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Last active December 25, 2019 19:08
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import React, { Component } from 'react'; // Bad import, "Component" is a named import within the react library. No more than 1 default export per file
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import queryAPI from 'queryAPI';
class ShowResultsFromAPI extends Component { // Removed "()" after the Component class extension
constructor(props) { // props argument missing here
// Removed "this.container" in this position as it didn't serve any purpose
// Added state initilization
this.state = {
data: null,
error: false,
queryDelay: this.props.apiQueryDelay // Copy over this value from props to our state so that we can control it
onDisableDelay = () => { // Switched to arrow function to keep "this" context
this.state.queryDelay = 0; // Shouldn't not alter props directly. Instead take control of the prop by storing it in our state and modify as needed
handleClick = async () => { // Switched to arrow function to keep "this" context
if (this.state.queryDelay !== 0) { // Switch to state instead of using the prop
setTimeout(async () => {
await this.fetchData()
}, this.state.queryDelay); // Switch to state instead of using the prop
} else {
await this.fetchData() // Directly call the method if the delay was set to 0, no timeout required
fetchData = async () => { // Switched to arrow function to keep "this" context
try {
const response = await queryAPI() // Switched to async/await syntax for code clarity
if ( {
error: false
} else {
this.setState({ error: true }) // No data, set error to true
} catch (_) {
this.setState({ error: true }) // Error, set error to true
render() {
// 1. Removed if statement from the JSX as that is invalid JSX. Used variable instead to prep content
// 2. The variable "error" by itself is undefined. I switched that to refer to "this.state.error"
// 3. Surrounded the whole JSX with a div element as multiple elements at root level isn't valid JSX
// 4. Switched call to variable "data" to "" as that's where the data is
// 5. Replaced "Button" (capital B) with a standard <button> with the type of "button". The initial capitalized button isn't imported as a component, therefore invalid
const content = this.state.error ? (<p>Sorry - there was an error with your request.</p>) :
return (
<div class="content-container" ref="container">{content}</div>
<button type="button" onClick={this.onDisableDelay}>Disable request delay</button>
<button type="button" onClick={this.handleClick}>Request data from endpoint</button>
// Removed "displayName" as it's not serving a big purpose.
ShowResultsFromAPI.defaultProps = {
apiQueryDelay: 1500 // default to something other than 0
ShowResultsFromAPI.propTypes = {
apiQueryDelay: PropTypes.number // Use the "PropType" as React.PropType was deprecated in 15.5
export default ContentContainer; // exported component as the default
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