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Last active May 26, 2018 10:39
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Find image reprints
import json
import os
from itertools import combinations
from pymongo import MongoClient
from collections import deque
def group_lists(list_of_lists):
'''Combine all items in list_of_lists that share
an element recursively, until no two share an item'''
queue = deque( sorted(list_of_lists, key=lambda x:min(x)) )
grouped = []
while len(queue) >= 2:
print('queue length', len(queue))
s1 = set(queue.popleft())
s2 = set(queue.popleft())
if s1 & s2:
queue.appendleft(s1 | s2)
if queue:
return [list(i) for i in grouped]
def get_image_id_to_type():
'''Return a mapping from image id to image type'''
print(' * fetching metadata')
db = MongoClient().eea
# map each image id to its image type
image_id_to_type = {}
query = {'images': {'$exists': True, '$ne': []}}
projection = {'images': 1, '_id': 0}
records = list(db.ecco.find(query, projection))
for record in records:
for image in record['images']:
image_id_to_type[image['image_id'].replace('.TIF', '')] = image['type']
return image_id_to_type
def get_match_groups():
'''Return a list of lists where each sublist indicates a list
of records that are sufficiently similar'''
# build a datastructure of found matches
match_groups = []
f = json.load(open('results.json'))
for idx, i in enumerate(f):
print(' * processed', idx, 'of', len(f), 'images')
match_set = set()
image_id = os.path.basename(i).replace('.jpg', '')
record_id = ''.join(image_id[:10])
image_type = image_id_to_type[image_id]
if image_type == 'music':
for match in f[i]:
dist = match['dist']
match_path = match['path']
match_image_id = os.path.basename(match_path).replace('.jpg', '')
match_type = image_id_to_type[match_image_id]
if match_type == 'music':
match_record_id = ''.join(match_image_id[:10])
# distance of 0 = identical file
if (dist < 0.4) and (dist > 0) and (record_id != match_record_id):
if list(match_set):
return match_groups
image_id_to_type = get_image_id_to_type()
match_groups = get_match_groups()
clustered = group_lists(match_groups)
with open('groups.json', 'w') as out:
json.dump(list(clustered), out)
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from image_match.elasticsearch_driver import SignatureES
from multiprocessing import Pool
from glob2 import glob
import json
imgs = glob('../copyright/data/ecco/images/originals/**/*.jpg')
cores = 32
es = Elasticsearch()
ses = SignatureES(es, timeout='120s', distance_cutoff=0.4)
def index(path):
'''Add an image to the index'''
except Exception as exc:
print(' ! error processing', path)
def query(path):
'''Query for an image'''
return [path, ses.search_image(path, all_orientations=True)]
except Exception as exc:
print(' ! error querying for', path, exc)
pool = Pool(cores)
for idx, r in enumerate(pool.imap(index, imgs)):
print(' * processed', idx+1, 'images')
pool = Pool(cores)
results = {}
for idx, r in enumerate(pool.imap(query, imgs)):
print(' * ran', idx+1, 'queries')
path, matches = r
results[path] = matches
with open('results.json', 'w') as out:
json.dump(results, out)
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