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Created November 7, 2015 21:22
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Disables Computers and moves them to the specified OU.
function Disable-ADComputer {
Disables Computers and moves them to the specified OU.
Take string or object input for computers then disables each one and moves to the specified ou
then outputs errors to a log file.
Name of computer or computers
Specifies the Distinguished Name of the OU the device will be moved to.
Specifies the domain in which to query for the computer given to the ComputerName parameter. If left blank it will query the domain of the currently logged on user.
.PARAMETER Description
By default this will append to the existing description of the computer object and append any text given to this parameter.
Allows the use of alternate credentials in for form doman\user.
Disable-ADComputer -Identity computer1 -DisabledOU 'OU=Computers,OU=Disabled Accounts,DC=domain,DC=com' -Description "CR00001' -Domain -Verbose -whatif
Disable-ADComputer -Identity computer1 -PSCredential domain\user -Description "CR00002" -verbose
[string]$Domain = (Get-ADDomain).DNSroot,
[string]$Description = $null,
[string]$ErrorLog = "$env:SystemDrive\retry.txt",
Write-Verbose -Message "Starting Disable-ADComputer"
if ($PSCredential){
$SecurePassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Password" -AsSecureString
$PSCredential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $PSCredential,$SecurePassword
foreach($ID in $Identity){
Try {
$GetParms = @{
'Identity' = $ID
'Server' = $Domain
if ($Description) {$GetParms.Add('Properties','Description')}
if ($PSCredential) {$GetParms.Add('Credential',$PSCredential)}
$ComputerInfo = Get-ADComputer @GetParms
$Description = $($ComputerInfo.Description) + " "+ $Description
$SetParms = @{
'Identity' = $ID
'Server' = $Domain
'Enabled' = $false
if ($Description -ne ' ') {$SetParms.Add('Description',$Description)}
if ($PSCredential) {$SetParms.Add('Credential',$PSCredential)}
Write-Verbose -Message "Disabling $ID"
Set-ADComputer @SetParms
if ($DisabledOU){
$MoveParms = @{
'Identity' = $($ComputerInfo.DistinguishedName)
'TargetPath' = $DisabledOU
'Server' = $Domain
if ($PSCredential) {$MoveParms.Add('Credential',$PSCredential)}
Write-Verbose -Message "Moving $ID to $DisabledOU"
Move-ADObject @MoveParms
Catch [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException]{
Write-Warning -Message "$Identity was not found"
Write-Output -InputObject $Identity | Out-File $ErrorLog
Catch {
Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message
Write-Verbose -Message "Finished"
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