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Created October 5, 2013 16:48
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  • Save dufferzafar/6843205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dufferzafar/6843205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Timer based backup
* Backup Buddy
* Compress and Backup folders every
* @dufferzafar
* Script Settings
* Do not touch if you are unsure of anything.
#SingleInstance Force
#KeyHistory 0
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
Name := "Backup Buddy"
Version := "v0.7"
* Global Variables
* Edit only if you are sure enough.
; The path to 7Zip executable. Make sure 7z.dll is present too.
7ZipPath := "Data\7z.exe"
; Folders to backup
; Source := "D:\I, Coder\@ GitHub\backup-buddy"
Sources =
( LTrim Join|
D:\I, Coder\@ GitHub\backup-buddy
D:\I, Coder\@ GitHub\win-butler
; The directory where the backups will be saved
Destination := "F:\Backups"
; A password if you want the backups to be protected.
Password := ""
; Time in minutes when the backups will be performed
Period := 0.5
; ######################## Script Begins ########################
OnExit, CloseMe
; Modify the Menu
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Tip, %Name% ; %Version%
Menu, Tray, Add, &Open Backup Directory, OpenBackups
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, &Suspend, SuspendMe
Menu, Tray, Add, &Exit, CloseMe
; Set the icon if it exist
IfExist, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\White.ico
Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\White.ico
Menu, Tray, Icon ;Else show default icon
; Let the user know we have started
TrayTip, %Name% %Version%,
Ready for backups...
Consult readme for usage instructions.
SetTimer, RemoveTrayTip, 2500
; ######################## Preparatory ########################
; Create the root if it doesn't exist
FileCreateDir, %Destination%
; Compression method to use. See 7Zip help.
Method := "-mx9"
; Assume yes on all stuff
Yes := "-y"
; If Password is provided - use it.
If (Password != "")
PSwitch := "-p" . Password . " -mhe"
PSwitch := ""
; ExcludeFiles := "-xr!*.ahk"
; ExcludeFolders := "-xr!Help"
; Params = %Destination%\%DestDir%\%FileName%.7z "%Source%" %Yes% %Method% %ExcludeFiles% %ExcludeFolders%
; FileDelete, %Destination%\%DestDir%\*.7z ; delete previous ones
SetTimer, Backup, % Period * 60 * 1000
Return ; End of Auto Execute Section
; ######################## Core Logic #########################
* Loop through sources and backup them
* Todo: What if the source doesn't exist?
; SetTimer, SwapIcon, 500
Loop, Parse, Sources, |
SplitPath, A_LoopField, FolderName
DestDir := Destination "\" FolderName
If FileExist(A_LoopField)
FileName = %A_DD%-%A_MMM%-%A_YYYY%-%A_Hour%-%A_Min%-%A_Sec%
Params = %DestDir%\%FileName%.7z "%A_LoopField%" %Yes% %Method% %PSwitch%
; Msgbox, Params
Run, % 7ZipPath . " a " . Params, %A_ScriptDir% , Hide
TrayTip, %Name% %Version%,
Backups Done!
SetTimer, RemoveTrayTip, 2500
; ######################## Misc. Stuff ########################
* Miscellaneous Routines
Run, %Destination%
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off
SetTimer, RemoveTrayTip, Off
Suspend, Toggle
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