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Created September 19, 2015 15:59
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function Copy-SQLTable {
Copies a table from a source database and inserts it into the target database.
Takes all the data from the source database and inserts it into the target database with the same name.
Specifies the table name to be copied from the source and inserted into the target.
.PARAMETER SourceServer
Specifies source server DNS name and instance, use ServerName\InstanceName.
.PARAMETER SourceDataBase
Specifies the source database name.
.PARAMETER TargetDatabase
Specifies the target database name.
.PARAMETER TargetServer
SPecifies the target server DNS name and instance, user ServerName\InstanceName.
Copy-SQLTable -TableName 'OmahaPSUG_Computers' -SourceServer 'SQL01\SQLEXPRESS' -SourceDataBase 'OmahaPSUG' -TargetDatabase 'OmahaPSUG_BK' -TargetServer 'SQL01\SQLEXPRESS'
$SourceConnectionString = "server=$SourceServer;database=$SourceDataBase;trusted_connection=true"
$TargetConnectionString = "server=$TargetServer;database=$TargetDatabase;trusted_connection=true"
$Data = Get-DatabaseData -connectionString $SourceConnectionString -query "Select * from $TableName" -isSQLServer
$Data = $Data[1..($Data.Count)]
$Columns = (Get-DatabaseData -connectionString $SourceConnectionString -query "SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM $SourceDataBase.information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '$TableName' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION" -isSQLServer).Column_Name
foreach ($c in $Columns){$InsertColumns += $c+','}
Foreach ($Value in $Data) {
$array = $Value.ItemArray
foreach ($a in $array){
$values += "'"+$a+"'"+','
$Values = $Values.Trim(',')
$query = "Insert Into $TableName ($InsertColumns) Values ($Values)"
$Values = $null
Invoke-DatabaseQuery -connectionString $TargetConnectionString -query $query -isSQLServer
Copy-SQLTable -TableName 'OmahaPSUG_Computers' -SourceServer 'SQL01\SQLEXPRESS' -SourceDataBase 'OmahaPSUG' -TargetDatabase 'OmahaPSUG_BK' -TargetServer 'SQL01\SQLEXPRESS'
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