotdirs by default
[INFO] 52:Dir extensions for VFS with relative paths should handle trailing double splats
[INFO] 46:Dir extensions for VFS with vfs paths should ignore dotdirs by default
[INFO] 52:Dir extensions for VFS with vfs paths should handle trailing double splats
[INFO] spec/file_spec.rb
[INFO] 210:File extensions for VFS open should respect binary mode for vfs files that don't yet exist
[INFO] 220:File extensions for VFS open should respect binary mode for vfs files that already exist
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Completed in 8.308s WITH FAILURES
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Passing...249
[INFO] Pending...0
[INFO] Failing...8
[INFO] Total.....257
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 18.446s
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Sep 23 13:15:19 CDT 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 8M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal de.saumya.mojo:rspec-maven-plugin:0.28.4:test (run-specs) on project torquebox-vfs: There were test failures -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
mvn -s ../../support/settings.xml test 36.58s user 2.26s system 195% cpu 19.856 total
dudley@kima gems/vfs :> jruby -J-classpath /Users/dudley/code/torquebox/gems/vfs/target/dependencies/jboss-logging.jar:/Users/dudley/code/torquebox/gems/vfs/target/dependencies/jboss-logmanager-log4j.jar:/Users/dudley/code/torquebox/gems/vfs/target/dependencies/jboss-logmanager.jar:/Users/dudley/code/torquebox/gems/vfs/target/dependencies/jboss-vfs.jar:/Users/dudley/code/torquebox/gems/vfs/target/dependencies/log4j.jar -S rspec spec
1) Dir extensions for VFS with absolute paths should ignore dotdirs by default
Failure/Error: items.size.should eql(33)
expected 33
got 32
(compared using eql?)
# org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
2) Dir extensions for VFS with absolute paths should handle trailing double splats
Failure/Error: items.size.should eql(6)
expected 6
got 5
(compared using eql?)
# org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
3) Dir extensions for VFS with relative paths should ignore dotdirs by default
Failure/Error: items.size.should eql(33)
expected 33
got 32
(compared using eql?)
# org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
4) Dir extensions for VFS with relative paths should handle trailing double splats
Failure/Error: items.size.should eql(6)
expected 6
got 5
(compared using eql?)
# org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
5) Dir extensions for VFS with vfs paths should ignore dotdirs by default
Failure/Error: items.size.should eql(33)
expected 33
got 32
(compared using eql?)
# org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
6) Dir extensions for VFS with vfs paths should handle trailing double splats
Failure/Error: items.size.should eql(6)
expected 6
got 5
(compared using eql?)
# org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
7) File extensions for VFS open should respect binary mode for vfs files that don't yet exist
Failure/Error: data = in_path )
No such file or directory
# org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
8) File extensions for VFS open should respect binary mode for vfs files that already exist
Failure/Error: data = path )
No such file or directory
# org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
# org/jruby/ `collect'
Finished in 8.06 seconds
257 examples, 8 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/dir_spec.rb:46 # Dir extensions for VFS with absolute paths should ignore dotdirs by default
rspec ./spec/dir_spec.rb:52 # Dir extensions for VFS with absolute paths should handle trailing double splats
rspec ./spec/dir_spec.rb:46 # Dir extensions for VFS with relative paths should ignore dotdirs by default
rspec ./spec/dir_spec.rb:52 # Dir extensions for VFS with relative paths should handle trailing double splats
rspec ./spec/dir_spec.rb:46 # Dir extensions for VFS with vfs paths should ignore dotdirs by default
rspec ./spec/dir_spec.rb:52 # Dir extensions for VFS with vfs paths should handle trailing double splats
rspec ./spec/file_spec.rb:210 # File extensions for VFS open should respect binary mode for vfs files that don't yet exist
rspec ./spec/file_spec.rb:220 # File extensions for VFS open should respect binary mode for vfs files that already exist
jruby -J-classpath -S rspec spec 19.73s user 1.45s system 176% cpu 12.011 total
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border-left: 5px solid #C20000;
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<div class="rspec-report">
<div id="rspec-header">
<div id="label">
<h1>RSpec Code Examples</h1>
<div id="summary">
<p id="totals">&nbsp;</p>
<p id="duration">&nbsp;</p>
<div class="results">
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 0px;">
<dt id="example_group_1">Dir extensions for VFS</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_2">with vfs urls</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('0.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing within archives with explicit vfs</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('0.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing within nested archives with explicit vfs</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('1.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should create new Dirs</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_3">with absolute paths</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">makeRed('rspec-header');</script>
<script type="text/javascript">makeRed('example_group_3');</script>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('1.5');</script>
<dd class="spec failed">
<span class="failed_spec_name">should ignore dotdirs by default</span>
<div class="failure" id="failure_0">
<div class="message"><pre>
expected 33
got 32
(compared using eql?)
