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Created May 1, 2012 09:32
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Name : gausstest.c
Author :
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Copyright : Your copyright notice
Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// swaprows - exchanges the contents of row0 and row1 in a 2d array
void swaprows(double** arr, long row0, long row1) {
double* temp;
temp = arr[row0];
arr[row0] = arr[row1];
arr[row1] = temp;
* Standard gaussian elimination with partial pivoting
* NB: Destructive!
void gelim(double** arr, long nrows, long ncols) {
//number of forward eliminations = ncols - 1
long col;
for (col = 0; col < ncols-1; ++col) {
long pivotrow = col;
//if matrix too short, we must abort
if (pivotrow >= nrows) {
// following is the pivoting.
// pivoting is done to improve the numerical stability of the algorithm,
// which is a fancy way of saying we want to reduce rounding errors.
// the basic idea here is that as eliminator we use the biggest coefficient
// in the column. The following search-and-swap is essentially equivalent to
// sorting rows by coefficients, descending, sorting by the first column first,
// then the second, and so on.
// initialize maxer
double max = arr[pivotrow][col];
long maxrow = pivotrow;
long row;
// find biggest value in remaining matrix
for (row = pivotrow+1; row < nrows; ++row) {
if (abs(arr[row][col]) > abs(max)) {
max = arr[row][col];
maxrow = row;
//swap max row up to pivot row
if (maxrow != pivotrow) {
//eliminate in all rows under the pivot row
for(row=pivotrow+1;row<nrows;++row) {
// following is the crucial elimination step.
// what we do here is that we want to zero out the
// coefficient at arr[row][col]. Because the only action we are allowed
// is to add or subtract a multiple of any row to/from another row,
// we have to take our pivot row and multiply it by a factor that
// will make it so the coefficient in the eliminating row equals the
// coefficient in the to-be-eliminated row.
// the solution of arr[pivotrow][col] * x = arr[row][col] is of course
// x = arr[row][col] / arr[pivotrow][col], and that is our factor.
// if arr[pivotrow][col] is zero, all coefficients in this column are zero.
if (0 == arr[pivotrow][col]) {
double factor = arr[row][col] / arr[pivotrow][col];
long elimcol;
for (elimcol=0;elimcol<ncols;++elimcol) {
arr[row][elimcol] = arr[row][elimcol] - arr[pivotrow][elimcol] * factor;
int main(void) {
long nrows = 3;
long ncols = 3;
double** arr2 = (double**) malloc(nrows * sizeof(double*));
long row;
for (row = 0; row < nrows; ++row) {
arr2[row] = (double*) malloc(ncols * sizeof(double));
arr2[0][0] = 3; arr2[0][1] = 3; arr2[0][2] = 3;
arr2[1][0] = 3; arr2[1][1] = 3; arr2[1][2] = 3;
arr2[2][0] = 3; arr2[2][1] = 3; arr2[2][2] = 3;
printf("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",arr2[0][0],arr2[0][1],arr2[0][2]);
printf("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",arr2[1][0],arr2[1][1],arr2[1][2]);
printf("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",arr2[2][0],arr2[2][1],arr2[2][2]);
printf("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",arr2[0][0],arr2[0][1],arr2[0][2]);
printf("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",arr2[1][0],arr2[1][1],arr2[1][2]);
printf("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",arr2[2][0],arr2[2][1],arr2[2][2]);
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