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Last active February 24, 2016 19:05
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  • Save dukeimg/c4e9e7e72fe4ef7fdd9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dukeimg/c4e9e7e72fe4ef7fdd9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Old editor directive
angular.module('filmer').directive 'document', ->
template = () ->
'<canvas id="editorWindow" style="background-color: rgba(255, 194, 93, 0.4)" width ="500px" height = "500px"></canvas>'
getMousePos = (canvas, evt) ->
rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
return {
x: evt.clientX - rect.left
y: evt.clientY -
drawEditor = (scope, element, attribute) ->
stage = new createjs.Stage('editorWindow')
createjs.Touch.enable(stage) # touch support
# Ticker
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
# Window resize
handleWindowResize = () ->
w = $('#window').width()
h = $('#window').height()
stage.canvas.height = h
stage.canvas.width = w
# Move
checkOffset = (e) ->
this.offset = {
x: this.x - e.stageX
y: this.y - e.stageY
handleMove = (e) ->
this.x = stage.mouseX + this.offset.x
this.y = stage.mouseY + this.offset.y
# Resize / Rotate
onEdit = false
handleEdit = (e, container) ->
if onEdit == false
onEdit = true
console.log('Starting edit')
bounds = container.children[0].getBounds()
coords = [[-4, -4, 8, 8], [bounds.width - 4, -4, 8, 8], [-4, bounds.height - 4, 8, 8], [bounds.width - 4, bounds.height - 4, 8, 8]]
point1 = new createjs.Shape()
point2 = new createjs.Shape()
point3 = new createjs.Shape()
point4 = new createjs.Shape()
points = [point1, point2, point3, point4]
resizeMode = (e, c) ->
console.log('Entering resize mode')
handleResize = () ->
create = (p, c, coords) ->"black").beginFill("green").rect(coords[i][0],coords[i][1],coords[i][2],coords[i][3])
p.on('pressmove', handleResize)
create point, c, coords for point, i in points
listener = c.children[0].on 'click', ->
c.children[0].off 'click', listener
rotateMode(e, container)
rotateMode = (e, c) ->
console.log('Entering rotate mode')
listener = c.children[0].on 'click', ->
c.children[0].off 'click', listener
resizeMode(e, container)
finishEdit = () ->
destroy = (i) ->
#for i in [1..container.children.length]
# destroy(i)
destroy i for i in [0..container.children.length]
container.children[0].removeAllEventListeners('click')'dblclick', listener)
onEdit = false
console.log('Finishing edit')
resizeMode(e, container)
listener = container.on('dblclick', finishEdit)
# Drop
getDropType = (e, ui) ->
switch $('.tool').attr('id')
when 'picture' then pictureRender(e, ui)
# Pictures
pictureRender = (e, ui) ->
canvas = document.getElementById('editorWindow')
coords = {
x: getMousePos(canvas, event).x
y: getMousePos(canvas, event).y
container = new createjs.Container()
picturePreload = (e, ui) ->
queue = new createjs.LoadQueue()
queue.on("fileload", dropPicture)
src: '/images/medium/missing.png'
type: createjs.AbstractLoader.IMAGE
dropPicture = (e) ->
image = new createjs.Bitmap(e.result)
container.x = coords.x - (image.image.width / 2)
container.y = coords.y - (image.image.height / 2)
container.on('mousedown', checkOffset)
container.on('pressmove', handleMove)
container.on 'dblclick', ->
handleEdit(e, container)
accept: '.tool'
drop: getDropType
# initialization
window.addEventListener("resize", handleWindowResize)
handleWindowResize() #initialization
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: template,
scope: {},
link: (scope, element, attribute) ->
drawEditor(scope, element, attribute)
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