<div class="backtrace"><pre>org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
org/jruby/ `catch'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `load'
-e:1:in `(root)'</pre></div>
<pre class="ruby"><code><span class="linenum">27</span> end
<span class="linenum">28</span>
<span class="offending"><span class="linenum">29</span> raise(</span>
<span class="linenum">30</span> end
<span class="linenum">31</span>
<span class="linenum">32</span><span class="comment"># gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting</span></code></pre>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('1.9');</script>
<dd class="spec failed">
<span class="failed_spec_name">should handle trailing double splats</span>
<div class="failure" id="failure_0">
<div class="message"><pre>
expected 6
got 5
(compared using eql?)
<div class="backtrace"><pre>org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
org/jruby/ `catch'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `load'
-e:1:in `(root)'</pre></div>
<pre class="ruby"><code><span class="linenum">27</span> end
<span class="linenum">28</span>
<span class="offending"><span class="linenum">29</span> raise(</span>
<span class="linenum">30</span> end
<span class="linenum">31</span>
<span class="linenum">32</span><span class="comment"># gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting</span></code></pre>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('2.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle Rails 2 glob-related arglebargle</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('2.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should ignore dotfiles by default</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('3.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should match dotfiles if explicitly asked</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('3.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not find non-existent files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('3.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('4.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on a single normal file</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('4.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('5.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('5.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for nested archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('5.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('6.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide access to entries</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('6.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide iteration over its entries</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('7.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow appropriate globbing of normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('7.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should determine if VFS is needed for archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('7.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should determine if VFS is needed for nested archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('8.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should determine if VFS is needed with relative paths</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('8.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow character-class matching</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('8.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing on normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('9.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('9.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing with trailing comma</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('10.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing with internal globs</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('10.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow for double-star globbing within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('10.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing of an array of patterns</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('11.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should match only directories if trailing slash</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('11.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow for multiple single-star globbing</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('12.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing of multiple patterns via []</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('12.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing of a single pattern via []</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('12.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should create new Dirs</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_4">with relative paths</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">makeRed('example_group_4');</script>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('13.2');</script>
<dd class="spec failed">
<span class="failed_spec_name">should ignore dotdirs by default</span>
<div class="failure" id="failure_0">
<div class="message"><pre>
expected 33
got 32
(compared using eql?)
<div class="backtrace"><pre>org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
org/jruby/ `catch'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `load'
-e:1:in `(root)'</pre></div>
<pre class="ruby"><code><span class="linenum">27</span> end
<span class="linenum">28</span>
<span class="offending"><span class="linenum">29</span> raise(</span>
<span class="linenum">30</span> end
<span class="linenum">31</span>
<span class="linenum">32</span><span class="comment"># gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting</span></code></pre>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('13.6');</script>
<dd class="spec failed">
<span class="failed_spec_name">should handle trailing double splats</span>
<div class="failure" id="failure_0">
<div class="message"><pre>
expected 6
got 5
(compared using eql?)
