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Last active February 16, 2019 14:27
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Tau Station Discreet work parser
#!/usr/bin/perl -ws
## Parse discreet work logs shown at
use strict; use warnings; use 5.014;
# -s disable summary info
# -h disable header
# -d disable data row
our ($s, $h, $d);
use Encode;
# Set to 1 to show ±error values to 95% confidence. Errors are pretty low,
# so leave off in general since many will mis-interpret as some kind of variance.
my $SHOW_ERRORS = 1;
my $file = shift;
open my $F, "<", $file or die "Error reading $file: $!";
my @chunks = do { local $/; split /\n\n+/, decode("UTF-8", scalar <$F>); };
my (@rv, $stat_count, %stat, %range);
my %tier = (ration => {}, stim => {});
for (@chunks) {
my %report;
for (split /\n/, $_) {
if (/received ([\d.]+) credits/) {
$report{cr} += $1;
update_range(\%range, Credit => $1);
elsif (/(\w+) stat has increased by ([\d.]+)\./) {
$report{stat} += $2;
update_range(\%range, Stat => $2);
elsif (/^\+([^=]+)(?:=([\d.]+))?/) {
my ($item, $value) = ($1, $2);
if ($item =~ /Food and water daily ration tier (?<tier>\d+)|Tier (?<tier>\d+) Ration/i) {
elsif ($item =~ /^(?:Str|Agi|Sta|Soc|Int|Civ|Mil) T0?(\d+)\-/) {# new naming scheme
elsif ($item =~ / Stim, (v\d+)\./) {# old naming scheme
elsif ($value) {
$report{weapon} += $value;
else {
say STDERR "WARNING: Unknown item or missing weapon value in: $_";
elsif (/^(?:!|You have received.*? ')(?:Food and.*?tier (?<tier>\d+)|Tier (?<tier>\d+) Ration)/i) {
elsif (/^You have received.*? '(?:Str|Agi|Sta|Soc|Int|Civ|Mil) T0?(\d+)\-/) {
elsif (/^You have received.*? '.* Stim, (v\d+)\.[\d.]+'/) {
elsif (/received (\d+) bonds?/) {
$report{bond} += $1;
elsif (/received ([\d.]+) bonus credits/) {
$report{cr} += $1;
elsif (/^You no longer have .*?/) {
# Carried (can steal) but not keeping
elsif (/completed the "Anonymous" mission/) { }
elsif (/^\s*#/) { }
else { say STDERR "WARNING: Can't parse line: $_"; }
push @rv, \%report if %report;
die "No mission results found\n" unless @rv;
my %report;
my $count = @rv;
my ($first, @rest) = @rv;
for my $field (qw/ cr stat bond weapon ration stim /) {
my ($m_a, $s_i) = ($$first{$field}//0, 0);
my $m_b;
my $i = $$first{$field} ? 1 : 0;
for my $rec (@rest) {
next unless $$rec{$field};
my $x = $$rec{$field};
# on-line calculation of variance (Welford's method) Calculate mean
# and variance from only those missions which give this reward.
$m_b = $m_a + ($x - $m_a) / $i;
$s_i = $s_i + ($x - $m_a) * ($x - $m_b);
$m_a = $m_b;
# Percent of missions which pay out this reward
my $p = $i/$count;
$report{$field} = $m_a * $p;
$report{"${field}_sd"} = ($i > 1) ? sqrt($s_i / ($i - 1)) : 0;
if ($i > 1) {
# Standard error at 95% confidence level
my $err_a = $report{"${field}_sd"} / sqrt($i);
# But we want error bars on (p * mean), so:
# err_product = mean_product * sqrt( (err_A / mean_A)^2 + (err_B / mean_B)^2 )
my $err_p = sqrt($p * (1-$p) / $count);
$report{"${field}_err"} = $report{$field} * sqrt(($err_a/$m_a)**2 + ($err_p/$p)**2);
else {
$report{"${field}_err"} = "???";
my (@th, @tr);
push @th, "||~ Station";
push @tr, "|| {STATION} _\n (of $count missions)";
push @th, "||~ Credits";
push @tr, cell(cr => 2);
push @th, "||~ Stat";
push @tr, cell(stat => 3);
push @th, "||~ Bonds";
push @tr, cell(bond => 2);
push @th, "||~ Weapons _\n (sell for)";
push @tr, cell(weapon => 2);
push @th, "||~ Rations";
push @tr, cell(ration => 3, (%{$tier{ration}} ? (comment => "tier " . join(", ", sort keys %{$tier{ration}})) : ()));
push @th, "||~ Stims";
push @tr, cell(stim => 3, comment => join(", ", sort keys %{$tier{stim}}));
my @stat_pct;
for my $s (sort { $stat{$b} <=> $stat{$a} } keys %stat) {
push @stat_pct, sprintf "%s: %.0f%%", uc(substr($s, 0, 3)), 100*$stat{$s}/$stat_count;
push @th, "||~ Stats affected";
push @tr, "|| " . join(", _\n ", @stat_pct);
# Report!
say "Processed $count instances" unless $s;
say "$_ range: $range{$_}[0]–$range{$_}[1]" for grep $range{$_} && !$s, qw/ Stat /;
say "@th ||" unless $h;
say "@tr ||" unless $d;
sub cell {
my ($field, $digits, %opt) = @_;
$opt{align} //= ">";
my @rv;
if ($report{$field}) {
push @rv, "||$opt{align}";
push @rv, sprintf "**%.*f**", $digits, $report{$field};
push @rv, (
"[[size smaller]]" .
(($report{"${field}_err"} =~ /[^\d.]/)
? ("±" . $report{"${field}_err"})
: sprintf("±%.*f", $digits, $report{"${field}_err"})
) .
else {
push @rv, "||= —";
push @rv, "_\n ($opt{comment})" if $opt{comment};
return join(" ", @rv);
sub update_range {
my ($h, $key, $val) = @_;
if ($$h{$key}) {
$$h{$key}[0] = $val if $val < $$h{$key}[0];
$$h{$key}[1] = $val if $val > $$h{$key}[1];
} else {
$$h{$key} = [ $val, $val ];
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