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Created October 6, 2014 19:33
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- name: Configure Ansible
hosts: guests
user: root
- name: Install Ansible
action: yum pkg=$item state=installed
- ansible
- git
- name: Create an Ansible user
action: user name=ansible
- name: Install our key as authorized
action: authorized_key user=ansible key="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCa4iPbNVUYq7Ibkvj/9qI8CmSqRRCXQ/SAg9OA7Md/1UjSMELiMZsGu4A1LHpl4ER8nIet/w78p0amueIYgvX7oVY0+3fkXRqhJzqzoFVG8GzRZgpk9z8qX8aa3Dtq4rIGBH9st5hEcp3xkeap4+sv9xDd6X8Bd5gvYaCwvbU/vlgE6iYNpp45QNEaUOx50jHD3zPU6jShuJm/SnKmxW2HjXMY9DesYil5Dh2ixrYHoFjT1G/S1y+5plpTmylymd73oeu2cl04ImfT99Iufn7GAgjisSSDFC4o04jzm8bAzMKPf8/0iN1UrHmuR9rvmRqo3yWb7LTYdygSmqDOe5FB ansible@workshop"
- name: Remove default Ansible hosts file
action: file dest=/etc/ansible/hosts state=absent
- name: Configure hosts file to talk to other guests
action: template src=../templates/etc/hosts dest=/etc/hosts
- name: Disable strict host key checking for the demo
action: copy src=../templates/etc/ssh/ssh_config dest=/etc/ssh/ssh_config
- name: Create Ansible environment
hosts: guests
user: ansible
- name: Prepare SSH directory
action: file dest=/home/ansible/.ssh state=directory mode=0700
- name: Copy private key
action: copy src=../id_rsa.workshop dest=/home/ansible/.ssh/id_rsa mode=0600
- name: Copy public key
action: copy src=../templates/root/ssh/ dest=/home/ansible/.ssh/
- name: Prepare Ansible directory
action: file dest=/home/ansible/workshop state=directory
- name: Clone git repo from command host
action: git repo=ansible@${master}:workshop/ dest=/home/ansible/workshop
- name: Correct private key permissions
action: file dest=/home/ansible/workshop/id_rsa.workshop mode=0600
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