<div class="backtrace"><pre>org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
org/jruby/ `catch'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `load'
-e:1:in `(root)'</pre></div>
<pre class="ruby"><code><span class="linenum">27</span> end
<span class="linenum">28</span>
<span class="offending"><span class="linenum">29</span> raise(</span>
<span class="linenum">30</span> end
<span class="linenum">31</span>
<span class="linenum">32</span><span class="comment"># gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting</span></code></pre>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('14.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle Rails 2 glob-related arglebargle</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('14.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should ignore dotfiles by default</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('14.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should match dotfiles if explicitly asked</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('15.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not find non-existent files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('15.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('15.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on a single normal file</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('16.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('16.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('17.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for nested archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('17.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('17.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide access to entries</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('18.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide iteration over its entries</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('18.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow appropriate globbing of normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('19.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should determine if VFS is needed for archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('19.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should determine if VFS is needed for nested archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('19.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should determine if VFS is needed with relative paths</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('20.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow character-class matching</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('20.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing on normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('21.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('21.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing with trailing comma</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('21.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing with internal globs</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('22.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow for double-star globbing within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('22.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing of an array of patterns</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('22.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should match only directories if trailing slash</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('23.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow for multiple single-star globbing</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('23.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing of multiple patterns via []</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('24.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing of a single pattern via []</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('24.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should create new Dirs</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_5">with vfs paths</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">makeRed('example_group_5');</script>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('24.9');</script>
<dd class="spec failed">
<span class="failed_spec_name">should ignore dotdirs by default</span>
<div class="failure" id="failure_0">
<div class="message"><pre>
expected 33
got 32
(compared using eql?)
<div class="backtrace"><pre>org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
org/jruby/ `catch'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `load'
-e:1:in `(root)'</pre></div>
<pre class="ruby"><code><span class="linenum">27</span> end
<span class="linenum">28</span>
<span class="offending"><span class="linenum">29</span> raise(</span>
<span class="linenum">30</span> end
<span class="linenum">31</span>
<span class="linenum">32</span><span class="comment"># gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting</span></code></pre>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('25.2');</script>
<dd class="spec failed">
<span class="failed_spec_name">should handle trailing double splats</span>
<div class="failure" id="failure_0">
<div class="message"><pre>
expected 6
got 5
(compared using eql?)
<div class="backtrace"><pre>org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
org/jruby/ `catch'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `load'
-e:1:in `(root)'</pre></div>
<pre class="ruby"><code><span class="linenum">27</span> end
<span class="linenum">28</span>
<span class="offending"><span class="linenum">29</span> raise(</span>
<span class="linenum">30</span> end
<span class="linenum">31</span>
<span class="linenum">32</span><span class="comment"># gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting</span></code></pre>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('25.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle Rails 2 glob-related arglebargle</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('26.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should ignore dotfiles by default</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('26.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should match dotfiles if explicitly asked</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('26.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not find non-existent files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('27.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('27.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters on a single normal file</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('28.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('28.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('28.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for nested archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('29.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing without any special globbing characters for within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('29.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide access to entries</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('29.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide iteration over its entries</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('30.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow appropriate globbing of normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('30.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should determine if VFS is needed for archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('31.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should determine if VFS is needed for nested archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('31.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should determine if VFS is needed with relative paths</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('31.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow character-class matching</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('32.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing on normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('32.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('33.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing with trailing comma</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('33.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow alternation globbing with internal globs</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('33.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow for double-star globbing within archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('34.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing of an array of patterns</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('34.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should match only directories if trailing slash</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('35.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow for multiple single-star globbing</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('35.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing of multiple patterns via []</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('35.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow globbing of a single pattern via []</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('36.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should create new Dirs</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_6">mkdir</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('36.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should mkdir inside vfs archive when directory mounted on filesystem</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_7">chdir</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('36.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should require a block be passed</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('37.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should work for vfs paths</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('37.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should work for home dirs</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 0px;">
<dt id="example_group_8">File extensions for VFS</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('38.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should report writable-ness for VFS urls</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('38.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not loop infinitely</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('38.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not report a file is there when it's not</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('39.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle vfs urls as readable</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('39.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should report readable-ness for files inside vfs archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('40.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should report readable-ness for non-existent files inside vfs archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('40.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle #'s in filenames properly</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('40.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle spaces in filenames properly</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('41.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle percent-encoded filenames</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('41.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle backslashes in filenames even though there's no good reason to use them regardless of platform</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('42.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should be able to chmod real files with vfs urls</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('42.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should be able to read file after chmod from a stat</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('42.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should chmod inside vfs archive when directory mounted on filesystem</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('43.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should be able to create new files with vfs urls</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('43.