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Created June 8, 2017 19:09
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Trying to reproduce an issue with default scopes and paper_trail starting with Rails 5.1
# Use this template to report PaperTrail bugs.
# Please include only the minimum code necessary to reproduce your issue.
require "bundler/inline"
# STEP ONE: What versions are you using?
gemfile(true) do
ruby "2.3.1"
source ""
gem "activerecord", "5.1.1"
gem 'rspec', '3.6.0'
gem "paper_trail", "7.0.3", require: false
gem "sqlite3"
require "active_record"
require "logger"
# Please use sqlite for your bug reports, if possible.
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:")
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
# STEP TWO: Define your tables here.
create_table :mailing_lists, force: true do |t|
t.string :name
t.boolean :active, default: true
t.timestamps null: false
create_table :versions do |t|
t.string :item_type, null: false
t.integer :item_id, null: false
t.string :event, null: false
t.string :whodunnit
t.text :object, limit: 1_073_741_823
t.text :object_changes, limit: 1_073_741_823
t.integer :transaction_id
t.datetime :created_at
add_index :versions, %i[item_type item_id]
add_index :versions, [:transaction_id]
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
require "paper_trail/config"
# STEP THREE: Configure PaperTrail as you would in your initializer
PaperTrail::Config.instance.track_associations = false
require "paper_trail"
# STEP FOUR: Define your AR models here.
class MailingList < ActiveRecord::Base
has_paper_trail ignore: :updated_at
validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true
default_scope { where(active: true).order(:name) }
require 'rspec'
require 'rspec/autorun'
#PaperTrail::Rails::Engine.eager_load! #
# STEP FIVE: Please write a test that demonstrates your issue.
RSpec.describe "with default_scope" do
it "validations are working" do
MailingList.create(name: "1")
expect{MailingList.create!(name: "1")}.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid).with_message(/Name has already been taken/)
it "default_scope is working" do
expect(MailingList.all.to_sql).to eq "SELECT \"mailing_lists\".* FROM \"mailing_lists\" WHERE \"mailing_lists\".\"active\" = 't' ORDER BY \"mailing_lists\".\"name\" ASC"
it "paper_trail works on attributes not in the default_scope" do
mailing_list = MailingList.create(name: "Foo")
expect(mailing_list.reload.versions.count).to eq 1
mailing_list.update(name: "Bar")
expect(mailing_list.reload.versions.count).to eq 2
it "issue changing attribute within the default_scope" do
mailing_list = MailingList.create(name: "Nope")
expect(mailing_list.reload.versions.count).to eq 1
mailing_list.update(active: false)
expect(mailing_list.reload.versions.count).to eq 2
# STEP SIX: Run this script using `ruby my_bug_report.rb`
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