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow rm_rf and mkdir_p of vfs path</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_9">expand_path</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('43.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle relative non-vfs path</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('44.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle relative to vfs path</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('44.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should expand paths relative to VFS urls as VFS</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('45.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should expand paths relative to VFS pathnames as VFS</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('45.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should expand absolute Pathname objects correctly</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('45.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should return first path when given two vfs paths</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_10">Tempfiles</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('46.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should be created in default dir</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('46.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should be created in a non-vfs directory</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('47.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should be created in a vfs directory</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_11">open</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('47.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should return File when called on File with VFS url</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('47.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should return File when called on File without VFS url</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('48.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should find files by pathnames</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">makeRed('example_group_11');</script>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('48.6');</script>
<dd class="spec failed">
<span class="failed_spec_name">should respect binary mode for vfs files that don't yet exist</span>
<div class="failure" id="failure_0">
<div class="message"><pre>No such file or directory</pre></div>
<div class="backtrace"><pre>org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
org/jruby/ `catch'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `load'
-e:1:in `(root)'</pre></div>
<pre class="ruby"><code><span class="linenum">90</span>
<span class="linenum">91</span> if ( ! create && ! virtual_file.exists )
<span class="offending"><span class="linenum">92</span> raise Errno::ENOENT</span>
<span class="linenum">93</span> end
<span class="linenum">94</span>
<span class="linenum">95</span><span class="comment"># gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting</span></code></pre>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('49.0');</script>
<dd class="spec failed">
<span class="failed_spec_name">should respect binary mode for vfs files that already exist</span>
<div class="failure" id="failure_0">
<div class="message"><pre>No such file or directory</pre></div>
<div class="backtrace"><pre>org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
org/jruby/ `catch'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `collect'
org/jruby/ `load'
-e:1:in `(root)'</pre></div>
<pre class="ruby"><code><span class="linenum">90</span>
<span class="linenum">91</span> if ( ! create && ! virtual_file.exists )
<span class="offending"><span class="linenum">92</span> raise Errno::ENOENT</span>
<span class="linenum">93</span> end
<span class="linenum">94</span>
<span class="linenum">95</span><span class="comment"># gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting</span></code></pre>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_12">new</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('49.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should return File when called on File with VFS url</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('49.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should return File when called on File without VFS url</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('50.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should create objects that respond to lstat for files in an archive</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_13">with absolute paths</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('50.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide size for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('50.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should throw NOENT for size of non-existant files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('51.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide size? for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('51.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not throw NOENT for size? of non-existant files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('52.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide mtime for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('52.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should report writeable-ness for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('52.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow writing with truncation via open()</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('53.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow writing with appending via open()</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('53.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow writing new files via</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('54.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow stat for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('54.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not return a stat for missing files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('54.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide mtime for files in an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('55.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow stat for files in an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('55.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide mtime for files in a nested archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('56.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test existance of normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('56.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test existance of files in an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('56.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test directoryness for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('57.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test directoryness for files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('57.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test directoryness for non-existant files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('57.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test fileness for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('58.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test fileness for files within an archive</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_14">with relative paths</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('58.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide size for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('59.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should throw NOENT for size of non-existant files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('59.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide size? for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('59.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not throw NOENT for size? of non-existant files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('60.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide mtime for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('60.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should report writeable-ness for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('61.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow writing with truncation via open()</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('61.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow writing with appending via open()</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('61.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow writing new files via</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('62.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow stat for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('62.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not return a stat for missing files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('63.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide mtime for files in an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('63.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow stat for files in an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('63.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide mtime for files in a nested archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('64.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test existance of normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('64.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test existance of files in an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('64.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test directoryness for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('65.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test directoryness for files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('65.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test directoryness for non-existant files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('66.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test fileness for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('66.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test fileness for files within an archive</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_15">with vfs paths</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('66.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide size for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('67.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should throw NOENT for size of non-existant files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('67.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide size? for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('68.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not throw NOENT for size? of non-existant files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('68.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide mtime for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('68.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should report writeable-ness for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('69.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow writing with truncation via open()</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('69.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow writing with appending via open()</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('70.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow writing new files via</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('70.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow stat for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('70.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not return a stat for missing files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('71.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide mtime for files in an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('71.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow stat for files in an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('71.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should provide mtime for files in a nested archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('72.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test existance of normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('72.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test existance of files in an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('73.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test directoryness for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('73.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test directoryness for files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('73.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test directoryness for non-existant files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('74.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test fileness for normal files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('74.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should test fileness for files within an archive</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_16">path joinage</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('75.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should work for relative paths</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('75.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should work for absolute paths</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('75.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should work for vfs paths</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('76.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle a subset of vfs params</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_17">dirname</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('76.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should properly handle non-vfs paths</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('77.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should return vfs paths when given a vfs path</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_18">chown</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('77.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle vfs paths</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_19">utime</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('77.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should handle vfs paths</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_20">subclasses</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('78.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should open an instance of the subclass</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 0px;">
<dt id="example_group_21">File extensions for VFS</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('78.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should delegate to</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('78.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should delegate to File.exist?</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('79.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should delegate to File.exists?</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('79.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should delegate to File.file?</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('80.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should delegate to File.readable?</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('80.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should delegate to File.writable?</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('80.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should delegate to File.size</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 0px;">
<dt id="example_group_22">IO extensions for VFS</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_23">with vfs absolute paths</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_24">read</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('81.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of regular files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('81.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('82.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within a nested archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('82.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should honor the length argument</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('82.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should honor the offset argument</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_25">readline</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('83.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading a regular file</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('83.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('84.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within a nested archive</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_26">with normal absolute paths</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_27">read</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('84.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of regular files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('84.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('85.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within a nested archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('85.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should honor the length argument</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('85.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should honor the offset argument</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_28">readline</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('86.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading a regular file</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('86.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('87.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within a nested archive</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_29">with vfs relative paths</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_30">read</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('87.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of regular files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('87.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('88.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within a nested archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('88.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should honor the length argument</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('89.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should honor the offset argument</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_31">readline</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('89.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading a regular file</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('89.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('90.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within a nested archive</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_32">with normal relative paths</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_33">read</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('90.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of regular files</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('91.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('91.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within a nested archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('91.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should honor the length argument</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('92.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should honor the offset argument</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_34">readline</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('92.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading a regular file</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('92.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within an archive</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('93.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should allow reading of files within a nested archive</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 0px;">
<dt id="example_group_35">JDBC Extensions for VFS</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_36">DriverManager</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_37">getConnection</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('93.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should call get_connection_with_properties if passed two arguments</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('94.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should call get_connection_with_username_password if passed three arguments</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_38">get_connection_with_properties</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('94.5');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should delegate to original method</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('94.9');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should fall back to connect directly</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 30px;">
<dt id="example_group_39">get_connection_with_username_password</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('95.3');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should delegate to original method</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('95.7');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should fall back to connect directly</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 0px;">
<dt id="example_group_40">Pathname extensions for VFS</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_41">realpath</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('96.1');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should expand VFS paths</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('96.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should find real path for non-VFS paths</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('96.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not find vfs paths to be relative</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('97.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should find real relative paths to be relative</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('97.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should find real absolute paths to not be relative</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 0px;">
<dt id="example_group_42">TorqueBox::VFS::Dir</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_43">entries</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('98.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should find vfs entries outside of archives</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('98.4');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should find vfs entries inside of archives</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 0px;">
<dt id="example_group_44">VFS path resolution</dt>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_45">resolve_within_archive</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('98.8');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should return pathnames with vfs: prefix unmodified</span></dd>
<div class="example_group">
<dl style="margin-left: 15px;">
<dt id="example_group_46">resolve_path_url</dt>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('99.2');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should prefix relative paths with the current dir</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('99.6');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not prefix absolute paths with the current dir</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('100.0');</script>
<dd class="spec passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should treat paths with windows drive letters as absolute</span></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('duration').innerHTML = "Finished in <strong>8.301 seconds</strong>";</script>
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('totals').innerHTML = "257 examples, 8 failures";</script>
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